My friends sister has a stash of salvia, and none of us have done it so we want to try it. We dont give a fuck about the strength, but just to know, which is stronger:5x or 100x??
Also any advice on how we should do it for our first time. In a bowl? How long should we hold it in for?what music? should we have a sitter? how many hits?
thanks for any help
All right, 5x means that 5 times the material have been deposited on the amount that would normally carry 1.
Example: 10 milligrams of raw leaf would now carry the equivalent of 50 milligrams. (5x)
It simply means there are 5 times the amount of active chemicals than normal.
Same goes for 100x (hence 100 times mre material).
100x is generally bullshit sold by headshops to fuck over uneducated buyers. If you want a good brand, and hence a good trip, go to bouncingbearbotanicals or get purple sticky (they are both amazing quality), BBB is very inexpensive but one of the better brands out there.
If you do get salvia, make sure it says "Standardized", if it's
"Non-Standardized" simply decline when you're offered to smoke (it will ruin your idea of salvia).
You can use a bowl with a filter.. a grav, or a water pipe or a bong if you're lungs are made of steel.
No music the first time is preferable, the lyrics that wouldn't bother you sober can send you to hell on some psychedelics (salvia is one that I am including in this list).
A sitter is mandatory until you're comfortable with the effects.
Hold it as long as you can!
Some people say you need a torch lighter, this is not true! You need a constant heat source as long as you're taking your hits.. A normal lighter will work fine... as long as you have it applied the whole time!
If you use a grav or bong... one big hit will probably destroy you. I did 5 hits in one sitting and lost my mind. lol.
It can be very enjoyable, go into it relaxed (if you're having a shitty, this isn't the drug to reverse the stress! It will amplify it by most means).
I hope this helps.