*** Ask Dr. VonDankenstine ***

Update Doc: I just checked my water pH again - almost 8. water filtered by Brita filter is the same. Is distilled water a more neutral pH?
Stumps -Can't see the pics, attach em properly...

Ptrigger... What's the relative humidity?

That might be why it looks like a overwatering problem... Or lack of light... What's the lighting situation...

my humidity hovers right around 40. it is normally at 26 but i have a humidifier cause my house is very dry. as for lighting i have a 400 w mh light going about 24 inches away fromt the tops. the affected leaves are very dry n could crumble at the touch. the plant seems to be doing better today though. thanks for the help
what happens if you go over the recommended 10,000 lumens?

i've seen lots of plants grown that have that grassy smell, and this is even after trimming fan leaves, drying, then manicuring after about a week*norcal*, but sometimes it still smells grassy, what gives a plant the good smell?

if your making an intake vent, whats the best way to make sure light doesnt get through?
Ok so i'm going to be making a DIY carbon filter, the cylinder variety. I want to attach a 6" inline duct fan to the end of the filter, flange fan to 4" ducting and vent it into a 4" ceiling opening.

My question is, will an 6" inline duct fan, rated at 250cfm, have enough power to clear my roughly 240 square foot closet? (9'x3.5'x7.5') Will the filter slow it down alot? If so will i need a vortex type fan instead? Are inline duct fans loud? Will my 4in exhaust hole be a prob, really don't want to make bigger, i took out a lighting fixture to have it.. besides i'm pretty sure there would be a beam in the way anyway..

help with closet growroom venting

also journal is up to date, thanks for your time!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I bet not those inline fans are used to help push air they don't seem to have much push by them selfs.
Some use to go by the 80% red hair rule but it's not as good a gauge as looking at the trichomes. Show us a pick of the green bug. It sounds as if your within a week of harvest. Get you a 30x scope/jewelers loop/mechanics magnifying loop/postage collecting loop. many are under 20.00.

oh ok I see .. I think imma go with the more than 80% red hairs .. It's my first grow so I think for my first they look beautiful .. And I have learned alot throught this grow .. So imma give about 1 week and a half and chop it.. I'm thinking about jus hanging it upside down and in a cool dark place..
I know he does, he only washes his ass once a month... :clap: :lol:

Mr.Wiggles- The grass taste is trapped chlorophyl, something is going wrong in the drying/curing stage that's trapping the chlorophyl.

Either it's being dried too fast, or you're letting it dry too much without a cure...

Remove as much leaf as possible immediately after harvest before you hang to dry.

After a couple days the buds will be crispy and the stems still bendy, time to start the curing... You need to have a bit of moisture left in the plant so fermentation can occur and the sugars can convert to usable tasty form.

Either that, or they are harvesting waaaaay to early...?

i dont know what im doing wrong.....
im using water from a reverse osmosis system... ph 6.2
fert organic animal manure...
how does this soil base sound 2:1 ratio pro-mixhp and ocean forest foxfarm. i am also going with bmo nutes, when can i start using there super plant tonic??? is that a good organic base?? or should i go with just one or the other?? i heard a lot of people cut ocean forest because its hot for seedlings. what are your thoughts
My guess is deficiency, yellowing from the bottom up...

If it were yellowing and narled at the new growth, it's a burn...

Since it appears at the bottom, no worries... And if you really are in India, then I doubt commercial fertilizers are available... But since you're using an RO filter, and the pH is the proper range, you might want to go to the hydro store and get some quality nutrients... ;)
GJdubbs- might want to add a little perlite to the mix too, airation is key... And yeah, some say the OForest is "hot"

I don't know much/ havent used the BMO line, but I personally found great results supplementing a little synthetics along with an organic base... It's not necessary, and voids the "organic" appeal, but it works.

But don't start feeding until they've reached their 5th node, there's plenty of nutes in the OForest already.
yes ur right... the bottom leaves started gting yellow first
an yes im growing in india so the only fert i gt is manure... cow or wormi
do u have any idea what the def is???
if i dont order better fert will the quality of the bud reduce or just the quantity???

mmmmm what is the best seed to use if i want to grow outdoors in the himalayas... so i can rub charas.... im not in the parvati valley so the hash i gt here isnot very good
It's a micronutrient deficiency, common when you use RO water... Mainly calcium but other minerals like iron and magnesium are taken out of the water with an RO filter.

They can be supplemented back in with more micro from a three part nutrient regimen...

Or you could stop using RO water, and the minerals won't be filtered out.

It depends on what the situation is...

If you can aquire some bat or seabird guano, or fish emulsions, they have lots of benificial nutrients, compost food waste and animal manure for a good fertillizer...

Make sure you have a good soil mixture, plenty of sand for drainage, if the soil is mostly clay and rocks, you might have to bring in more topsoil...

There is so much you could do, but only so much I can help you with... I can't write a novel.

Do some research, there's plenty of info out there, you already know the proper pH level and are using an RO filter, so I call bullshit on the rest of your story...

Add more micro, if it's only a few leaves and the plant is mature and growing well, it's nothing to worry about, snip them off, they won't recover...

It's also common for a plant to drop fan leaves as the branches get larger, don't worry about it, it's totally natural.
It's a major phosphorus def----notice the dark green center with yellowing border around margins.
i only found soil fert.... will that work...
do i need to mix it into the soil or can i just top the pots with it???
how much should i use??? my plants r abt 2 months old
Hey doc, so i'm going to be flowering in a few weeks, hopefully less. I'm thinking that i'll get a 600w hps cooltube (c'mon refund!) i'm also making my own carbon filter just like this one; [F Cannagraphic Magazine Forums - DIY pro style carbon filter[/COLOR][/FONT]

For the fan(s) i'm going to try the stanley blower mod (ppl google it if ur ignorant, good blower on the cheap!)

The closet will be closed off with mylar, so how can i keep the tube cool, the filter working, and keep fresh air coming in? my only exhaust exit will be out of a 4in hole in ceiling.. :wall: I just want some advice on how i should run ducting and what not.

this is a general layout of the closet 9'x3.5'x7.5', pic a little outdated/uneducated, i change my mind alot, but you'll get the general idea;

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