Island outdoor grow thread


Well-Known Member
I am starting my first OUTDOOR grow ever in hawaii, I have grown some bagseed indoor before. But now im getting a little more serious.

So far I got 10 Sativa Slang seds and 5 freebie "mazar-i-sharif" seeds.

I am going to germinate them in 2 weeks after putting them through the banana method. This is where I put the seeds with a banana peel in a ziploc bag for 2 weeks. Supposedly the ethelyne gas the rotting banana puts off will feminize my seeds.

I am going to be digging 5 galon deep holes in the ground, and filing them with a mixture of perilite, peat moss, potting soil, soil condiitoner, 16-16-16 all purpose fertilizer, blood meal, and the surounding clay-ish soil.

My arsenal also includes some fish emulsion, and some superthrive

I am going to be growing in the great outdoors. My biggest challange throughout this whole thing would have to be haulng all my supplies up tothe grow sit without detecton! I have to unload my supplies and hike them up from a residential location. thinking about using a hiking backpack and just loading a ton of my soil mixture in there and hiking it in.

Ill be posting more pics of my grow plot ect soon, gonna take another hike up there today to start preparing the soil (aka digging holes)

ANY advice at all pertaining to anything I am doing during this grow is highly welcomed.

Wil be updating thread as I go along



New Member
you gonna grow bananas? what strain is that, bananahaze ? Bananaberry? Banana Spliff ( haha I just made that shit up ,, HAHAH banana spliff = banana split !! HAHAHAa ) ?

damn im baked


Active Member
Never heard of that banana method before, good luck on it. Ill check on this thread later.


Well-Known Member
It has been used on other legal crops (inducing seeds to ethylene gas) and sure enough 100% of the seeds came out as female seeds. Not sure how this might work with marijuana seeds though.

I Just moved the seeds out of the plastic bag, was getting dangerously wet in there. Moved em to a paper bag, that should work.


Well-Known Member
How many seeds do you have in that bag? I'm going to keep checking your thread to see how many come out Female if this method works that would be great. Good Luck


Well-Known Member
i bet you smoked banana leaf in intermediate as well... get those seeds out of there and put them in soil!!! neva mine da voodoo magic shit.


Well-Known Member
K so I got 2 mazars and 5 SAtiva slangs all cracked right now. Both mazars cracked in under 24 hours, and the sativa slangs took about 3 days or so.

heres a picture of both of the mazars which have sprouted after 2 days of being in the dirt.

I am trying to take closeup pictures but I just cant seem to do it with this camera. I dont think its that good for taking closeups, As you can see in one of the pictures, its one of those big cameras with the big lenses you can switch out. but anyway here they are.

As far as the banana method goes:
These 7 seeds all underwent the method for a week, the others are going for another week.

PS: I have been thinking about ordering some autoflowering dwarfs, any suggestions/smoke reports on some of them? I am most interested in the lowryder#2 and the lowlife ones, like the ak47 and white russian. Any suggestions?



Well-Known Member
Hey Grassified about the autos I like the Lowlife AK-47 better than the Lowryder#2 but that's just my opinion. Glad to hear ya had some come up as I've been checking in to see how things were coming along. Hope ya end up with all girls, good luck.


Well-Known Member
Hey Grassified about the autos I like the Lowlife AK-47 better than the Lowryder#2 but that's just my opinion. Glad to hear ya had some come up as I've been checking in to see how things were coming along. Hope ya end up with all girls, good luck.
nice grow op man. cant wait to see your plot. ill post pics of mine. im going to have to buy alot of soil :( anyways ya for the banana method... if you get the bananas when theyre green and put them in with your seeds and they turn yellow then brown. thats supposed to be the ultimate way to use the method. and if you use the peels with the plants are growing too. just my 2 cents :-? im going to start germing in 2 weeks. definetly using the banana method. :eyesmoke:


Well-Known Member
looking good couldnt you get a smaller shovel? that must have been hard to hide on the hike in and out. How long is the hike?


Well-Known Member
just hiked it in, never out, NO WAY lol. I just keep it in the grass next to the plot.

im on oahu, and I swear, nobody grows guerilla around here, wayy to hard to hike in the water because there are no accessible streams really. Plus too many hunters around looking for your WEED.

So its gonna be a challaneg, but hopefully I can overcome that and grow some chronic sativas!


Well-Known Member
Tell me about it im on Oahu aklso and was hiking today not looking for a spot just hiking and as I was walking along I started looking for good spots and found a few but id hate to,do all that work only to have it get riped. im staying indoors i thing. maybe 1 on 2 in the yard but that would be it. I gota get my med lisc still though. Know any good doctors to see?


Well-Known Member
I dont know any in hawaii, I only know a few from my cousin in california DocD, easy to get a med license there haha...

anyways here some more pictures of my Little pretties fresh in! I think im getting a little better at taking pics with this crazy camera.

And damn was the sunset beautiful today, atleast on oahu, did anybody else see it? Well ill post a crappy pic anyway lol, I wish I used the other lense now, would have been better, damn it was spectacular in real life.

Anyway, the first 2 are my Mazar-I-Sharif Seeds. #3 is the sunset. And #4 is my first Sativa slang peaking through the soil.

my seeds are going relatively slow though it seems. I guess its the short amounts of light we are getting plsu these damn clouds keep blocking the sun!



Well-Known Member
I dont know any in hawaii, I only know a few from my cousin in california DocD, easy to get a med license there haha...

anyways here some more pictures of my Little pretties fresh in! I think im getting a little better at taking pics with this crazy camera.

And damn was the sunset beautiful today, atleast on oahu, did anybody else see it? Well ill post a crappy pic anyway lol, I wish I used the other lense now, would have been better, damn it was spectacular in real life.

Anyway, the first 2 are my Mazar-I-Sharif Seeds. #3 is the sunset. And #4 is my first Sativa slang peaking through the soil.

my seeds are going relatively slow though it seems. I guess its the short amounts of light we are getting plsu these damn clouds keep blocking the sun!
chooo! im excited man i want to sprout mine so bad but i know patience will be a virtue. sprout next week :D :weed:


Well-Known Member
bongsmiliebongsmiliebongsmilieUpdate: Day ??

Alright heres an update, I forgot what day it was, some1 else do the math.:blsmoke:

All the seedlings seem to be doing good, apparently slow growing from what I have seen, but I guess its the low daylight hours.:-|

Been having problems with leaf miners on my mazar-I-sharifs:cry:, the sativas seem to be immune to the leaf miners though.

Just Cracked and planted 8 Lowryder #2's:mrgreen::mrgreen::mrgreen:, kept 2 for emergency purposes. I got 5 Mazar-I-sharif again with my order of Lowryders, even tough I told them I wanted a different freebie:evil:

they are all just breaking through the soil, nothing picture worthy yet.:joint:

Here are some pictures of the babies, about 2 weeks old, not sure exactly what age, but they are growing pretty slowly apparently.




Well-Known Member
Looking good. They are probably just growing slow above ground but building roots quick underground. Sprout, first few sets of leaves, roots, then crazy vegging action.

Looking good. I'm very interested in how the Lowryder #2 turns out. Wanted to try grow some this year but didn't have the $ to buy the seeds. Next year hopefully!