Well-Known Member
this is what i was going to say basically :You have 4x4 area? 2 600w is overkill and 1000w is probably also. Light's don't push out lumens and they aren't constant. Lumens decrease with the square of the distance and you need to be looking at foot-candles to accurate figure out your light requirements.
The 1000w lamp is going to have to be placed farther above the canopy so the 145,000 lumens it is 'pushing out' has to be translated to either lux or foot-candles based on if it is going to be 18" or 24" above the canopy.
A 1000w would be helpful if you are going to grow a few large plants where you need penetration below the canopy, otherwise the 600w will be most efficient and you will spend less on electricity for virtually the same amount of bud.
if you have tall plants then use the 1000 cause it will penetrate much deeper into the foliage
if you grow shortish plants then 2 x 600 would give you more bang for your buck
and personally i dont believe you can have too much light, just too much heat