Harvest a Pound Every Three Weeks!

stink bud i was wondering where i could find my self these fence post? at a local hard ware store? smaller versions of all sizes would be a million doller idea. im going to desigh my own system based on your idea. i want 3 4 foot fence post with 5 holes in each running on one resivoir . good work!

check your local hardware store, if they dont have them do a search for fencing companys in your area. Most fencing companys carry pvc fencing and they will even cut to size.
So what do you guys think? Do you think a StinkBud JR. system would be popular?

its a great idea,
maybe you can tailor it to fit a small tent size,
something like the DR150 maybe
this will make it even easier for new MMJ patients
Congratulations on the HT thing and personal thank you for all I've learned from you and the group. I have read the whole thread it is great.
Page 279 and 289, can't remeber the poster but he built a knock off of your system only 12" high and it was very nice. I remember thinking that with an LED light system, (dc) couple computer fans, (dc) a rule 400gph bilge pump from West Marine (12VoltDC) a battery and a solar panel you could build a self contained, eco friendly personal marajuana genertor that would fit anywhere. In the US, thanks to the wording in the first bail out package you could recoup, using state and federal tax offsets for going green, about 70% of the cost if you had the balls to try it.
Using your organic nute system you end up with a PMG that even Al Gore, (or at least his son) would endorse.
Congratulations on the HT thing and personal thank you for all I've learned from you and the group. I have read the whole thread it is great.
Page 279 and 289, can't remeber the poster but he built a knock off of your system only 12" high and it was very nice. I remember thinking that with an LED light system, (dc) couple computer fans, (dc) a rule 400gph bilge pump from West Marine (12VoltDC) a battery and a solar panel you could build a self contained, eco friendly personal marajuana genertor that would fit anywhere. In the US, thanks to the wording in the first bail out package you could recoup, using state and federal tax offsets for going green, about 70% of the cost if you had the balls to try it.
Using your organic nute system you end up with a PMG that even Al Gore, (or at least his son) would endorse.

Ive been lookin into this cause you can get them led in 12vdc and bilge pumps like you said. the timer is the only tricky part. Ive been lookin into making a 12vdc timer also. if you find a repeat recycle timer in 12dc let me know. peace
I couldn't find any references in this monster of a thread, but has anyone done longer fence runs than 48"? I have some coming that are 72" long that I was going to cut down to size. I'm thinking that the longer runs will accommodate 10 or 11 plants per fence run, thus 20-22 plants per harvest. My flowering space will be about 8'x8', so I would physically have the space for the 6' fence runs and reservoirs, I think. Any input?

BTW, awesome job with putting together this amazing system and sharing the information with the rest of us. I can forsee putting this to some very good use in the near and far future. :blsmoke:
I plan on running mine fence post 7-8' depending on how much room I leave to be able to walk down the edge to do maintance.
Soon as warm weather breaks I can finish my flower room to do it. I will post pics then
Ive been lookin into this cause you can get them led in 12vdc and bilge pumps like you said. the timer is the only tricky part. Ive been lookin into making a 12vdc timer also. if you find a repeat recycle timer in 12dc let me know. peace

One of the rule series has a built in recycle timer. I just am not sure of the timing of the cycle, or if it is alterable. I will find out today and let you know.
If I am not mistaken anyone with a MJ med card can deduct 30%of the system cost from their fed income taxes, and depending on the state another 35% from the state income tax form if the unit is green. dsire.com has a calculator that does a state by state breakdown. Ain't that great, getting the gov. to underwrite mj production, I love seeing "my tax dollars at work" and, at least, this is a bridge to somewhere.
edit: there was supposedly a very good review article in high times with a grow using similar lights.. I didn't see it. Anyone know?

I read that article. Very good by HT standards. Sometimes it seems that they only publish the real basic newb stuff, but this had some good details. I learned a few new things and they had lots of informative spectrum diagrams too. Nothing earth shattering, just a good overview of where LEDs are now.

I don't know when it originally ran, but I read about it in the 2009 Master Growers Guide I got a couple months ago. It seems to be a collection of the best articles from the past year. Mine says Display until April 6, 2009 so it might still be out there - Barnes & Noble.
I think a stinkbud jr is an excellent idea.

CHeck it out man.. i plumbed the lights tonight, and the room is chillin perfect now.

That looks perfect bro! I bet your room is a lot cooler now.

I've been running my room at 88 degrees lately. That causes the plants to transpire a lot of water into the air.

It's super wet outside so I have to run my dehumidifier full time during lights on. In fact it's even running during lights out now because it's so humid.

You are going to trip over how fast your plants will grow with the CO2. Everything will be bigger. Even the leafs will end up huge!

On another subject...It snowed 22" of light fluffy powder on the mountain yesterday. It's snowed over 4ft. in the last 3 days!

I'm drinking my coffee and doing bong hits right now. Guess where I'm going when I'm done?

First tracks on untouched powder fields with 4ft. of fresh. I'm so fucking excited I just have to tell someone!
Stinkbud JR=great idea! You have the knack for it.

Dirt... looking great mate! Can't wait to ditch the co2 generator and get a tank+regulator!

A little help?
Some of my plant leaves are turning brown... they fade in dots at first, then throughout the center of the leaf turns brown and dies. Am I overdoing it with the nutes?

View attachment 337244 (see leaf in center, and one below it a little worse)

Temperature was recently a big issue that has been fixed (80 steady now). Just fixied 2 days ago... it was running ~90 for 2-3 days...

It's significantly worse on one species of plant (white berry) do you think it is mold or fungus? None of the buds are affected.

View attachment 337243 have been flushing for 4 days now

I have the co2 generator completely off--even the pilot light. Dehumidifier is not in the room right now, but it is not humid at all where I live.

Anyway.. I think I overdid it with the nutes. At least for that strain I guess? Some of the other plants have similar symptoms--some have none.

View attachment 337248These three-week plants all look great (not the flushing plants--this one on the right is the same as the pic above)

edit: sorry for the long post. I really wanted some good input, so I sacrificed some leaves and got a better pic. Starts off innocent from left to right gets worse then death.. not sure if this is strain specfic, nute excess or some nute accumulation? Also hits the bigger leaves first, then eventually the smaller ones.
View attachment 337252
those leaves are basically 3, 5 and 7 weeks...

It could be a couple of issues...

What are you running your PPM at? It dosen't look like nute burn to me.

It looks more like a heat issue.

Leaves curling up mean that your room is too hot. The leafs are transpiring too much water and can keep up.

Leaves curling down like a claw means your nutes are too hot. First you see tip burn and then the leaves start to curl down.

One more thing...leaves get old and die. I fill an entire grocery bag with dead leaves every month. Once a week I go in and pick off all the old dead and dying leafs.

You want to keep your eye on the new growth. That's how you tell how things are going. If the new growth looks healthy then don't worry about the old timers.

Some strains have completely different nutrient requirements than all the rest. As I've said before some of my strains can handle over 3000 PPM and some show tip burn at 1700.

That one strain may actually need 3000 PPM to do well. But then again it may like 1500. It takes a while to dial in a strain. If you run multiple strains you may never get it right.

Just like a politician, you can't please all the plants, all the time.
That looks perfect bro! I bet your room is a lot cooler now.

I've been running my room at 88 degrees lately. That causes the plants to transpire a lot of water into the air.

It's super wet outside so I have to run my dehumidifier full time during lights on. In fact it's even running during lights out now because it's so humid.

You are going to trip over how fast your plants will grow with the CO2. Everything will be bigger. Even the leafs will end up huge!

On another subject...It snowed 22" of light fluffy powder on the mountain yesterday. It's snowed over 4ft. in the last 3 days!

First tracks on untouched powder fields with 4ft. of fresh. I'm so fucking excited I just have to tell someone!

Hey StinkBud,

I wish I was going boardin'!

I know you run a co2 controller. Is there anyway without a test kit to get an approximate co2 ppm? I am using a welding regulator and I think I am dumping too much. I have only 96 sq. feet to fill and the regulator is barely cracked. I am cycling on every 3 hours of light. Any ideas? Anyone know of a really cheap co2 controller?


Todays pics

I'm drinking my coffee and doing bong hits right now. Guess where I'm going when I'm done?


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Hey rep..i have the same issue with one strain.. all the other strains do fine but this redgrape has always had browning leaves like you said that eventually die...it really didnt have much of an effect with the yield,,these redgrape plants start browning as early as one week in veg...i would guess its just strain specific.
your grow looks great man!

Remember guys. Each strain is like a different race of people. Just like us, plants have been bred to handle a wide variety of conditions. People from Africa can handle the heat a lot better than people from Alaska.

Same with nutrient requirements. My last AK47 (Sativa Pheno) always has dying leaves! WTF? She's never happy. Now that I think about it she's always been a little bitch! That's why she's history...

As much as I love Sativa strains they just don't work well indoors.

also i noticed how your mylar is so neat and smooth lookin...I put mine up one night after some ak47 and its f%%n so wrinkly..do you think that is a bad thing?

Did you ever notice all those little divets on your expensive German aluminium reflector? Guess what they do?

If the inside was polished you would have just one light source being reflected. Those little bumps turn a single light source into thousands and help diffuse the light.

I used to have perfect new mylar all over my walls. One of the wall got ruined and I replaced it with some mylar space blanket I had laying around.

Damn if the space blanket didn't work as well if not better than the roll mylar.

Eventually I replaced all the mylar with space blankets and now I have a "million points of light".
It sounds like an excellent project, Stink. I think there are probably a LOT more people who have less space and could never implement the full sized version, but would benefit perfectly from a StinkBud Jr. system. Looking forward to seeing the "Little Stinker".

The success of this thread has really got me thinking. I feel like I can help more people with my writing than I can by just growing for them personally.

I can only provide medicine for a small amount of people with my limited space. Through my High Times article and video I will be able to help way more people than I ever could out of my little closet.

I've had great success with my 6-hole system. This system is a lot better for patients just needing to supply meds for themselves.

I was thinking of developing a scaled down system just like the big system I use now.

I could use one of those small Roughneck containers for the veg and flower systems. I already have a working flower system designed.

I would write up a tutorial and plans just like I did for this thread. I know it would be a hit just because of the success of this thread.

So what do you guys think? Do you think a StinkBud JR. system would be popular?
That looks perfect bro! I bet your room is a lot cooler now.

I've been running my room at 88 degrees lately. That causes the plants to transpire a lot of water into the air.

It's super wet outside so I have to run my dehumidifier full time during lights on. In fact it's even running during lights out now because it's so humid.

You are going to trip over how fast your plants will grow with the CO2. Everything will be bigger. Even the leafs will end up huge!

On another subject...It snowed 22" of light fluffy powder on the mountain yesterday. It's snowed over 4ft. in the last 3 days!

I'm drinking my coffee and doing bong hits right now. Guess where I'm going when I'm done?

First tracks on untouched powder fields with 4ft. of fresh. I'm so fucking excited I just have to tell someone!

Thanks stink....have a kick ass time on the MTN bro!!

Now that i sealed and cooled the lights,,,, my room doesnt get above 81, i was hoping to run it at around 86..if i get a fan speed controller will that help me dial in the warmer temp?
Ive been lookin into this cause you can get them led in 12vdc and bilge pumps like you said. the timer is the only tricky part. Ive been lookin into making a 12vdc timer also. if you find a repeat recycle timer in 12dc let me know. peace

The Rule with the built in won't work. It turns itself on every two and a half minutes for one second unless it senses resistance, (water in the bilge) and if no resistance is felt it shuts off immediately.
It's a chip so you can't screw with the timing.
Thanks for the input Stink, Dirt and Picasso!

I'm hoping it is a combo of strain specific issues, heat issues and respiration issues.. Heat is fixed. Will get some more fans for even better circulation.

Hey rep..i have the same issue with one strain.. all the other strains do fine but this redgrape has always had browning leaves like you said that eventually die...it really didnt have much of an effect with the yield,,these redgrape plants start browning as early as one week in veg...i would guess its just strain specific.
your grow looks great man!

also i noticed how your mylar is so neat and smooth lookin...I put mine up one night after some ak47 and its f%%n so wrinkly..do you think that is a bad thing?

I think it's fine like Stink says. Did you also notice how oxidized my mylar is? Pathetic! One little Cap Ozone JR effectively oxidized the whole room. I will be replacing with wallmart security blankets when I can find them ;)
Hi stinkbud, you are the man, I love this thread!I am in the process of building 2 of your systems in a 4x4 area. If you were to install 2 lights would you go with 2 600 HPS lights or 2 1000 lights. I am hoping to make the grow room larger this summer.
