Home Depot Item Alert


Well-Known Member
well i was at HD picken up some foil duct tape and a few other things. in the duct section they have inline fans (the kind that come in the actual tube) ranging from 4" to 10". the 10" was on sale for 25 bucks. right next to it was an item ive heard people ask about, a plug in thermostat. you plug it in the wall then set the temp and plug shit in to it. when the temp reaches XX power kicks on the device plugged in. that was like 15 bucks. anyway, just lettin people know.


Well-Known Member
do you use those kinds of fans, the ones that are already in the tube? i've kinda been looking for some advice on those things..


Well-Known Member
me, no, but ive seen a few people on here with em and others asking about exhaust. ask away, i might be able to help


Well-Known Member
cool, thanks yo.... well do you think i should save some dollars and use one of those to exhaust a 4x4 grow tent? maybe just run it a couple extra minutes on the hour...


Well-Known Member
i dont know about hte actual benefits of it, besides cooler temps, but if i had a 4x4 tent i would use one.

Smiley D

Well-Known Member
Just a heads up,

Those duct booster fans will only move the CFMs they advertise with little to no back pressure.


Well-Known Member
Cool thanks for the heads up. These fans might be just the trick for some cooltubes I'm making now if the price is right at the store near me.
True they don't have a lot of power, but I don't need much.

I wonder if it's a local or national sale?


stays relevant.
im going to have to use some inline fans in the next op I set up, when I take advantage of my central air conditioning :)

Yeah home depot does have lots of stuff, but try finding good insulated ducting.


Active Member
If you look at the specs for that inline fan they are only 40 cfm free air and 80 cfm "boosted". I used one along with 2 pc fans running at 18V, I'm probably over 150 cfm.


Well-Known Member
If you look at the specs for that inline fan they are only 40 cfm free air and 80 cfm "boosted". I used one along with 2 pc fans running at 18V, I'm probably over 150 cfm.
thats for the 4"

the 6 is 160cfm

the 8 is 210 to 500cfm


Well-Known Member
i have a grow bright 4" inline duct fan 80cfm rated, more like 60, but works great for my little 2x3x3 box w diy carbon filter


Well-Known Member
so is that "back pressure" needed in a situation where the fan needs to push air through a carbon filter? or pull air through, whichever is better i dunno...


Well-Known Member
Those 6" fans are good for cooltube setups. You'll need somemore ummph to use with a carbon filter though.


Active Member
Yeah I forgot to state the size, but it's the same for them all, free air cfm is about half of what it says on the box. I don't think these would be ideal for push or pull by themselves, look at the distance between the fan blade and the side of the tube.

Smiley D

Well-Known Member
so is that "back pressure" needed in a situation where the fan needs to push air through a carbon filter? or pull air through, whichever is better i dunno...
I would definitely go with a high quality in-line if you're trying to push or pull through a filter.

I'm not sure of the technical terms to describe this.....I think the home depot duct fans lack the needed pressure for something like a carbon filter. They only really move air when placed in a free flowing duct or the like.

edit: posters above explained already, yea, look at the way the fan blade is situated in the tube


Well-Known Member
How do you wire one of those duct boosters? I see it has to be wired.


Its pretty simple, use a 3 prong power chord, white on white, black on black, green is ground.

Also these fans are rated for boosting air that is already moving. If you hook up some ducting and want to use only these fans you are going to have horrible results.

I tried one of the 6" 250CFMs for a single 6" reflector with NO ducting, after it got way too damn hot I had to buy some vortex fans.

I only use these things to boost my Vortex fans if Im running a lot of ducting with a lot of bends.
