Well, I'd first like to say that if people of the USA weren't being poisoned by the fluoridated waters than there wouldn't be so many "stupid" people.
Secondly, I don't believe the world is over populated but rather misused. If I ruled the world I would make life much better for every species on Earth. If the population got out of control I would think about imposing high taxes on families that had over two children, so that way the population wouldn't grow at all. But I have plans to populate the moon so that would decrease the population from Earth. I also believe We should build underground cities that could go miles deep on many different layers/floors under the ground. We could actually grow plants in underground hydro opps by harvesting the geothermal energy and using that to power the HID lights.
The perimiter of the Earth would increase (it would get physically larger) because of the escavated dirt from building the underground cities. There would be lots more land mass because We would ship lots of water to the moon, because they would need it too. So instead of the Earth being only 30% land, We could turn it into 50% land.
If all things went as planned, there would actually be an incredible shortage of people. If I ruled the world, there wouldn't be as many "stupid" people because everyone would be entitiled to free schooling, healthy food and housing.
If I ruled the world. Imagine that, I'd free all My son, and love'em love'em baby.
I've got BIG dreams.

Secondly, I don't believe the world is over populated but rather misused. If I ruled the world I would make life much better for every species on Earth. If the population got out of control I would think about imposing high taxes on families that had over two children, so that way the population wouldn't grow at all. But I have plans to populate the moon so that would decrease the population from Earth. I also believe We should build underground cities that could go miles deep on many different layers/floors under the ground. We could actually grow plants in underground hydro opps by harvesting the geothermal energy and using that to power the HID lights.
The perimiter of the Earth would increase (it would get physically larger) because of the escavated dirt from building the underground cities. There would be lots more land mass because We would ship lots of water to the moon, because they would need it too. So instead of the Earth being only 30% land, We could turn it into 50% land.
If all things went as planned, there would actually be an incredible shortage of people. If I ruled the world, there wouldn't be as many "stupid" people because everyone would be entitiled to free schooling, healthy food and housing.
If I ruled the world. Imagine that, I'd free all My son, and love'em love'em baby.
I've got BIG dreams.