100 Things That Are Worse For You Than Weed


Well-Known Member
I'm pretty sure the reason why Herb is illegal is because of the "Federal" Reserve! Marijuana was legal in the states before the Fed was implemented in the USA. Something else to think about is that the Bush family has more money invested into pharmacuticals than oil. The more "sick" people the more money they make. They poison Us with Fluoride in the water too.

We need RON PAUL for president. He supports the legalization of Herb!

:bigjoint: agree

Sgt. Floyd

Well-Known Member
Really? Why?

I thought chocolate (in moderation) was good for You?

How many more do We need to go in order to get to 100? Are We going to fall short here? HAHA :lol:

(Most) house cleaning chemicals are bad for people and the enviornment. Just thought I'd throw one in.

It's not the chocolate, its all the stuff they put in the bars to make them so delicious


Well-Known Member
i saw a commercial for them on TV, you buy them for ur girl for V day, its just a fuckin teady bear thats custom made for the girl and they cost like 80 bucks or somethin! like FUCK THAT! fuck teadgrams! that shits way worse than weed!


New Member
butt sex, eating cigarette butts, republicans, artificial sweetener, tap water, hair spray, riboflavin, Fox News, condom lubricant.........

but you have to accept that weed isn't GOOD for you...
but neither is meat and cheese so what the fuck is?


Well-Known Member
dude weed is actually good for u. its been proven that people who smoke weed EVERY DAY and HEAVILY are less likely to develope cancer than a non smoker. like cannabis has a protective quality.
that info was straight from a weed symposium i just attended. Ed Rosenthol was one of the speakers and my teacher got into kind of a fight with him on stage cuz my teacher was speaking also. pretty entertaining


Well-Known Member
dude weed is actually good for u. its been proven that people who smoke weed EVERY DAY and HEAVILY are less likely to develope cancer than a non smoker. like cannabis has a protective quality.
that info was straight from a weed symposium i just attended. Ed Rosenthol was one of the speakers and my teacher got into kind of a fight with him on stage cuz my teacher was speaking also. pretty entertaining
Your teacher? like from what school?


Well-Known Member
ha, ya man. my political science profesor. university. it was very interesting, my teacher couldnt stand ed rosenthol!

*edit: i got extra credit for going and writing a short summary about it.