420 harvest


Well-Known Member
The WW is covered in trichs already and is around 5 weeks flower, maybe 4 can't remember.
But Lucy is 11 weeks in and just now started to dye off.
The trichs are crazy though!

Olympus FE-230 w/ a 3x optical zzom lens, and a 30x jewlers loupe up to the lens.
Very steady and lots of patience and practice.

awesome!!! I just ordered one on Ebay for $105, i can't stand usin my phone to take pics anymore!!!! got another concert to go to in a couple weeks too.


Well-Known Member
awesome!!! I just ordered one on Ebay for $105, i can't stand usin my phone to take pics anymore!!!! got another concert to go to in a couple weeks too.
Take the phone leave Camera at home!:lol:Bunch of hungry ass stoners lol,You guys want a potluck stew?Frige needs cleaning,lmao.Wait there is some Backstrap from a deer we could all eat.


Well-Known Member
Take the phone leave Camera at home!:lol:Bunch of hungry ass stoners lol,You guys want a potluck stew?Frige needs cleaning,lmao.Wait there is some Backstrap from a deer we could all eat.
throw that strap on the grill! i'll finish rollin this fatty and head on over....


Well-Known Member
just read whole 420 harvest post, very bored......and seen your comment beech on stomatas and when they open and close. Well stomatas as you say are pores located on the underside of the leaf, some on the top, but most are concentrated to the underside of the leaf away from the waxy top layer called the cuticle. That why when you spray foliar sprays it runs off the leaf very easy and the addition of a superfectant improves the resistance for the foliar spray to run off (helps it stay on leaf). This is done by increasing surface area of the foliar liquid. Back to stomatas, they are run by two brother cells called guard cells. These guard cells swell in size or shrink, and tis is what cause the stomata pore to be open or closed (swelled guard cells =close, shrinked =open). These guard cells are regulated by the flow of potassium ions in (swell) and out (shrink) of the guard cells. This flow of potassium ions cause osmotic (water) flow were concentrations of K ions is the greatest, so when the guard cell is full of K ions it also fills with water and vise versa for when k ions are out of the guard cells. This regulation of K ions is based upon the concentraton of Gasious compounds within the air pockets between the mesophyll cell (dark cycle cells/calvin cycle cells, whole other post :P). An everyone should know that plants take in CO2 for carbon fixation (sugar production) and produces oxygen through this. this oxgen builds up in the leafs air pockets like described above along with small concentrations of co2, due to it not being used up. This gas must be released so it can refill with fresh co2 for more oxygen production. But it cannot release this oxygen all the time, there is specific times for this. IT cannot open stomta during the day for risk of loss of water, which is horrible in plants due to the turgor pressure theroy (another post :P), so it opens during the night to exchange gas and take in CO2 (which is why i always use 18/6 for a dark cycle). This is specific for many plants and there climate/region and genetic/organism make. This is why you should never let a plant dry out cause there wont be any water for the guard cells to open and close. If oxygen is not released it can be pushed through the clavin cycle by accident, for get its scientific name it will come to me, this cause the plant to satisfy its clavin cycle but not to produce a G3p sugar, as a result plant growth is deminished and death is pending. Anymore information on this subject just ask me jsut wanted to fill in some info for the people wanting to know.


Friend with weed is a friend indeed!


Well-Known Member
sorry for spelling, i am very good speaker but not a good speller. Hate people that descriminate on peoples intellectual ability when they have gramatical errors or spelling mistakes, its a f*^king internet forum, i got to university i do enough revising and proof reading, BLAH to you discriminators



Well-Known Member
Take the phone leave Camera at home!:lol:Bunch of hungry ass stoners lol,You guys want a potluck stew?Frige needs cleaning,lmao.Wait there is some Backstrap from a deer we could all eat.
But if i don't take my camera, how can I take all 100,000 pics of the op. for ya' beech?LOL!! When i was a little kid and lived at home, we had all types of crazy creations made from animal meats of all kind.
Anybody ever have blackbear meat?:spew: I think Goose is too greasy!!
But deer........i could eat a big slab of deer on 420.

throw that strap on the grill! i'll finish rollin this fatty and head on over....
Hey twist pick me up on the way, i'll bring the bong and some crop!:hump:
Oh yea.....420 is getting CLOSER!!!!!!!:clap:


Well-Known Member
sorry for spelling, i a very good speaker but not not speller. Hate people that descriminate on peoples intellectual ability when they have gramatical errors or spelling mistakes, its a f*^king internet forum, i got to university i do enough revising and proof reading, BLAH to you discriminators



Well-Known Member
throw that strap on the grill! i'll finish rollin this fatty and head on over....
Dude i can smoke a MEAN backstrap are some killer Briskett got the rub for it down pat!! you ever use Cavenders seasoning??UFR
you guys get too stoned before doing your forum posts :P[/quote]Lmao, MCN you havent seen nothing Just wait till i brake out the Hooka filled with some 60 40 Blueberry x Ak47.It the high where you better have a plan,cause you will be so damn stoned off MY buds you will:wall: and im serious!!And still spell!LOL:lol:

Rocky Top High

Well-Known Member
IM on board with the new Sig,can i use it too?
I'll toss some +REP for starting this threaad. It will be huge by the time 420 rolls around and for those that are getting in late, it will be hard to catch up. Between my Kali Mist and your Blueberry X AK47, you better get a back-up train egineer...a designated driver so to speak. :lol:


Well-Known Member
ya all throw you some plus rep just for the hell of it:P, smoking some outdoor AK rate now and i love the high, makes me wanna go do something instead of sittin around. My plants are lookng fucking wonderfull now that they are used to their hydroponic enviroment. I have one strain were both plants look deathly, which im thinking they just dont like hydroponics (sweet tooth) and im gunna use them for my outdoor in the summer (SO CLOSE) it's a very quick strain, from bcseeking.com, its basically done in 45days :P, but it sucks its not a hydro strain. The rest of my babbies are doing wonderful hopefully all have some bud for 420:P. O ya about my stomata rant, i was very stoned, fan of the wake and bake :P, and ranted for a couple lines (or 30) about the function of stomatas, was that helpfull for anyone?


Well-Known Member
ya all throw you some plus rep just for the hell of it:P, smoking some outdoor AK rate now and i love the high, makes me wanna go do something instead of sittin around. My plants are lookng fucking wonderfull now that they are used to their hydroponic enviroment. I have one strain were both plants look deathly, which im thinking they just dont like hydroponics (sweet tooth) and im gunna use them for my outdoor in the summer (SO CLOSE) it's a very quick strain, from bcseeking.com, its basically done in 45days :P, but it sucks its not a hydro strain. The rest of my babbies are doing wonderful hopefully all have some bud for 420:P. O ya about my stomata rant, i was very stoned, fan of the wake and bake :P, and ranted for a couple lines (or 30) about the function of stomatas, was that helpfull for anyone?
man, i learned somethin...i spend all day online reading shit like that...love the tech stuff


Well-Known Member
I am 2 weeks from harvesting. Plan on having it cured for 420. Then on 420 plan on harvesting my next batch. Should be a great day.


Well-Known Member
I am 2 weeks from harvesting. Plan on having it cured for 420. Then on 420 plan on harvesting my next batch. Should be a great day.
Good times, smoke and chop on 420! I'll be puffing some WW on 420 hopefully. It should be done curing by then.