McDonald's shooting victim wants workers compensation


New Member
Here is proof that no good deed goes unpunished. A good samaritan is now faced with extreme medical bills, all for doing the right thing. Now the company that gladly accepts premium payments, won't pay out.

FOX16 News obtained surveillance video of the attack at a McDonald’s on Rodney Parham that left an employee with multiple gunshot wounds. The August 2008 video shows a man wearing a white shirt hitting a woman. Seconds later, an employee runs in to break it up and the attacker is forced outside. Off camera, the employee was shot three times. He walks back inside and then collapses before medical attention arrives.

Six days after the attack, LRPD detectives arrested Perry Kennon, 27, charging him with shooting Nigel Haskett. After three surgeries, $300,000 in medical bills and six months recovery, Haskett filed a workers compensation claim for his injuries.

Claims specialist Misty Thompson with insurance company Ramsey, Krug, Farrell and Lensing responded, denying Haskett's claim.

"We've denied this claim in its entirety, it's our opinion that Mr. Haskett's injuries did not arise out of or within the course of his employment," a portion of the statement reads.

Philip Wilson is Haskett's attorney. He says the defense from McDonald's insurer is baffling.

"Seems like any employer would want a disturbance stopped and that's what this young man was simply trying to do," Wilson says.

Wilson says he is now seeking a hearing before the Workers Compensation Commission.

"Nigel is a very nice young man," Wilson told FOX16 News Thursday. "He says 'yes sir, no sir' and he was just doing what anybody would do in that situation, on or off the job."

Haskett's boss Ray Nosler called him a hero for his actions last August and contributed to a fund setup for his employee. He provided a statement to FOX16 News.

"We are all grateful to Nigel and that's why it is so unfortunate that he's having a difficult time with the insurance claim," Nosler says. "Because the insurance claim is still pending, I’m not able to say more about it, but I hope his claim will come to a quick resolution and the right thing will be done for my employee."

Wilson says the right thing is for McDonald’s insurer to pay the claim.

"Surely we want our young people to step in and break up a fight if something like that were to happen, especially on your own employers premises, I would," Wilson says.

As part of the denial, the insurer included a page that details expectations of employees during orientation. In a robbery situation it tells employees not to do anything that would put themselves or anyone else in danger. Wilson asserts that clause does not apply in this incident.

Wilson says his client has recently returned to work to pay bills. The fund setup for Haskett is still accepting donations at all area Twin City Bank locations.


Well-Known Member
Sounds about right. They will take your premiums and when it is time to pay up, this is what you get. When my husbands step mother died her insurance companies did the same thing. She had roughly 4 policies, all different companies, ALL of them fought us. We fought back, and, won. It is a shame it is like this. This is why they need to be heavily regulated, they are worse than the most common criminals. Only difference is they were a tie to work.....


New Member
Here is proof that no good deed goes unpunished. A good samaritan is now faced with extreme medical bills, all for doing the right thing. Now the company that gladly accepts premium payments, won't pay out.

FOX16 News obtained surveillance video of the attack at a McDonald’s on Rodney Parham that left an employee with multiple gunshot wounds. The August 2008 video shows a man wearing a white shirt hitting a woman. Seconds later, an employee runs in to break it up and the attacker is forced outside. Off camera, the employee was shot three times. He walks back inside and then collapses before medical attention arrives.

Six days after the attack, LRPD detectives arrested Perry Kennon, 27, charging him with shooting Nigel Haskett. After three surgeries, $300,000 in medical bills and six months recovery, Haskett filed a workers compensation claim for his injuries.

Claims specialist Misty Thompson with insurance company Ramsey, Krug, Farrell and Lensing responded, denying Haskett's claim.

"We've denied this claim in its entirety, it's our opinion that Mr. Haskett's injuries did not arise out of or within the course of his employment," a portion of the statement reads.

Philip Wilson is Haskett's attorney. He says the defense from McDonald's insurer is baffling.

"Seems like any employer would want a disturbance stopped and that's what this young man was simply trying to do," Wilson says.

Wilson says he is now seeking a hearing before the Workers Compensation Commission.

"Nigel is a very nice young man," Wilson told FOX16 News Thursday. "He says 'yes sir, no sir' and he was just doing what anybody would do in that situation, on or off the job."

Haskett's boss Ray Nosler called him a hero for his actions last August and contributed to a fund setup for his employee. He provided a statement to FOX16 News.

"We are all grateful to Nigel and that's why it is so unfortunate that he's having a difficult time with the insurance claim," Nosler says. "Because the insurance claim is still pending, I’m not able to say more about it, but I hope his claim will come to a quick resolution and the right thing will be done for my employee."

Wilson says the right thing is for McDonald’s insurer to pay the claim.

"Surely we want our young people to step in and break up a fight if something like that were to happen, especially on your own employers premises, I would," Wilson says.

As part of the denial, the insurer included a page that details expectations of employees during orientation. In a robbery situation it tells employees not to do anything that would put themselves or anyone else in danger. Wilson asserts that clause does not apply in this incident.

Wilson says his client has recently returned to work to pay bills. The fund setup for Haskett is still accepting donations at all area Twin City Bank locations.

what the hell?

take a bullet for a stranger, pay for it for the rest of your life?

im lost on this one..


New Member
How can people be expected to do the right thing and help out others if they get punished for being helpful? It's sickening, he may have saved that womans life, he's a hero, and he get treated like this.

I agree Sunny, something needs done about this, why should people have to pay for lawyers to get money that is owed to them?


Well-Known Member

what the hell?

take a bullet for a stranger, pay for it for the rest of your life?

im lost on this one..
They look for any loop hole they can find...this loop hole was that he got involved....It is wrong, but, they get away with it. When I had to fight Harford Life Insurance they didn't even have a loop hole, they were just hoping I did not have any money to get an attorney to fight them. They were wrong, but, it cost me over half of the policy to pay all the lawyers... And for what? To get what was rightfully mine to begin with! Your damned if you and damned if you don't. Hate to say it, but, I still carry my life insurance with them. They gotcha by the balls.


New Member
How can people be expected to do the right thing and help out others if they get punished for being helpful? It's sickening, he may have saved that womans life, he's a hero, and he get treated like this.

I agree Sunny, something needs done about this, why should people have to pay for lawyers to get money that is owed to them?
meanwhile WE are going to pay for the shooter to spend some time in the pen.


New Member
What is sad is that there is no way in hell he is ever going to be able to pay that bill. He works at McDonalds. There are no bonus checks there. The poor guy is probably lucky if he can pay the rent and buy food. I'm sure he has no health insurance either.

Yet had he stood idly by and let that woman be assaulted or killed, then her family would be suing him for not helping her.


New Member
What is sad is that there is no way in hell he is ever going to be able to pay that bill. He works at McDonalds. There are no bonus checks there. The poor guy is probably lucky if he can pay the rent and buy food. I'm sure he has no health insurance either.

Yet had he stood idly by and let that woman be assaulted or killed, then her family would be suing him for not helping her.
oh thats a given.

but more importantly...
i dont like that we pay for criminals,(even criminals in uniform[cops]) and therer still is no tax to help pay for heros...

society says, pay for 3 hots and a cot for murderers rapists and cons, but the guys that help - fuck them, they should know that helping is the "right thing to do" even though you get nothing for it except greif.


Well-Known Member
He needs to get a lawyer. There are so many different avenues he can take now. It is a shame, it always ends up with...GET A LAWYER.


New Member
He has a lawyer, the lawyer is going after workmans comp and if they don't produce any payment then he's going after McDonalds. It's a shame it has to come to that. Now they're going to have to sue for twice as much as what is owed so he can pay the lawyer and the bill both.

I agree with Dude too, the criminal when caught won't have to pay anything. Society will pay for his lawyer, society will pay for his jail time, if he gets any. Then he'll walk and move on to assault another woman and shoot another person who tries to do what is right.


New Member
no offense, but it sounds about right.. dude didnt get shot while "dropping some fries" or "cleaning the grill".. he was shot cuz he took it upon himself and stepped into a domestic dispute ( i assume ).. which is something that no one should do (for alot of reasons )..I didnt see the vid or read the story so I dont know the story, but, the employee wasnt doing what he was paid to do when he got shot. If he had just called the cops or w/e ( meh ) and minded his own buisness and kept flipping burgers he wouldnt have gotten shot.honestly its pretty cut and dried from an insurance standpoint imho.


New Member
So if someone is attacking you, people should just stand around and watch it happen? Nobody should help you unless they have catastrophic health coverage?

Whatever happened to doing what is right?

I'm ashamed of America, standing around and watching a man beat a woman down in a public place takes precidence over helping her.

Hope you don't have a mom, or sister, or girlfriend, or wife, or daugher, or niece. One day they'll be getting beat down and no one will step in because they don't have the right health insurance and the cops are 3 hours away because they answer calls in order, then you'll be screaming "why didn't anyone help her"..........


Well-Known Member
well, to play devils advocate, it's not in the insurance companies best interest to pay out on every claim, they'd go under pretty quickly, especially on high profile claims.

no offense, but it sounds about right.. dude didnt get shot while "dropping some fries" or "cleaning the grill".. he was shot cuz he took it upon himself and stepped into a domestic dispute ( i assume ).. which is something that no one should do (for alot of reasons )..I didnt see the vid or read the story so I dont know the story, but, the employee wasnt doing what he was paid to do when he got shot. If he had just called the cops or w/e ( meh ) and minded his own buisness and kept flipping burgers he wouldnt have gotten shot.honestly its pretty cut and dried from an insurance standpoint imho.
if you have ever had to work in a fast food joint (i unfortunately have) part of their policy (which is common among the big corporate chains) is that you're supposed to "ensure customer safety" (while they're on the property). when they say this they're usually referring to fire, although fire isn't explicitly mentioned.

The Son of Man

Well-Known Member
their policy (which is common among the big corporate chains) is that you're supposed to "ensure customer safety" (while they're on the property). when they say this they're usually referring to fire, although fire isn't explicitly mentioned.
if it says that---there's no case---pay the man :? This will be settled in short order---the insurance and more importantly McDonalds doesn't want the bad publicity---and the amount of money the guy wants is less than a seconds worth of revenue for McDonalds anyways.


Well-Known Member
ive worked a couple fast food jobs back in the day. they tell you at training specifically NOT to interfere with things like this and to give them the money if they are robbing and wait till they leave and call the cops.

not saying this is right, but its in the papers they sign at hire. they will get nothing in court.


New Member
i dont know the WHOLE story. Was he "beating her down" or did he just smack her ?Was her life in danger? Did she do something to bring it on? Were they in a relationship? There can be so much more to the story that you or I dont know. I learned a LONG time ago not to get involved in disputes between a man and a woman.A woman can call the cops herself if she wants to or feel she needs to. But alot of times ( as sad as it is ) some women actually like to get beat up.. My friend tried to help his neighbor when they were fighting in there yard and the woman hit my buddy with a brick because he hit her boyfriend who was hitting her..Of course I dont think hitting a woman is right. But there are just way too variables that could be involved. the dude at Mickey D's shoulda just minded his own buisness unless the womans life was in danger. Or at least called the cops or w/e.. Its there job to face down bullets.. Not someone working at a fast food joint.


Well-Known Member
well if it was a robbery then you're supposed to just stand back and do what your told but it sounded like a fight which as an employee you're not supposed to just stand there and watch. if it were out in the parking lot then that's a different story.