Most Memorable Place You've Toked


Active Member
The time I ate some shrooms and blazed up and went walking through the Musée du Louvre and spent 2-3 hours trying to find the Egyptian section always sticks out in my mind. Or the time I sparked up in the tower of London.


New Member
the beach is always on the top of my list to burn one. :bigjoint:

The beach is definitely a chill place, but I have to say one of the weirdest places I've blazed up is in a house of clowns.....

like my boy's mom and dad are clowns and they have clown shit all around....tripped cid in there......that wasn't to good ha :eyesmoke:


Well-Known Member
Inside Bob Marley's house in Jamaica was the most memorable hands down. The tour guide let us smoke a spliff while taking the tour!


Well-Known Member
im gonna have to do a bucket list type deal one these days. these are some really cool toke spots. except for the clown one i couldn't have handled that one wow.


Well-Known Member
im gonna have to do a bucket list type deal one these days. these are some really cool toke spots. except for the clown one i couldn't have handled that one wow.
Yeah the clown thing would totally freak me out.. Real clowns not so much cuz thats just a weird guy with alot of makup but toy clowns are insane.. My grandma gave me one when i was little and it stayed in my room.. I would always wake up and see it until one night i just freaked out punched it about 15 times and threw it behind my dresser......:bigjoint:

Brick Top

New Member
Since I started smoking in the late 60’s it would be really hard to pick just one place that really stood out above all others but one activity that was common for a while that involved getting high always does stand out in my mind.

One of my friend’s family owned a funeral home and he would pick up the bodies and I’d go with so we’d always get high and send them off right.

The two most memorable ones were my first, as they say you always remember your first. Of course that came on the night that I had been on the ULTIMATE DATE FROM HELL but it ended up with us picking up Mabel Ness and then the time a friend who had just bought a new boat went to Michigan for the weekend and while drunk off his ass and sitting on the top of the driver seatback he threw it into a turn and was tossed from the boat and it came around and hit him and killed him deader than disco. We drove up and picked him up and gave him a very smoky/cloudy sendoff.


Well-Known Member
idk for some reason i like blazin in public but a few that'd stand out would be six flags burnin a roach on scream machine (my buddy had fireballed a roach on the back of nitro which led to this idea), busch gardens (where they dont pat you down or wand you as much as six flags), while trying to dip security at a local mall and the numerous times i blazed in school bathrooms


Well-Known Member
My most memorable spot would be on the roof of Binions Horshoe Hotel in Vegas. If you can get on the roof of any hotel in Vegas I would recommend it, it's a good place to sit and think about things.

The beach is cool. Is you ever get the chance to go when that plankton that lights up at night is out there that's a great time to smoke. The waves turn blue and green when they crash. It's bad ass.

Another great place is the Queen Mary in Long Beach. Smoke and then go walk around the engine rooms and stuff. You can get really freaked out.


Active Member
me and my toke partner chief'd @@ about 10'oclock at night ,
sitting on the front of some random peoples lawn (:


Active Member
sitting and overlooking montego bay jamacia

some of the prettiest budz I have seen in over 20 years.

1-2 tokes
your good:mrgreen:

Ramen Shaman

Well-Known Member
This place we call the Plateau, at sunset. It's this massive area of dirt just piled up and flattened outside this new housing development, like they carved out all the surrounding area and placed it all there. Now it's covered in grass, and the sun sets over the houses and makes everything seem all right. We went up there with a six-pack, a lantern, and a couple of guitars. I have never felt so many things at once. After sunset, the sky was so clear because they hadn't finished putting in the streetlights. The sky just burned with stars and we talked about infinity.

That experience is the reason I smoke weed today.


Well-Known Member
Me and 2 work buddies back when I was like 19ish. We went to Whitewater, Wisconsin at like 2 am. Laid on the hood of his 300ZX passed a few joints between the 3 of us and stared up at the stars contemplating the meaning of life and if we were alone in this great big fucking universe. Shit was so amazing.

Ramen Shaman

Well-Known Member
It's always that spiritual shit that you remember forever, man. Had we gone out to the Plateau and just tossed a Frisbee around, I wouldn't really remember it at all. But when you add in that feeling of one-ness with the universe, or that feeling of isolation in time, you realize just how intense life can be.


Well-Known Member
Castle rock Marblehead mass High times magazine number 8 spot for a burn run, i live on the neck.
right about here
New England beaches are the best. West coast beaches are nice, but I'm an east coaster at heart. Haven't smoked at castle rock, but it's really nice in any state of mind.

Cape Cod, Nahant, Cape Ann, Rye, Cape Neddick. Mmmmmmm

Beaches hold some of my fondest memories.



Well-Known Member
On a aircraft carrier in the gulf of aden
And last night was pretty funny in a Pro Shop in a bowling alley<weird :eyesmoke:


I used to get up around four am strap on the snowshoes a daypack with crampons, pick, MSR ministove a tin cup bowl n bag of northern lights and my snowboard. I would step out of the cabin in the dark with the snow blue from the moonlight and the snow reflecting a billion little stars. It was often well below zero and the buildup on my beard would begin with the first exhalation. By sunrise I would be about five or six thousand feet up sometimes more by noon I could push pretty high up there if i kept going but usually 6.5 thou up in the Alaskan Range is ok. I'd fire up a cup of tea from melted snow add in a small bag of instant oatmeal and chow down. sitting there looking out over the northern matanuska valley the Chilitna river below my tracks somewhere way down there. I would strap in my board fire upa hefty bowl and sit there smoking till I was too cold or too fucking stoned to the gills.
Day lasts but a while at that lattitude and before the shadows would get too long I would cast off and lay long unknown lines across the creator's best work. One run, fast, steep as fuck, soft as down and perfect. These were the days when Burton was just getting noticed well and the heli runs in Alaska were just about to make people see freaking glory in those chutes. And that Alaskan Range and the lower alpine meadows of Denali St. Park across the river were all mine.
I would make it back by about seven or nine at night, exhausted beaten out from pushing fresh tracks in deep Alaskan powder. I would often lie on top of the cabin - it was easy, it snowed so much there I could walk up my shovel pile to the roof line (first winter it snowed 34 feet) sometimes I'd pull the winter bag up there and sleep outside watching the lime green northern lights roll across the stars, primitive and devine. I would smoke some green but usually just lie there in the silence connected with everything and went wanting for nothing.
I will post pics sometime after they are scanned...this was many years ago, a number of you were not even sperm or egg.