Other Legal Highs?


Well-Known Member
ive never heard that you could trip off of morning glory or moon flower. could you guys tell me what you ingest on the plant and how:smoke,eat ect. cuz i think i have seeds of those on me right now!
Its the seeds...ppl also make tea with it. I don't know many ppl that have taken it and felt ok afterwards. Most of them vomitted :spew:..one ended up in the hospital. I'd just plant them in the ground and find something else.

Purple Hayze

Active Member
yea dude i wouldn't do something that would make me puke. any other legal trips that dont mess with your stomach?


Active Member
"Legal highs" that really work: Salvia Divinorium, Baby Hawaiian Woodrose Seeds, Morning Glory Seeds, Kava-Kava, San Pedro, and Peruvian torch cacti.

Why don't you just hop over to Erowid?
or basementshaman.com?

This stuff is all over the interner. But leave the legal smoking blends alone as they are a total waste of your money.


Well-Known Member
motion sickness pills get the non drowsy ones and eat the whole package and you will trip hard


Well-Known Member
motion sickness pills get the non drowsy ones and eat the whole package and you will trip hard
Please do not tell plp something like that.(you do not know the poss side effect that could occure)
And if you do listen to this garbage you could pos wind up in the er if not the morgue!!!

Lets not put out info that could poss harm someone.


Well-Known Member
Ok i did not want to sound like a ass but there are lest expereanced users out there that dont know the inns ands outs of the whole game.
It does matter what you have done, and our personel ex realy does not matter.
The point im trying to make is.............
It is all realitive to what you know!!!
The first time some one says just do it (RUN)!!
Use you head,your heart, and enjoy...


Well-Known Member
ive done it serval times with no bad effects but then again i have a high tolorence for drugs ive done amounts of drugs that would kill people and nothing happend to me i can out drink anyone without getting alcohol poisning too


Well-Known Member
I've actually got two peruvian torch cacti growing in a pot on my back porch. you can get them for pretty cheap. a 4 ft one costs about 30$ on ebay. that's about 4 trips.


Well-Known Member
Dextromethorphan hydrobromide.

Stick to Triple C's. I have no idea how Robotrippers stand doing all that.

Closed eye visuals, Open eye if you're lucky.

Don't take too much. I tripped so hard once it knocked me DIRECTLY into sleep. Didn't pass out, just went straight to sleep...


Well-Known Member
smoke some salvia leaf and take a few shots of what ever to the point where ur a lil more than tipsy. fill up a bowl in a bong and take a huge hit hold it as long as you can let it out and repeat till bowl is gon or till u cant smoke. i did this and i fuckin laughed my ass off!!!! idk what i was laughin at but my eyes were closed and i saaw animals at a zoo and shit. it was crazy, i was droolin alot!! i took 3 hits i caughed on my 3rd hit and couldnt smoke ne more cause i couldnt stop laughin


Well-Known Member
well i hope you guys are right i just made a peanut butter sandwich covered in morning glory seeds, which happens to have a texture like chunky peanut butter, ill be back tomarrow to tell u the details rite now im deseeding my teeth, hope i dont :spew: , i love that one... ill remember to
toke toke


Well-Known Member
i wanna get my hands on that san pedro, i just researched it for like 2 hours i bet that shit will really fuck you up...if anyone here wants to sell some ill pay good money i just hate the paypal and credit card b/s:mrgreen: :blsmoke:


Well-Known Member
i wanna get my hands on that san pedro, i just researched it for like 2 hours i bet that shit will really fuck you up...if anyone here wants to sell some ill pay good money i just hate the paypal and credit card b/s:mrgreen: :blsmoke:
yea i was too and whats crazy i think my mom has one of those and its 4 foot tall!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Well-Known Member
You really want to eat all of that cactii? Or even drink (or rather, gulp) cactus slurry? It's worth it, to be sure, but be sure you have enough. You should obtain at least over a foot if you're using San Pedro, although I suppose it depends on the effects you want. Some people do well off of six to eight inches. Unless you're a regular kitchen chemist, I wouldn't recommend trying to do a complete extraction and purification. Chemical burns hurt. Trust me. But if you have the expertise and the knowledge of how to use various solvents and reagents, you can end up with decent quality crystalline mescaline. Yum. Better to just swallow the cactus rather than risk blowing something up, including yourself. There isn't a whole lot of nauseau if you do it right.

And I would give you some cactii, but they have some growin' to do! I processed one of them a while back; one hell of a hassle, but worth the effort. Don't get Peruvian Torch, by the way. It nearly always has a lower alkaloid content on average compared to San Pedro.


Desired User Name

Well-Known Member
Tried some legal shit called kratom yesterday and I must say it was definitely worth my time. I mixed 7 grams of powdered kratom with water and drank it(most people make actual tea but I'm lazy) and within 20 minutes had a full high that felt like I just did some lines of coke, it seemed to increase into a pure opiate high after about an hour and lasted for another 3 hours. It also goes great with weed ;)

I'll test some yopo seeds tomorrow and see what happens, hoping a large dose will bring back my alien friends!


The Gardener
mexican mushrooms is the best legal high ive tryed i was trippin an giggling all nite with out the paranoia dont know if use can get them in the US should be able to get them online from the uk
would like to try that salvia sounds like it shouldent be legal lol


Well-Known Member
All of these should be legal, my friend. It's a travesty that people are so scared of it and thus, hate it.

Mexican mushrooms? What do you mean? Philosopher's stones? Psilocybe Cubensis Mexicana? Can you be more specific? And trust me, despite our draconian drug laws, almost everything you see in the U.K. has already been circulating around America for a long while before it hits that side of the pond. ;-) The Western hemisphere is where nearly all of the psychadelics originate.
