Well-Known Member
You do realize that unwanted children grow up to not be productive adults. They grow up to be criminals, rapists, car jackers, murders, etc.
This is bullshit. I was kicked out of my home at age 13, lived with family until I was 15, ended up homeless and saturated in tar heroin for 2.5 years..
Now I feel like I have accomplished quite a bit. I am a good parent. I make a good living, all 100% legit. I pay a lot of taxes. And I care about where my taxes go.
I would much rather see my taxes go to homeless centers like New Horizons Ministies in Seattle where I ended up on their door step dozens and dozens of times when I was a teen.
Than to go to botched, cruel, inhumain, and murderous abortions.
There is no doubt in my mind between spending money on one of the two, it would be to support the well being of these kids.
I may have asked you a few times. But did you see that youtube video of the partial birth abortion?
I just can't support this. I can not find a dark enough spot in my heart that I can conclude to myself that funding that shit is right.
And yes I do believe in right or wrong. So what?
And for Barack to bypass legalization which could save our nation.. Quite seriously as you well know..
INSTEAD of doing whats right, he funds something that is destroying our nation. Legalized murder that will now cost our nation 100's of millions more each year.
Paying people tax dollar who perform infancide..
I just can't find it in me to be ok with this.