The Attitude Seed-bank Co.

Hmm... I wonder why greenman's seedbank ratings only gave it a 2 star? I read this entire thread, and also a super long thread at the gardenscure, and everyone raved about this place. The order I placed had great prices too... Now we can only hope it germinates okay... :weed:
Which shipping option works best. The regular or is it worth it for a t-shirt option and will it fit in a mail box?:shock:
used stealth t shirt. package size of rolled up tshirt and fits normal mailbox. No sig needed and left in mail box.
yo. ordered from nirvana couple years back got them. been doing white widow and bubbilicious for years now. finally time for new strains, blue cheese, super lemon haze, and cheisel ordered from attitude. ill let yall know if they get here.
man i so dont know who to go with i guess im parnoid but hey everyone else does it. so attitude or nirvana basically????
Hmm... I wonder why greenman's seedbank ratings only gave it a 2 star? I read this entire thread, and also a super long thread at the gardenscure, and everyone raved about this place. The order I placed had great prices too... Now we can only hope it germinates okay... :weed:

It is only my opinion but if you read the information at the top of Greenman’s rating page is says Attitude Seeds was only added to his rating site in January. That means he himself and the handful of friends he relies on for information from their experiences with different seedbanks have likely not had enough time to try Attitude much if at all and to feel sure that a higher rating cam be given.

Greenman does not rely on unknown people emailing and saying this place or that IS GREAT! For all he knows it is the seedbank’s owner and or employees trying to get a higher rating, even if it is not deserved, to increase their business.

So my guess is that he is simply playing it safe until he knows for sure that Attitude Seeds does in fact deserve a higher rating.

He does what he believes is right and not what unknown people tell him. The different seedbanks on his list will go up and down in numbers of stars over time. Two of the seedbanks he now has listed once had a full five stars and now both have dropped slightly so it is not as if once he feels some seedbank is good they receive a lifetime top rating. They have to earn it and then keep their standards and quality and shipping and delivery and customer service and pricing and assortment up to first earn a high rating and then retain a high rating.

I had never tried Attitude Seeds so I decided to give them a try and see how they were. Their assortment is very good and ranges from very low priced beans, which because of their pricing I would tend to be rather dubious about the quality of their genetics and the viability of the beans, to higher priced strains but even the highest priced strains are not out of line compared to high rated seedbanks so I would say their pricing in fair.

I went whole hog and tried the super stealth tee shirt shipping. The confirmation email said 7 to 10 work days for international shipping. Using the track and trace number each day I found that in my case my beans had not left the UK in that period of time but then most people say that they receive quick delivery so maybe my case was the rare one so while based on my single experience I would want to say the shipping is slow I realize that only one purchase id not enough to swear that is always the case so likely as I said I may have been the rare case given all that others have said about shipping time.

The tee shirt is a quality tee shirt, Fruit of the Loom, but the image and lettering on it is very low quality, that is unless once again I turned out to be the rare case. Every letter on mine is only partially there. I have bought tee shirts at concerts with faces or images and words on them and have worn them for years and washed them near countless times and the images or faces and lettering is still in better condition than the brand new never worn never washed Attitude Seeds tee shirt image and lettering is. It may be worth taking that route for purposes of stealth but it certainly is not worth picking that shipping option if you are hoping for a really great tee shirt, that again is unless just like the shipping in my case I just happened to get the one really crummy tee shirt in the box. Considering the price of the tee shirt shipping and what I received I doubt I would make the same choice again since I would not care to collect a number of overpriced tee shirts with low quality images and lettering on them.

The free G13 Labs beans were not at all impressive looking. They are the tiniest beans I have ever seen. They are roughly the size of the head of a pin rounded out at most and some were smaller. They may be viable beans and may surprise the heck out of me but they do not appear to be robust beans and are way, way smaller than any beans I have ever purchased. Until I try them and find out if they have an acceptable germ rate and if then they produce robust vigorous plants what have good genetics and have an average or better level of potency

I will not say they are junk but looking at them does not instill much confidence and they do not look at all impressive. Maybe I will be fooled by them, I hope I am, but I tend to believe the reason they give them away is because they are very inexpensive to Attitude Seeds and they are not in high demand and they do not bring a high profit to Attitude Seeds when they are sold and possibly when they are people are less than impressed and do not purchase them again so Attitude Seeds still offers them for sale but uses them as free giveaways so people feel they got way more for their expenditure when they look at what they paid for their actual order and the cost of shipping and then check the retail price of the free beans and subtract it because doing that makes it appear as if you got a really good deal. But if the free beans have a low germ rate and are mediocre at best then can you really consider them to have been something worth the retail value that people will deduct from their order that then gives them the impression they received a super deal?

If the beans fool me then it will have turned out to be a great deal but if not then they might as well not toss them in because the time and effort and cost to grow them when you could instead be growing something of high quality for the same time and effort and cost may make them not worth growing.

So that is my opinion of why I believe Greenman gave Attitude Seeds a low rating and my own singular experience and personal opinion about Attitude Seeds.
Placed my first order from any seed bank today from Attitude! Little bit nervous but more so happy/excited. Will keep everyone updated on when/if they get here.
got my satori's in yesterday, they look friggin' awesome, especially compared to the g13 thai skunks. i used the cheapest shipping possible and it got here in about a week. I wish i would of gotten them through mandala though and waited the extra week or 2 to get the safari mix, because they would probably be a lot better than these thai skunks..
i got mine about 10 buisness days later I went the cheap route was not really impressed with there idea of stealth but I cant complain I got them oh yeah got some freebies also very cool so far i would order from them but have yet to germ them so the quality of finished product is up for debate but I have heard(read) of decent results hope the same for me or whoever have and may order good luck to u all
I just got a sweet FoTL Heavy Cotton T Shirt from Attitude today...Black, with a green grunge frame on the front....420 in a thick distressed font & an upside-down "BarCode" type of thing inside the grungy frame...It's a pretty cool shirt....

Oh yeah... beans arrived today too...only took 9 days (including a weekend)....

Big Props to Attitude !!!
Placed my order last Tuesday...hoping it gets here within the next couple of days...getting nervous.

UPS tracking says " Your item arrived in the United States in ISC NEW YORK NY(USPS) at 5:08 PM on April 17, 2009."

Does this mean it already went through customs?
I ordered mine on 4/14 and got here 7 days later 4/21, i used to "stealth" t shirt method but it wasn't too stealth if you ask me lol. Anyway i give them an A+
I ordered mine on 4/14 and got here 7 days later 4/21, i used to "stealth" t shirt method but it wasn't too stealth if you ask me lol. Anyway i give them an A+

I'm on the east coast and I used the stealth method...why do you say it wasn't so stealth?
ISC is IMAGING SUPPLIES COALITION. The ISC has a long history of working with Customs and Border Protection in identifying and seizing counterfeit products headed for the US and Latin American markets.

It means the organization that Customs relies on to find things that are illegal or dangerous now has your order and is checking it out to see if it is cool and the gang or not. Now is the risky time.