McDonald's shooting victim wants workers compensation


Well-Known Member
well if it was a robbery then you're supposed to just stand back and do what your told but it sounded like a fight which as an employee you're not supposed to just stand there and watch. if it were out in the parking lot then that's a different story.
bullshit....nowhere in that 7.25 an hour does it say i have to endanger my wellbeing.

(god, do people actually work for that little?)


Well-Known Member
bullshit....nowhere in that 7.25 an hour does it say i have to endanger my wellbeing.

(god, do people actually work for that little?)
I don't know what mcdonald's exact policy is but have you ever looked at the employee manual? because mine definitely said "ensure the safefy of the customer while their on the premises" Now i'm not saying i'd go and attack some guy mugging a person but if it's just a fight you kinda supposed to stop it, or at least get it out side.


Well-Known Member
I don't know what mcdonald's exact policy is but have you ever looked at the employee manual? because mine definitely said "ensure the safefy of the customer while their on the premises" Now i'm not saying i'd go and attack some guy mugging a person but if it's just a fight you kinda supposed to stop it, or at least get it out side.
its been 13 years since i did fast food so you may be right about that, but i stand by my previous statement - for $7.25 an hour you get fries and a coke, not fisticuffs and a headlock.


Well-Known Member
its been 13 years since i did fast food so you may be right about that, but i stand by my previous statement - for $7.25 an hour you get fries and a coke, not fisticuffs and a headlock.
oh i agree with you, there's no way in hell it's worth it, thank god i never actually had to break up a fight. the worst i had to deal with were drunks coming through the drive through.


New Member
Dude, you're a fucking asshole.
lol rly? ur a NAIVE prick that likes to talk shit behind a keyboard. so what? You may not like what I said but it doesnt give u the right to call me names.Im too old to give damn about what you or anyone else thinks about me. what I said is 100% true. the dude had no buisness jumping into a domestic fight while working at mcdonalds.thats what cops are for. he was prolly trying to play mr big shit and did it for attention and praise anyway.. we dont know the whole story.. I dont anyway.. Its his own fault, period...Dont like it? Tuff shit..lifes a bitch. get used to it.


New Member
Seeing as how the guy was shot 3 times, I'm guessing that the attacker was meaning business.

I do wonder, if it was a McCustomer if they would pay out?

Also, if the woman who put her own coffee and her own lap in her own car and spilled it herself can win in court, I think this guy can win for sure.

I just can't stand by and watch someone beat on someone else. It happened way to much to me as a kid to let it happen to someone else.

i dont know the WHOLE story. Was he "beating her down" or did he just smack her ?Was her life in danger? Did she do something to bring it on? Were they in a relationship? There can be so much more to the story that you or I dont know. I learned a LONG time ago not to get involved in disputes between a man and a woman.A woman can call the cops herself if she wants to or feel she needs to. But alot of times ( as sad as it is ) some women actually like to get beat up.. My friend tried to help his neighbor when they were fighting in there yard and the woman hit my buddy with a brick because he hit her boyfriend who was hitting her..Of course I dont think hitting a woman is right. But there are just way too variables that could be involved. the dude at Mickey D's shoulda just minded his own buisness unless the womans life was in danger. Or at least called the cops or w/e.. Its there job to face down bullets.. Not someone working at a fast food joint.


New Member
People wonder why no one does the right thing any more. It's because everything is about me, me, me.

We can only hope it happens to you some day and that nobody helps you then as your getting your ass kicked you can think back to this day and think, "damn, I really am an asshole, aren't I. If only someone would stop this mob from kicking me in the head........."

lol rly? ur a naive prick that likes to talk shit behind a keyboard. so what? You may not like what I said but it doesnt give u the right to call me names.Im too old to give damn about what you or anyone else thinks about me. what I said is 100% true. the dude had no buisness jumping into a domestic fight while working at mcdonalds. period.dont like it? tuff shit..lifes a bitch. get used to it.


stays relevant.
The reason that the claim was denied is because their job duties do not involve security. Had this guy done what training manuals say, he may have never been shot... and I'm almost positive that nowhere in the training manual does it say to push an assailant anywhere. It's screwed up but that's the way it is.

bomb said:
Dude, you're a fucking asshole.
No personal attacks please.


Well-Known Member
I just can't stand by and watch someone beat on someone else. It happened way to much to me as a kid to let it happen to someone else.
for the most part i agree with this. but thinking McDonalds should be responsible for the medical bills because thier emplyee took it upon himself to assist just doesnt make sense to me. i think it would be a great show of coolness if they did pay, but i dont feel they are obligated to do so.


New Member
I would and do go out of my way to help anyone in almost any situation.Maybe even a domestic dispute if and only if I know the entire situation and ppl involved.. Otherwise, I will never interfere in a domestic dispute..way too many variables..


Well-Known Member
We can only hope it happens to you some day and that nobody helps you then as your getting your ass kicked you can think back to this day and think, "damn, I really am an asshole, aren't I. If only someone would stop this mob from kicking me in the head........."
sometimes the guy getting his head kicked in deserves it and you might not know that. thats not the case here, but somtimes it is.

(i love ya misshess! just debating!)

The Son of Man

Well-Known Member
I would and do go out of my way to help anyone in almost any situation.Maybe even a domestic dispute if and only if I know the entire situation and ppl involved.. Otherwise, I will never interfere in a domestic dispute..way too many variables..
chicken!!! [youtube]nIT5sFhw4sU[/youtube]


New Member
I do agree that McDonalds should pay the dudes bills and if he cant work they should pay his workers comp or w/e. But seriously, do you not think it was his fault? If he hadnt interfered he wouldnt have been shot. If a McDonalds manager or w/e calls the cops about a man beating a woman in there store im sure they would have been there within 5 minutes tops.


Active Member
lol rly? ur a NAIVE prick that likes to talk shit behind a keyboard. so what? You may not like what I said but it doesnt give u the right to call me names.Im too old to give damn about what you or anyone else thinks about me. what I said is 100% true. the dude had no buisness jumping into a domestic fight while working at mcdonalds.thats what cops are for. he was prolly trying to play mr big shit and did it for attention and praise anyway.. we dont know the whole story.. I dont anyway.. Its his own fault, period...Dont like it? Tuff shit..lifes a bitch. get used to it.
Tuff shit, lifes a bitch.

I wasn't calling you names, I was pointing out your obvious personality - which you just confirmed without a doubt.