is 8 pounds good?


Well-Known Member
Im new to growing as most of you know,and i just harvested my first indoor plant i got 8 pounds dried is this good for a first time,and the second time around should i be able to double that.Because i will be going from a 400 hps to a 600 hps.The seeds came from an archeologist who found them in a clay pot dateing back 5000 years,he believes they came from the period of the biblical giant.


Well-Known Member
lets see pics.......i just finished under a 400hps

no way 8 lbs, one plant indoors..:roll:

is this a joke ?


New Member
i want proof.. show me pics. also seeds dont last that long. 5 yrs max if stored property. some say 6-7 but i doubt them also


Well-Known Member
Well I'm glad you said it because I didn't want to be mean.
That yield sucks, I harvested 26.5 pounds with 2 flashlights and a picture of the sun.:hump:
those flashlights must have been LED and the sun had to be a screen saver for that much light........get real :mrgreen:

but i believe you ??


Well-Known Member
I had one plant, it yielded 200 pounds, i just bent over and showed it my bum ole. I think this was the secret because obviously the sun shines out of me arse.


Well-Known Member
Nongreenthumb, that cracked me up.

Oh, and direct your "archaeologist" friend my way, Trapper. I'd like to have his degree in Creation Science Archaeology voided immediately. Of course, he'd probably be too busy searching for the remnants of Noah's Ark, or digging up the remains of the Leviathan to notice.

If you're even remotely serious... Geezus... Your friend, I hate to break it to you, is a crackpot, and he'd be laughed out of any academic community in a heartbeat. But if he's got the education, I'd looove to discuss his theories. I have a background in Anthropology, Archaeology, and Religion (and a familiarity with Biblical Studies). Yes, I'm over-educated. But I assure you, I can hold my own. :-D

Oh, and the oldest viable seed was about 2,000 years old. If what you claimed was true, you'd be making headlines around the world, no matter what your were growing. Drug enforcement wouldn't be able to touch you.



Well-Known Member
I put my plant in front of the TV and I harvested two unicorns, a Fabergé egg and one pre-rolled joint. Not really sure what this means but the seed harvested from the womb of a virgin.


Well-Known Member
hmm.. well really? i guess i will try to do that next time. But hey, im off to a meeting with the Mole-men that run the center of the world now. :D


New Member
lol good stuff. there were giants in the bible days, but no giant plants. that guy's crazy. the seed must have been even older then that. probably from the paleolithic era. that plant must have been huge!