What happened to my favorite Marajuana Strains???

Sub Zero

Well-Known Member
"The old Mexican pot Oxaca (pronounced wa’haka) Gold was really good but you cannot find it anymore."
I remember... it must have been 1976 when I got a bag for about $30 -$35, mine wasn't gold, just green
buds a few seeds and a shit load of red hairs. This was the first time I ever saw red hairs!!! We used to
smoke $10.00 Mex commercial weed.........YUCK!!! seeds, stems and shake. I did get high on it, but still...YUCK!

Sub Zero

Well-Known Member
I would imagine the remote places in Morroco and afghanistan vietnam others there would be surviving originals still being cultivated by grandsons of the ethnic land race grower of old
I have a brand new passport... lets go!!!:blsmoke:

Brick Top

New Member
I would imagine the remote places in Morroco and afghanistan vietnam others there would be surviving originals still being cultivated by grandsons of the ethnic land race grower of old

I agree and that is why I said you practically have to travel the world to find them. I am almost sure that if someone could find a remote enough location, and meet the right people there, someone could find the very same OLD original landrace strains but that is just not something most people can do and or are willing to do.

Sub Zero

Well-Known Member
I don't know why I got a passport, I don't have the time do anything but work.
Being self employed, I have to be available to my customers.
A 3 or 4 day weekend wont cut it.
My last vacation was in 2000
You are so right Brick Top, but it would be a hell of an adventure!!!

Big P

Well-Known Member
ya im not sure i feel like getting caned in thiland for smokin a joint anytime too soon

got some harsh anti freedom sentiment outthere, we cant even get these blood suckers in washington to stop oppressing us for personal gain.


bicycle racer

Well-Known Member
im sure some fresh afghan genetics will make it to the states i know lots of people in the military who smoke. so seeds will come back from afghanistan at some point if not already.


Well-Known Member
makes sense...when u ship it in bricks u damage trichs leading to oxidation which would turn it brown...im sure sunlight degrades thc but not as severly leading to a golden color...the same goes for tea actually black oolong and green teas are all the same plant just different levels of oxidation

Sub Zero

Well-Known Member
im sure some fresh afghan genetics will make it to the states i know lots of people in the military who smoke. so seeds will come back from afghanistan at some point if not already.
I couldn't wait, so ordered and recieved 12 World of Seeds Pakistan Valley Fem. 100% indica and some regular Homegrown Fantaseeds Afghani also 100% indica.
Can't wait to get them started... :bigjoint:

Sub Zero

Well-Known Member
Yep, more indicas to add to the genetics pool when it is sativas that are what is lacking.
I take it you're a sativa fan??? :weed:

I like sativa and indica, I just don't like the weed being sold to us medical marijuana patients. It's all over the damn place, 25% this 75% that, or 33% this 33% that and 33% of the other thing. One day it's 10% THC, then it's 21% THC. I got Purple Urkle one week; then I get some more Purple Urkle from the same caregive, it's NOT the same WTF! After I get my indicas grown, and I have my 8 oz of manicured buds. I'll start a fresh batch of 12 plants, 6 indica and 6 sativa. The sativa I would love to grow would be... World of Seeds Wild Thailand or Kannabia Seeds Thai Fantasy Feminized or Seedsman Seeds Mama Thai Seeds. Then I can mix the medicine the way I need it. 1 pinch of sativa, 1 pinch of indica, rollitup and enjoy! :joint:

I may be able to recreate some of those old school buds by trying some different cures on the sativa and on the indica.
Sun cures, fermentation, and any ideas you guys may come up with. I just need the extra buds to experiment with. Too damn precious at this time. :eyesmoke:


Well-Known Member
makes sense...when u ship it in bricks u damage trichs leading to oxidation which would turn it brown...im sure sunlight degrades thc but not as severly leading to a golden color...the same goes for tea actually black oolong and green teas are all the same plant just different levels of oxidation
To some degree yes, that's all teas are.

Generally, green and white teas are the youngest leaves, fresh-picked, and rolled up into balls and allowed to dry in that form. Some white teas are allowed to oxidize just a tiny bit to give that slight peach tint to the tea.

Black tea has the most oxidation, then Oolong/Pekoe.

Pu-Erh tea is a special type, it can be aged up to 20 years before it's sold. That particular type of tea leaf can be brewed damn-near 15 times over before it's spent.


Active Member
I take it you're a sativa fan??? :weed:

I like sativa and indica, I just don't like the weed being sold to us medical marijuana patients. It's all over the damn place, 25% this 75% that, or 33% this 33% that and 33% of the other thing. One day it's 10% THC, then it's 21% THC. I got Purple Urkle one week; then I get some more Purple Urkle from the same caregive, it's NOT the same WTF! After I get my indicas grown, and I have my 8 oz of manicured buds. I'll start a fresh batch of 12 plants, 6 indica and 6 sativa. The sativa I would love to grow would be... World of Seeds Wild Thailand or Kannabia Seeds Thai Fantasy Feminized or Seedsman Seeds Mama Thai Seeds. Then I can mix the medicine the way I need it. 1 pinch of sativa, 1 pinch of indica, rollitup and enjoy! :joint:

I may be able to recreate some of those old school buds by trying some different cures on the sativa and on the indica.
Sun cures, fermentation, and any ideas you guys may come up with. I just need the extra buds to experiment with. Too damn precious at this time. :eyesmoke:
Now thats what I'm talkin' 'bout Subzero !!!
Grow your own out !!
Cause the old school mexican weed was probably laced w/ malathion or some other crap !!
But I hear ya on the Co-Op's, very dissappointing.....can't trust any of them to grow to full maturity !!

Big P

Well-Known Member
That 1970's story started all the backyard growers and killed the Commercial Mexican Weed Trade!
Goodbye forever $10.00 4 finger bags...

u can still getem for $60 an ounce pretty nasty stuff tho,

i wanna know where to get stuff like bricktop is talking about. sittin in your house forgeting where u are, sounds a little scary but im willing to try:bigjoint:

so what is the next best closest thing we can get

lets agree on the best strain to get to alieviate this craving we cannot end this thread without a strain suggestion from a commercially available strain

any suggestions?:bigjoint:



Well-Known Member
ya all the old school bud was excellent, im an oldtimer myself(60'S) and id love to find some panama red or acapulco gold!!
in 1978 a buddy of mine who also was chronic went to panama by cruise ship all the way from vanvouver and before that northern canada just to score real panama red smoke,he had a set of balls that were unmatched,he trucked into some exotic places and smoked their best untill he found the very best worth hauling back to the bush camps of northern canada,he brought a QP back all by boat.he made it home with this fine herb,we spent a week drinking the best home made wine the north has ever seen while smokeing the red hair as we called it,it was a week to almost remember.it cost 5 grand to get the weed home,but like my buddy said we only live once.but when you spend a grand to have pizza flown in whats 5 grand to find the finest herb.

Big P

Well-Known Member
in 1978 a buddy of mine who also was chronic went to panama by cruise ship all the way from vanvouver and before that northern manitoba just to score real panama red smoke,he had a set of balls that were unmatched,he trucked into some exotic places and smoked their best untill he found the very best worth hauling back to the bush camps of northern canada,he brought a QP back all by boat.he made it home with this fine herb,we spent a week drinking the best home made wine the north has ever seen while smokeing the red hair as we called it,it was a week to almost remember.it cost 5 grand to get the weed home,but like my buddy said we only live once.but when you spend a grand to have pizza flown in whats 5 grand to find the finest herb.

does he still have a mother goin:bigjoint:


Well-Known Member
does he still have a mother goin:bigjoint:
no he was liveing in a work camp in the bush,he was a bush wacker,and he brought home a clean qp no stock or seeds,we tried growing on the muskeg that summer but they froze the same night lol.mind you their were a few growers up north,but nothing to write about.


Well-Known Member
i dont think the old red hair could be grown inside,it took 4 months to flower.when my uncle worked for cuso in the 60/70, in botawana he sent some of the most soaring head high pot that i have ever smoked in my entire life,it had no cieling at all,we even grew the seeds never flowerd outdors here but for maybe a week,and it still made you tripout.he had black and whites of the 20 foot plants,they grew like long sticks.ive never heard of any breeder useing botwawana africa genetics in their stock.but some seeds went to the communes in tefino on vancouver island so who knows.