SOG growers wanted !!!


Well-Known Member
It wasnt a question ,
i was admiring more than anythin else, to be inspired by something and not like it doesnt process to me . . so wtf!?
its nice to know forums are still plagued with hierarchy twats like urself tho.
No, u were being a whining cunt.
whats the difference between reading and researching?
whats the point in me wasting my time even replying?
im not sure - cunts like u are the bain of society . .
cheers for the great information
big love buddy
U shall have a slow and embarassing death here at RIU, little kid.


Well-Known Member
U shall have a slow and embarassing death here at RIU, little kid.
Easy CY you will make him cry and he will forget to hand water his bag seed one plant grow and then blame us. Oh and a note to laduche bag. Go to the very first post jackoff This is my thread so if i want to be an hierarchy twat I will !!!

I love that word twat lol


Well-Known Member
I think you all are misunderstanding each other. I don't think Chazel was being personal, just kinda saying fuck the haters. But whatever, thats just the vibe i got, or maybe Chazel didn't realize the slap boxing that goes on in this thread is f'n funny. Gonna stop talking now, you'z the bosses! lol bongsmilie:eyesmoke:


Well-Known Member
Werrn't we all like that at 1 time? I have to admit it is A learning exp some of us get it right away, some of us have to learn the hard way!


Well-Known Member
I think you all are misunderstanding each other. I don't think Chazel was being personal, just kinda saying fuck the haters. But whatever, thats just the vibe i got, or maybe Chazel didn't realize the slap boxing that goes on in this thread is f'n funny. Gonna stop talking now, you'z the bosses! lol bongsmilie:eyesmoke:
im glad soul got where i was coming from!

it was a pure love post man , and i see its your thread , hence my suprise when u came back with hostility . .

generic fuck u to haterz and time wasters may not have been idealy slipped in at the end but shit , theres way too many sections already covering anythin you could wanna know - but these guys still just chose to post the same old questions?
I took the time to read up on here aswell as the indoor bible ( yes its 1 plant from bagseed at the moment , but i know the % of first time sucess) I chose to learn on something that wouldnt matter to me so much , aswell as practise techniques some more tested than others -
reason i do this is so i can give noob insight to some noobs aswell as preparing for my bought strains ( which have now sprouted )

Im in a bad place right now as im a big medical user and iv been dry for over a week , that includes sleep - so my grumpy response was pretty twattish ( thats especially for u) - got myself a couple hours earlier and im feeling much better for it , might have took it a little to heart man - i can get sarcastic and slag off with the best of them just wasnt in the right mindframe for it.

like Rodney said - Can't we all just get along!?

The TWAT otherwise known as grumpyguts over and out X


Active Member
i would like this. ya i know its my first post, but i joined this website because i plan on starting an ebb and flow SOG setup and im gunna have questions.


Well-Known Member
Alright alright this needs to stop!! I understand that over all and technically this is a grow forum but for me and and i am sure some of the members here enjoy and appreciate the bullshit banter and whatnots that the great veterans give each other here on this and many others threads started by myself or bugs. Please forgive me if this banter offends you but if your truly here for just knowledge just ask your question and get the answer and move forward. When you bring yourself into the fray even by accident you have brought it on yourself so deal with it don't cry about it.

Hell if bugs cried every time i had sex with his mom he would have ended his life long ago.

This is a great thread if you want it to be.

if not then unsubscribe and get your knowledge somewhere else.

Ok i am done and off my soapbox. :weed:


Well-Known Member
THis is by far my favorite thread. Keep up the good work man. I truly think spark is bangin bugs mom for sure. And that bugs honestly believes bugs live inside of him.
But ive modeled my whole entire grow after u guys. Its awesome.


Well-Known Member
I just went and check'd on the flowering room and everything is running like clock work! I just got my hands on some white rhino clones and gonna get those going tonight.... I am germinating some strawberry cough beans as I type, and boy am I excited! This make A total of 6 strains so now I have to go and get A larger tray and I don't know how I am gonna get it past the GF.... So sparkafire how is ur stuff going? I just satup A E&F for my freind and had to draw pictures of what he had to do with it and I hope he dosn't drop the ball on it because I gave him A few of my strain's! I just can't get away from the E&F, it works damm good and if it ain't broke don't fix it! I am running up to the hydro shop tommorow and grabing the light mover I orderd.


New Member
I want spark to make me a few stick figure dudes banging certain peoples mom or teach me how to do it lmao.. Wow
:shock: your dead to just let any ol' random pecker in that trap of yours dont you? i hope you stub your toe while your jackin off and you sprain your ding dong :clap:

i would like this. ya i know its my first post, but i joined this website because i plan on starting an ebb and flow SOG setup and im gunna have questions.
well welcome, and read a lot and you will do well. hope we can help.

i am sure some of the members here enjoy and appreciate the bullshit banter and whatnots that the great veterans give each other here on this and many others threads started by myself or bugs.
listen you....we got a good thing going here....and if you wander to far off format then i'll take my ball and go home. i mean fuck , not even so much as a momma

Hell if bugs cried every time i had sex with his mom he would have ended his life long ago.
there we go.....i forgive you

and mom is to fat to pick up. dumb bitch....i swear if she dont quit fuckin my friends i'm gonna quit teaching her how to deep throat and swallow for dad.

THis is by far my favorite thread.
you are a thread whore...mines your fav....oitw is your fav....blablabla

Keep up the good work man.
i keep tellin you people not to encourage him. riu was quiet for a while then ya'll had to poke the damn bear again.

I truly think spark is bangin bugs mom for sure.
hahaha sparky fucks fat chicks

And that bugs honestly believes bugs live inside of him.
i know they dont.....they live on me. i only shower once a week and i spray myself with beneficial enzymes to feed the good bugs and keep my skin perfect for growing....that way i dont have to wash my hands when i'm taking clones. i'm a walking organic thingamabob

But ive modeled my whole entire grow after u guys. Its awesome.
sparky is a quitter
and i suck, so your even worse for listening to us.:-P


Well-Known Member
So i have a question, if clones wilt is there a chance they will come back? Or does that mean i f'd up and they are done?


Well-Known Member
So i have a question, if clones wilt is there a chance they will come back? Or does that mean i f'd up and they are done?
Depends.... How long ago did you cut them? if its been only a few hours your fine if its a few days you might be fuct. only time will tell.


Well-Known Member
there we go.....i forgive you

and mom is to fat to pick up. dumb bitch....i swear if she dont quit fuckin my friends i'm gonna quit teaching her how to deep throat and swallow for dad.

hahaha sparky fucks fat chicks

Yep I just took this one of your mom last night. Right before i rolled her in flour to find the wet spot.

sparky is a quitter

Yep i quit it after i hit it!!

and i suck,

Dont we all know it already?

so your even worse for listening to us.

Listen at your own risk :-P
I love you man!! :finger: LOL


Well-Known Member
Alright, time to get this thread back in shape.
My Blueberry and Super Snow Dog are in full force, ready to lay out 40 clones this weekend for the mother selection phase of my sog. I have 9 plants, 2 that I know would be perfect moms, but not sure if they will go hermie or not so I am running clones from all nine to be sure i have a solid female from each strain.

Bugs I have a cloning method even u can do.
Take a cut, put it in a cup of water, put cup by window, wait about 10 days. DONE! It works everytime. The only reason I don't only use this method is because transfering the clone to a medium will stunt it, but I would use this method over an aero cloner any day of the week.

I tried posting pics of my revitalized plantsbut it wouldn't upload so fuck it!


New Member
no thanks......r.r's for me, all the way. then into the aero for about a week of veg.....popped roots in 7-9 days ala "old in the way" (thank you) funny thing is i didnt learn anything i just needed to be reminded of the basics and how simple these plants are. couldnt be happier. aerocloning is awesome if you can work it out. i could not. rapid rooters are just to easy. so i let em go for a full 14 then put em in my an aeroveger ....for about a week and then into flower......holy shit ! sparky might even be proud of me one day. not holding my breath.