My white skunk


Active Member
Hi everyone.

My white skunk

Ok so here's the deal i had her in veg stage for 2 weeks 24/0 light cycle then when it got as tall as a coke can i forced flowered her by putting it in a light free space with 12 hours darkness everything had been going great just finished 5 weeks flowering stage then a animal ripped the poor girl to shreads with about 6-7 popcorn buds still attached
very angry about this i was thinking about ripping her up until i found a bud on the ground dried it smoked it down loved the taste and was potent so i decided to give it a second chance been in re-veg for about 3 months now and what i'm wondering is its getting 14.5 hours of light but seems like she just decided she wanted to flower from now on
iv'e never seen a plant do this would there be any reason for this maby something iv'e done?.



Active Member
Well took another pic of her and gave it some thrive flowering nutes still don't know why she is flowering with 14.5 hours of light but it doesn't bother me, will be an early harvest this year would anyone have a guess as to how much she will yeild? i'm hopeing to get at least 2 oz it is 50cm tall and 40cm wide.



Well-Known Member
I would say 1 1/2 oz dry from the looks of her, cant realy tell how big those buds are gonna be, could be anywhere from 1-5 oz though


Active Member
This might help to show how big she is the flowering time for this strain is 6 weeks but some people reckon even up to 8 weeks only been flowering 7 days so. It should have enough root space 40lt pot the branches are on average 20cm.



Active Member
This plant even in veg stage allways grew a small amount of pistols while most of her was doing its thing their was 2 branches right at the bottom that never seamed to revert back so i cut them off and dried it for about a week (stems snapped) it is pretty strong and a creeper takes about 15mins to kick in tastes sort of like mango x peach.



Active Member
I finally got some flowering nutes today iv'e only fed the plant twice during flowering because i didn't have much left and at only 1/4 strength i even had to give it a dose of veg nutes under desprite measures but only once anyway this is what it says on the packet.

Nitrogen as nitrate---8.8%
Nitrogen as Ammonium---3.6%
Nitrogen as Urea---2.6%

Total Nitrogen---15.0%

Total Phosphorus---4.0%

Total Potassium---26.0%

Magnesium as Sulphate---0.5%
Iron as Chelated Iron---0.18%
Manganese as Manganese Sulphate---0.04%
Zinc as Zinc Sulphate---0.02%
Boron as Sodium Borate---0.005%
Copper as Copper Sulphate---0.005
Molybdenum as Sodium Molybdate---0.002%

Is this good enough for the rest of the flowering stage? i have also got some potash if that would help I'll post some pics in a couple of hours.


Well-Known Member
Thats not a flowering nute. Thats a veg nute. You want something with nearly NO nitrogen, and a buttload of Phos. Something like 1-3-2 (which is the same as 10-30-20). I use a 10-15-10 to flower, but I'd rather have a 5-15-10 (which would also be the same as 10-30-20).


Well-Known Member
Dude those pictures are awesome, plus rep for you bro those are some fat nugs and a pretty plant too... I especially liked this picture

Keep updating as she goes along, and good luck from here to the end, the last couple weeks can be the most nerve wracking or just tiring


Active Member
Yea i reckon the pictures didn't turn out to bad but with flies buzzing around your face tripping over animals and the fact that every time i get the frame where i want it the wind blows the plant but they look better in (3968 x 2976) resolution though.