FULLY AUTOMATED GROW.......remote monitor clone to harvest??


Well-Known Member
In light of the recent bust in a primary and shopping mall in the USA...
Its got me thinking about A COMPLETE setup say in a 40ft shipping container.... and HAVING EVERYTHING computer automated.... being that all you have to do is hook it up to a water supply fill the nute` resivior in which the mix`s will be made from.... And run the WHOLE lot from a computer.... You will have to plant - or clone first then close the doors, and they dont get opened again till harvest.....

ANYBODY DOING THIS.... i would be intrested in software/hardware your useing ... how remote? Camera setup?
In light of the recent bust in a primary and shopping mall in the USA...
Its got me thinking about A COMPLETE setup say in a 40ft shipping contaier.... and HAVING EVERYTHING computer automated.... being that all you have to do is hook it up to a water supply fill the nute` resivior in which the mix`s will be made from.... And run the WHOLE lot from a computer.... You will have to plant - or clone first then close the doors, and they dont get opened again till harvest.....

ANYBODY DOING THIS.... i would be intrested in software/hardware your useing ... how remote? Camera setup?

It wouldn't be THAT hard to do. I wouldn't use cameras though. You would have to have software that could monitor information like PPM, PH, etc and have the ability to have a software controlled mechanism to open up tubes for feeding to increase PPM or to inject PH up/down as necessary.

Interesting concept I must say, but shouldn't be that difficult. I wonder if this is something to investigate....hmmm

Probably not.
sounds like marijuana growing of the future. there is this thing call the volks grow i think. Its very easy i heard all you have to do is water.
It wouldn't be THAT hard to do. I wouldn't use cameras though. You would have to have software that could monitor information like PPM, PH, etc and have the ability to have a software controlled mechanism to open up tubes for feeding to increase PPM or to inject PH up/down as necessary.

Interesting concept I must say, but shouldn't be that difficult. I wonder if this is something to investigate....hmmm

Probably not.

I know there is nute controllers with many input feeds to use multiple types.... so could be altered to inject all need liquid subtance ... the watering can be done through timer and over head folia feeders also,

Why would you not use cameras??? You would need to monitor the buds ?
Also need HIEGHT controllers for lights.
air circulation vs sealed concept with co2 ?? what would you do ?

Im thinking about this because it would not be hard to place or better yet dig a hole. deneyability! !
I know there is nute controllers with many input feeds to use multiple types.... so could be altered to inject all need liquid subtance ... the watering can be done through timer and over head folia feeders also,

Why would you not use cameras??? You would need to monitor the buds ?
Also need HIEGHT controllers for lights.
air circulation vs sealed concept with co2 ?? what would you do ?

Im thinking about this because it would not be hard to place or better yet dig a hole.

All very true...under ground growing, literally...an interesting concept to say the least.

I guess camera's would be good, I would just want something REAL secure as you are going to broadcast that you are growing pot and now you have to figure out a way to not only get power to your area without it getting noticed, but some form of bandwith.

The height of the lights would be interesting, but again, not very difficult. A system can easily monitor the height of something and a system can raise and lower lights so it wouldn't be too difficult to adopt something....

PM me...we might be able to figure something out and possibly sell something that grows pot for you...imagine that.
All very true...under ground growing, literally...an interesting concept to say the least.

I guess camera's would be good, I would just want something REAL secure as you are going to broadcast that you are growing pot and now you have to figure out a way to not only get power to your area without it getting noticed, but some form of bandwith.

The height of the lights .

Did think of the broadcast situation, and hard wired would defeat the pupose....
But a FRIDGE........ but treat it like an EASY BAKE OVEN...... put the ingredients together and close the door..... it will ding when its ready....
Drying and all......lol
But my thoughts are on a larger scale......

Yeah, i could imagine digging a big ass hole. I don't mean a little big ass hole, I mean serious hole and building a quazi bunker.

Put a generator in it and cover it all back up. The generator would need to be able to exhaust straight out, and you would need an exhaust for hot air, but from the air all you would really even concievably see is the two holes and even then it would be nearly impossible.

And you could put this somewhere pot doesn't grow naturally because your growing it indoors...it would be pretty damn stealthy and thus you could conceivably have a large operation.
If we could automate any grow from start to finish ??? - Maybey worth trying on a semi large scale with OUTDOOR hydro and VEGGY??
- we dont have to worry about alot of the variables that indoor dose... but we can refine the NUTES and monitoring situation - remotely and figureing out the band width security before going into a underground...

Lights could easyly be controlled by electronic actuators or motors.

One big problem is FUEL for a genarator........................ or a power feed...
You wouldn't really need bandwidth unless you require streaming video. You could easily have a prepaid cell phone that text messages any needed info to another anonymous prepaid phone off-site. (Automatically done via a laptop, that collects all your data, and sends the data using infrared to the phone.) If you know how to program it'd be pretty easy to setup. The cost of this entire setup still seems far too much when you could just grow in a controlled environment such as your home but what do I know?
I had a friend of mine did put his grow into containers and put them into the side of a hill..... the back of his property sloped up..... so he dug level with house and placed containers in covered over.... then built a tunnel that led about 50m away form the containers into his level backyard...... in his garden shed there was a hatch style floor ( mover and stuff ontop) and a basket..... like a dishwashing thing...but alittle bigger ( very uncomfortable..) put feet in first the tunnels was tight... the basket on RAILS.... and you pulled your self aong with little hand rails....

He had 2x 20ft containers split into 4 stages..... but he went in most days! perpetual grow!
You wouldn't really need bandwidth unless you require streaming video. You could easily have a prepaid cell phone that text messages any needed info to another anonymous prepaid phone off-site. (Automatically done via a laptop, that collects all your data, and sends the data using infrared to the phone.) If you know how to program it'd be pretty easy to setup. The cost of this entire setup still seems far too much when you could just grow in a controlled environment such as your home but what do I know?

On this scale.... for me - it would mean 4yrs jail, loose house, life,freedom etc......... so if I could DISCONNECT from the grow... but still be in controll well all the better.........
Who is to say you could not do a HOUSE... rent one or something?? And my wife and kids dont need to be EXPOSED !
On this scale.... for me - it would mean 4yrs jail, loose house, life,freedom etc......... so if I could DISCONNECT from the grow... but still be in controll well all the better.........
Who is to say you could not do a HOUSE... rent one or something?? And my wife and kids dont need to be EXPOSED !

Funny you mention a shipping container...first thing that jumped in my mind too. didn't think about digging it into a hill, but that's a great idea. Things are a brewin.
Soil Moisture sensors: http://www.cropinfo.net/AnnualReports/2001/Popsensortest01.htm mix that with a pump for the water.... hmmm

Lights could be raised by a simple motor/pulley system, and they could use a "trip" laser (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=b1id0MLUI-c) that could let it know when the plant had grown high enough to raise the light. The trip laser would have to be connected to the same automated pulley system so that it could continuously gauge the plant height. I'm pretty sure (though I haven't tried) that you could make one from a laser pointer and a photon resistor (i think that's what they're called, they're available at radio shack or if you have an old printer they're in their too usually to check for paper.)

Might be a good idea to set up some trip lasers in the surrounding area as well to let you know whether or not someone has been snooping around! :P

It all seems pretty easy, although slightly more expensive. It might be worth it on a large scale
Soil Moisture sensors: http://www.cropinfo.net/AnnualReports/2001/Popsensortest01.htm mix that with a pump for the water.... hmmm

Lights could be raised by a simple motor/pulley system, and they could use a "trip" laser (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=b1id0MLUI-c) that could let it know when the plant had grown high enough to raise the light. The trip laser would have to be connected to the same automated pulley system so that it could continuously gauge the plant height. I'm pretty sure (though I haven't tried) that you could make one from a laser pointer and a photon resistor (i think that's what they're called, they're available at radio shack or if you have an old printer they're in their too usually to check for paper.)

Might be a good idea to set up some trip lasers in the surrounding area as well to let you know whether or not someone has been snooping around! :P

It all seems pretty easy, although slightly more expensive. It might be worth it on a large scale

- Great idea... that would have to be a focus to begin....
Also human intervention is usally required for thingslike, MOLD, PESTS, CLEANING ETC.... so these elements have to be addressed as PREVENTATIVES.....
The cleaning will be alittle harder.... or use of H2o2 ors omething..
This company makes automated products http://growtronix.com/store/ Or if you want to do it your self you can get a PLC and program it or have somebody else do it for you. There is plcs on ebay right now. Oh sorry the auction is actually done but it wasnt sold and heres is the lkink to it http://cgi.ebay.com/IDEC-PLC-INTERFACE-RS232-Hydroponics-automation_W0QQitemZ260362637395QQcmdZViewItemQQptZAU_Seed_Starting_Hydroponics?hash=item260362637395&_trksid=p3286.c0.m14&_trkparms=66%3A2%7C65%3A13%7C39%3A1%7C240%3A1318 The seller said he will program it for a "minimal fee" Which is 50 dollars, atleast thats what he told me a couple months ago when I was going to buy one from him. Sensors can get pricey though as well as dosing systems. But overall like stated I dont think it would be that hard. It would be alittle costly though depending on how big. But this is something I will do in a few months most likely as all my customers live close to 1000 miles away from me and flying a private plane is even getting alittle risky
You know what all the sensors are on sale right now I just looked at growtronix. They are actually pretty decently priced. Might be the time top buy
This company makes automated products http://growtronix.com/store/ Or if you want to do it your self you can get a PLC and program it or have somebody else do it for you. There is plcs on ebay right now. Oh sorry the auction is actually done but it wasnt sold and heres is the lkink to it http://cgi.ebay.com/IDEC-PLC-INTERF...286.c0.m14&_trkparms=66:2|65:13|39:1|240:1318 The seller said he will program it for a "minimal fee" Which is 50 dollars, atleast thats what he told me a couple months ago when I was going to buy one from him. Sensors can get pricey though as well as dosing systems. But overall like stated I dont think it would be that hard. It would be alittle costly though depending on how big. But this is something I will do in a few months most likely as all my customers live close to 1000 miles away from me and flying a private plane is even getting alittle risky

Thats along the lines i was thinking.... that looks TECH though... but alittle fiddleing...... It cheap ??
So this will link to your laptop ?? remotely ?