Well-Known Member
Good eye. Actually they are oven liners. This last thanksgiving I saw one in the bottom of the oven and thought it would be perfect to use as a reflector. I also use the same kind of baking thingy we put the turkey in for a clone unit.
I always got growing on the brain, lol
I went to wallmart I think it was and got them.
They came in a package of two for like $5. Now I see most grocery stores carry them too. Cool thing is they are extremely light weight and if the plant pushes on them they will rise up. Well thats what I think will happen we will see.
I think whats going to happen on this grow is those plants on the sides will grow into the liners (reflector) and then move towards the light. lifting the liners a bit.
If I am wrong, I can just raise them. I got about five inches on the ends.
I always thought buds needed light on every side. Thats why people rotated plants in there grow.
Well after doing this a few times I realised that buds do not need light all around them to grow fat. One of the biggest buds last grow just received light from one side.
We are all constantly learning Thats one of the things that makes this so much fun. Well that and seeing the results at harvest time.
I know what you mean about asking questions when the info is in the journal. Its like READ IT MAN. But I dont care right now, I got plenty of time on my hands for about one more week. Then it's back to work.
Great idea, never would of thought of it.

I think i'll make something up for my other light, let ya' know when i do!! Thanks man!