Well-Known Member
Alright. I planted this plant like a month ago in late december. I wasnt expecting it to do anything cause of the cold but it made it through. Its about 6 inches now And the tops looks like its flowering.
I already posted a thread bout it and they said it would grow shorter cause of it.
I was wondering is it even gonna be big enough to get anything from it?
Heres a pic. Its not that good.
Sorry bro, didnt mean to skip your post. I had a plant that was like that this summer. I already had a full room of girls, and I guess a seed germinated in one of the girl's pots. It recieved 12/12 from sprout, and looked a lot like yours. I ended up yeilding like a bowl pack off of the top. The more light you can give it, the more its going to yeild, but I wouldnt expect to get high off it more than once or twice. But the picture may only be showing the top of it, so my guess may be off. Its still fun to grow it, even if it isnt much!