how to fix high soil ph?


Well-Known Member
my soil's ph is a little high i believe, do i fix this by making my water's ph a little lower?

i have very little knowledge when it comes to ph. any help would be great.


Medical Marijuana (MOD)
my soil's ph is a little high i believe, do i fix this by making my water's ph a little lower?

i have very little knowledge when it comes to ph. any help would be great.
just take ph'ed water a flush your plant till it comes back down to the normal range.


Well-Known Member
whats your soil ph? whats your water ph? i always use brita water pitchers to purify water. after purification, i usually have to raise ph just a hair. i just add tap water(aged), to desired ph is reached.(6.5-6.8 for soil). now to actually answer your ques. not sure about lowering soil ph as i never attempted to do this specifically. i guess watering with say 6.0ph stable water would eventually bring down soil ph. somebody else might have more insight.


New Member
whats your soil ph? whats your water ph? i always use brita water pitchers to purify water. after purification, i usually have to raise ph just a hair. i just add tap water(aged), to desired ph is reached.(6.5-6.8 for soil). now to actually answer your ques. not sure about lowering soil ph as i never attempted to do this specifically. i guess watering with say 6.0ph stable water would eventually bring down soil ph. somebody else might have more insight.
i heard those brita pitchers do practically nothing to lower PH or prep water for MJ plants. Ive never used em so I dont know. jsut repeating what ive read here is all.


Active Member
i suffurinpottassium probs... just flushed with 4 ltrs of ph`d water for soil hydro-coral mix..... is this wise


Active Member
you use domelite not shur of the correct spelling but thats your ticket however you are supose to add it to your soil befor you plant in it


Well-Known Member
Just go to your grow shop and buy a bottle of PH down for like $5. Feed your plants with properly PHed water and they will be fine. You could do a good flush if you wanted to.

Are your plants showing signs of stress or did you just notice it was high when you tested?



Well-Known Member
they are showing signs of stress, i am almost sure this is the problem, and if not then its not helping. leaves are undercurling, lower leaves and nodes are beginning to die, etc.


Well-Known Member
they are showing signs of stress, i am almost sure this is the problem, and if not then its not helping. leaves are undercurling, lower leaves and nodes are beginning to die, etc.
Yeah, get some PH down($5) at a grow shop, flush with PHed water, feed your plants twice as much as normal, till theres lots of runoff, let the soil dry out before watering again, may be a bit longer then normal from the flush. And feed properly PHed water from now on. Always adjust PH after adding nutes.



Active Member
sometimes leaf curling can be down to heat strees,ph stress normally leads to a deformative leaf growth i.e (leaf looks deformed)


Active Member
always av followed ur guidlines anyway, problem is im not usin soil feed due to money probs. usin house n grden aqua flakes due to credit crunch.... feedin 1 ml to 1 ltr do yu think i shud increase or decrease?


Well-Known Member
i feed my plants about 1/2 a tblspn per gallon, your saying flush, then water with double strength nutes?

No, when I said feed twice as much as normal I meant give them twice as much PHed water as you would normally give them.

Do Not feed twice as much
