Friend Stole Pipe

vandal gaidan

Active Member
One day me and a few close friends decided to drive to this cave about an hour away for the day.

I took my solo pipe since its metal and wouldn't break if it fell while we were climbing.

We get there and chill all day and smoke and just have a generally good time.

On the way back we are passing around the bowls and i didn't get mine back immediately which didn't really bother me since there was 4 other people in the truck and we all had weed so i figured one of them was just to lazy to pull there own bowls out so they were just packing mine. After an hour of hotboxing i completely forgot about my bowl. When i got home though i noticed it was gone and called my friend that had drove over and we looked through his truck with no luck in finding it.
I asked all of my friends if they had it and they said no.

I was pissed. One of my good friends had just stole a $75 bowl from me and i didnt know who it was.

Since these are my bestfriends i couldnt just stop hanging out with them.
Yesterday, about a month after this happened, i get a call from a dealer i know saying he saw one of my friends with my pipe.

I confronted him and he gave my bowl back and apologized 100 time and smoked a half o mids with me for free but i still dont know if i should be hanging out with him.

If this happened to you what would you do?

everyone else in the group just refuses to hang wit him now too.


Well-Known Member
Is he your friend because you have really good dope, and lots of it, and he mouches off you.


Active Member
personally i have great experience this one freind always did littl eshit like rip me off i leave money i know he found it type shit liek that and afer a wghile lit will eat you up it sounds lame but the more you think abotu it and see him youll get pissed thats why i ended beatign the fuckign shit out of the kid and i knew he sucked dick when he was 12 and i mad ehim admit it lol but thats my advice


Well-Known Member
some people are just pieces of shit, and it takes them awhile to figure it out. Just hang with other friends and dont worry about it


Well-Known Member
A wise old man once told me that you can count your friends on one hand and one hand only (during your whole lifespan). Everyone else is simply an acquaintance...

vandal gaidan

Active Member
Is he your friend because you have really good dope, and lots of it, and he mouches off you.
he use to mouch off me but i told him that shit had to stop so he started buyn alot and i mouched off him for a while to"get even"

and he doesnt always do this kinda stuff just this one time, but, thats one time to many i guess


Well-Known Member
If he stole your pipe and hid it from you until he was confronted then what else will he steal from you or your house? I would keep him at arms reach and not hang out with him unless you two are toking it up... keep your friends close and your enemies closer


stays relevant.
my question is what type of metal pipe is 75 dollars?

can i get a pic?
People are capable of making stupid decisions, it's our nature. I wouldn't scrap a friendship with someone over a pipe, but trust is an important thing to have. What you need to ask yourself is "Can I let this go, and trust this cat?"

He did JUST jack a pipe from you... Of course, he should have let you know within the first 30 days of having it. On the other hand, people tend to be lazy and forgetful.

I only see a few options

Forgive and forget
Forgive and be cautious
Never talk to the cat again

Is he worth giving the benefit of the doubt? You know, if your pipe ever goes missing again you'll likely know where it is at least.


stays relevant.
Keep in mind though, him jacking your $75 pipe- whether you or him see it this way or not is basically like him making you do work for him for a day (assuming you make only $75 a day)... So would you be okay with someone who just sits back and watches you bust your ass while they keep the rewards?

He probably didn't think of it that way though, keep that in mind.

Maybe you should tell him you have an issue with him...


Well-Known Member
I would def tell him whats up man and that if it happens again your gonna whoop some ars. When he explained it to you how did it go down did he forget that it was your pipe or something lol hold onto it cause he dont have one or what i'd defo stay on top of the situation man and not let that shit happen. I'll tell you this not one of my friends would steal my pipe and then lie to me about it.. cause as it goes we have a saying in my group..... We get rid of people like that, done with it!.... but thats just me there are millions of people that have potential to be your friend and you wanna hang with a thief naaa man i wouldn't be havin that shit


Well-Known Member
i was gonna say the exact same thing

haha yeah id be whooping the ass of the dude that sold me a metal pipe for 75 bucks

not my best friend who pocketed a metal pipe.

not to say its not worth 75 bucks. it could be some incredible looking thing that will blow my mind. but from your description it sounded like a little metal throw away that you can get for like 12 dollars. still waiting on that pic


Active Member
everyone else in the group just refuses to hang wit him now too.
Idk he did apologize and offered a peace toke so I would be chill with him but I'd keep an eye out for him and keep a closer on my shit because that sounds like a shisty muthafucka.


Well-Known Member
dude you drop him like a sack of shit. No if and's or butts. You paid 75 bucks for a learning put that money to good use and find yourself a new acquaintance.

Sgt. Floyd

Well-Known Member
My uncle told me one time that you can tell who your true friends are if you can trust them with you woman, your money, and your drugs. Anybody that can't respect those things isn't really a true friend.