Hydroponic Perpetual Grow Community


Well-Known Member
Hey guys! So after browsing around ...

My suggestion to you, based on personal experience, is to drop the DWC and go with EBB/FLOW...

I had WONDERFUL results with DWC, I am not shooting it down...

But the ebb/flow is so much easier and more reliable...

But that is just my 2 cents...

It's your grow.. go with what you know... :-P

Return of the Spork

Well-Known Member
Ebb/Flow is really easy and what I prefer for my system, but I am also running more than 1 plant at a time.

Since you will need to have two different areas for the mothers/veg and for flowering anyways, then you need to make sure they are mobile. If you put them in pots, you can just do ebb and flow and simply move the pot when it is time to flower. Then the problem is as you said, no ability to vary the nute levels to specific plants, so the tray idea is out. You could still do E/F but fill closed in pots instead, but that is too complicated.

For your application, and wanting to do hydro, I am going to stick with suggesting the DWC because each different pot is at whatever ppm you put in it, and the root masses are isolated as to not pass any pathogens from grow to grow. E/F limits that pathogen transfer through the seperate trays, you should do it with seperate bubblepots.
As far as DWC specifics, I cannot help much. I have seen them in big shared containers to 64oz plastic cups. Go check out the DWC forum for more help there.

There also is the soil option. Lots of people do it and love it, it is an unknown for me.

Return of the Spork

Well-Known Member
Today was a picture day, I choose this thread to show off. Again HPS light sucks but I muted it as much as I could.

One of the big plant colas (not a single cola grow) at day 32 flowering.
3 of one of the SoG plants at Day 50

And one of the first actual full tray that I will be harvesting soon.

I didn't end up doing half flush/half nutes. I currently just have them in nutes still (slightly lower but still practically full strength). I have some Final Phase I will bust in there the second I start seeing more amber, and finish off with just water. I realized that I am working so hard on other shit, I don't need to complicate matters right now. They look so juicy. Mmm.


Active Member
Damn Sporky, that shit's making my mouth water! Haha Thanks to both of ya for your input, it's why I'm here afterall :P

Anyways, I was thinking instead of having a harvest every 2wks, it's probably going to suit my needs better if I were to keep 2 mothers, then grow 6 clones at a time (3x2). I'll harvest all 6 together, hopefully yielding approx 6oz to cover until the next harvest. This should at least simplify my hydro setup a bit, since it will be ok for everything to be running off the same reservoir. Running 400w HPS and MH, is it reasonable to expect this kind of yield from 6 tops (perhaps if I used Uncle Bens to harvest 2 kolas per)? If you were wondering, I'm leaning towards a really indica-heavy hybrid for one, and a good 50/50 hybrid for the other.

Return of the Spork

Well-Known Member
That is a much better idea. It is fun to be perpetual, but the payoff comes in being able to do lots of plants and not just one.

If you give yourself enough space, those 6 can be as big as you want them to be. That is really going to be strain dependent, and then even phenotype dependent. I use 400W, growing Jack Herer, phenotype I cannot really say. They only doubled in size and remained fairly fat. I was expecting another 12 inches of growth on them so we will see what the other ones come out to.


Well-Known Member
Bigger clones or more veg equals more flowering growth. I keep em small until my new system is rolling on the schedule I want it to.


Well-Known Member
Today was a picture day, I choose this thread to show off. Again HPS light sucks but I muted it as much as I could.

One of the big plant colas (not a single cola grow) at day 32 flowering.
3 of one of the SoG plants at Day 50

And one of the first actual full tray that I will be harvesting soon.

I didn't end up doing half flush/half nutes. I currently just have them in nutes still (slightly lower but still practically full strength). I have some Final Phase I will bust in there the second I start seeing more amber, and finish off with just water. I realized that I am working so hard on other shit, I don't need to complicate matters right now. They look so juicy. Mmm.
Those are really nice Very nice


Well-Known Member
Does EVERYBODY think you have to have separate tanks for different stages?

I run one tank for all trays at a constant 1400 PPM...

ONE RES... ALL STAGES...bongsmilie

Return of the Spork

Well-Known Member
I currently have 1 tank to 1 tray that has 2 cycles in it, but that was out of need. I hate the idea of sharing nutes with multiple trays. If something bad goes down I want to lose 1 harvest, not 2-4. Plus I am going to experiment with additives and I need to keep things seperate in that case as well. Also I don't run the same level the full way around so that is another reason why it works better for me.


Well-Known Member
The problem Ive been having with the ABF is my clones are starting to flower 7 to 10 days after they are placed into the flower room. Once they start to flower they dont get very tall. The first ones that did this were clones I bought at a local clinic. They only got about 6 to8 inches tall and I got only 5 grams from 4 plants, very dissapointing. The crop I have now, are clones I cut from a plant I grew from seed. 10 days after they went to 12/12 they started to flower and are only about 4 or 5 inches tall. I have 4 clones in my veg that I think Im going to veg for longer than 2 weeks Im tired of waiting 8 weeks for one pipe load. Also Ive done 4 crops and not One was done in 8 weeks. I veg under 250mh and flower under 400hps. My veg and flower spaces are only 4x3 each. anybody else having these same type probs? ALSO, so whos the new ABF?


Well-Known Member
And one other thing. I see people talking about using 1400ppm and higher. If I get over 1100 my plants BURN. I use CANNA ( just like Al). On their web site they reccomend levels around 600 -800 moving up to about 1100. One guy here at riu talks about running 2000ppm. WHY is there such a defference in those amounts?


Well-Known Member
The problem Ive been having with the ABF is my clones are starting to flower 7 to 10 days after they are placed into the flower room. Once they start to flower they dont get very tall. The first ones that did this were clones I bought at a local clinic. They only got about 6 to8 inches tall and I got only 5 grams from 4 plants, very dissapointing. The crop I have now, are clones I cut from a plant I grew from seed. 10 days after they went to 12/12 they started to flower and are only about 4 or 5 inches tall. I have 4 clones in my veg that I think Im going to veg for longer than 2 weeks Im tired of waiting 8 weeks for one pipe load. Also Ive done 4 crops and not One was done in 8 weeks. I veg under 250mh and flower under 400hps. My veg and flower spaces are only 4x3 each. anybody else having these same type probs? ALSO, so whos the new ABF?
6-7 inches tall with the right care and strain, you should be able to pull off 2/8 an oz per plant. Easly. What strain was it? What light and nutes?

And one other thing. I see people talking about using 1400ppm and higher. If I get over 1100 my plants BURN. I use CANNA ( just like Al). On their web site they reccomend levels around 600 -800 moving up to about 1100. One guy here at riu talks about running 2000ppm. WHY is there such a defference in those amounts?
Every strain is differenct. Some can't take much some can take 3000ppm. I found that 1000-1200 is the sweet spot for the strain I use. Go figure!