McNea's SoG Grow Multiple Strains


Well-Known Member
yes that is basically how i want to grow, one big cola bud from internod to internod, so you saying let it veg till you get 1-4" side shoots, then flowers so bud develops in the v of the lateral branching and grows to meet up with the top bud and so forth for all the lateral branching nodes, to create one big bud? sorry if thats confusing saounds right to me :P
Well, i can't say for sure as this is my first attempt, but from my last grow i watched how the buds developed and how side branch length, along with the stretch effected the mass of the buds at the final harvest.
I noticed all the lower buds swelled up alot, and the top naturally cones to a point, so i came to the conclusion, keep internodes as close as possible and side shoots shorter to form buds on short branches and let them grow into eachother.

must have a HID light for this to decrease stretch?
Definatly need HID for Sogging


Well-Known Member
thanks for your help man you have given me a new found confidence, do you trim lateral branching or let it just grow like mother nature intended


Well-Known Member
thanks for your help man you have given me a new found confidence, do you trim lateral branching or let it just grow like mother nature intended
It will become very clear what needs to be trimmed once they start to form the canopy. With SOG they reccommend removing the entire 1/3 of the lower branches. My idea is to let the lowers stay, but make sure they don't stretch too much and run into my lights. Only got about 3 feet to light. If lower branches get too long, cut it off and use it for clones. It's a good way to get a cycle down, and never need a mother plant.
If that is what tyou can do, but it takes space and time......LOTS of it!LOL!!


Well-Known Member
hey im gonna post my grow pics tonight so you can see my setup, rate now my babys are recovering from dry hot conditions and lack of water and the water they were getting was saturated with hydroton dust lol, well i replaced resevouir and cleaned table/resevouir, gave then 1/4 nutrients to start and everyhting seems good now, they look really dead but there is green sprouts starting at the v's of the branches and there starting to perk up. Gonna watch them really closely, also whats best flood times for rock wool plug in hydroton pots, rate now im doing 15mins every 4 hrs, temps in room are 85 and humidity is around 55-68. Think this is enough water for them, how long does hydroton take to soak up water effiecently and how long does it hold it for, sorry for all the questions lol worry about my babies dieing, pics coming.


Well-Known Member
Where are the pics? I just read over on the 4:20 Smoke Train thread that you put some new pics up? My red eyes are hurting from looking. LOL

:~Boneman :joint:


Well-Known Member
Where are the pics? I just read over on the 4:20 Smoke Train thread that you put some new pics up? My red eyes are hurting from looking. LOL

:~Boneman :joint:

First Pic is Top view of Flood Table, this table is situated within to partitions that extend from celing to floor. This keep all light out from mothers beside it, they are pics flood table/floodtable2

-Before i get into this ten fold, i wanna get my sis's camera thats 12megapixels and use that for pictures, my cell phone camera is crap'ola.

Next set of pics is my DiY air exchanger, made for exactly $6, from a local army/laboratory surplus shop and Rona. Bought a 120v AC fan from surplus store (6$), and a 4"ducted aluminim exhaust port (4$). constructed at home using small cardboard insert to fill in the whole area hen fan is going, and siliconed fan to card board with hole cut in it for air flow. Holy cow does this thing throw are, with 15' of aluminim dryr ducting from it to grow room/area it stil throwing air out pretty decent, i use it to throw cool air across tops of plants while light is on. As you can see from flood table picture, the aluminium ducting comes out beside the table and blows nice cool, CO2 filled air across plants. This is only on the the light is on: hes some pics of how its constructed:

Later tonight i wil post pics of nutrients and some plant problems i am having from putting my clones in my flood table. could be shock, to hot, to dry, to wet im not sure :P. Well enjoy what u ave posted so far sorry its not much more will come tonight when i get my sisters camera for some good close up's of my dieing babies :P, and some close ups of some mothers that are budding inccidentaly :P.


P.S - sorry for all the spelling mistakes im on a different computer with a totally different keyboard setup lol. Funny how it effets typing that bad lol



Well-Known Member
all try and explain the DIY air exchanger better pics are stupidly idiotic angles. If you look at last pic on top row, ti shows the aluminium exhuast peice with 4" duct end on it. On the open part i silicones a piece of carboard to totall block the open square end. Then i cut a hole in this cardboard that is the same diameter as the inner circle of the fan ( 2nd last pic top row). The this fan was siliconed to the cardboard over top the hole cut in it, this creates a perfect seal so all air is forced to go through aluminum exhast vent down my aluminium dryer ducting. When you look at pic 3 top row, you can see the fan attached to the cardboard, which is attached to the square end of the aluminium dryer exhaust. When i first created this is did not believe it would have the power to push air adequtely from my cold/co2 filled basment to my grow room, but does it ever, it acts as a nice fan blowing cool air across the plants. IN the first pic top row you can see the dryer ducting coming in on the left and bending to blow across the plants, this is the other end of my DIY Air exchanger, and it works awsome. It comes on when ever the light does and keeps the flood table a perfect 82 F. Also keeps moister in check, by bringing in dry winter air. Any question concerns, wanna make one your self just ask. Also noise level fomr this is a 2/10 barley hear it and i think it works 10x better then those inline duct fans that cost well over $30.


Well-Known Member
tonight will be nutrients (strenght and when to us), plant problems HELP BEECH AND ANYONE ELSE, LILmafia, BONER. Also do a small pit on new scrog/Sog idea, wanna make a screen about 3-4 iches above there curent postion, dont wanna do Scrog or LST, but just for suport when buds get bigger instead of strings and sticks everywere.


Well-Known Member
tonight will be nutrients (strenght and when to us), plant problems HELP BEECH AND ANYONE ELSE, LILmafia, BONER. Also do a small pit on new scrog/Sog idea, wanna make a screen about 3-4 iches above there curent postion, dont wanna do Scrog or LST, but just for suport when buds get bigger instead of strings and sticks everywere.
Wassup?You having problems?For me its alot better to remove the hot air,opposed to dumping in cold air!Your clones dont look that bad,just alittle shock from rooting and transplant.


Well-Known Member
well my water cycle is 3 times during flowering, 4hrs apart for 20mins, then 1 time during night at 10mins. Do you think this is to much water, the leafs are turing upward along the sides and yellowing at tips. Might be to hot, or to much nutes but i only used 1/4 nutes. Im thinking its a heat issue, have you had exsperience with leaf edges turning upward/curling upward, not really tips but sides. Also what are your usual sign's of over watering from your exsperience?


Well-Known Member
Day 6 of Table: Looking GOOD

Replaced my old resevouir with new water with 1/4 nutes, later resevour got really murky from the addition of beneficial fungy for healthy root development. This new batch of water has cause my clones to accelerate in growth and come back from the verg of death. Refilled resevour with well-water instead of RO water along with 1/4 nutes, and they seem to love it, ight have to go back to RO water for the bud stage to rreduce ppm. My favourite looking strain in there is sweet tooth looks awsome short stout really short internodal distances and smells like hash already lol. Its pale green in color and had short think leaves. Blueberry looks like a hydro giant, its huge with thick stock and medium internadal distances. Blueberry has big fat leaves and strong growth at internodes. AK -47 is the same as blueberry in shape and form, thick stem, fat leaves and strong growth. Sweet tooth is basically dead and hates hydro, it was a outdoor strain that i wanted to try hydro cause its done very quick . And finally Rupe is doing medium of them all, nice stem, strong growth good internodal distance and smells lemony already ( not sure what strain it is). Overall my clones are looking great cant wait to switch to flowering and see the different bud form and ow they smell.

increased flood cycle to 20mins every 4hrs during light cycle. and once for 10mins during dark cycle. Seem to be loving this schedule, only using PBP Botanicares grow, smells like SHIT, but seems to be working great. This is only day 6 of them being place din table not sure when im gnna flower them probly from 6-8inches there about 3-4 now. Biggest being 6"now. Probly another 6days and then flowering bulb will be popped in and the fun begins. Heres some pics for something to look at sorry for all the words :P.

PS did have pics but they were way to pic for RIU to load, when i shrunk them to 800x800 they were the corner of eah pic LOL



Well-Known Member
just got TDS meter in the mail, sweet!!!!!. Now i can really tell how much water/nutrients my plant are using. And how concentrated the resevour is :P



Well-Known Member
well my water cycle is 3 times during flowering, 4hrs apart for 20mins, then 1 time during night at 10mins. Do you think this is to much water, the leafs are turing upward along the sides and yellowing at tips. Might be to hot, or to much nutes but i only used 1/4 nutes. Im thinking its a heat issue, have you had exsperience with leaf edges turning upward/curling upward, not really tips but sides. Also what are your usual sign's of over watering from your exsperience?
Mine look kindas Droopy like when the lights have been out,is a sign of too much water!Whats the temp?As far as too much water i dont know your setup!medium etc etc.


Well-Known Member
hey how big are your pots and is it all just hydroton rocks in them or is there rockwool too?


Well-Known Member
sorry, 1.5"x1.5"x2" rock wool plugs placed within the hydroton, this schedule seems good for now, they dont seem to bedrooping, the rock wool plugs are 90% dry before the next flood, i like them to drie out to force roots to grow, think its workign well. PLants are now 6-8inches....FLOWERING SOON. Also just installed a nice squirlcage osilating fan, it blows on them 18hrs a day forceing rigid stems since i dont have a screen to hold them i need some thick stems. I promise pictures and they wil come, just having sister issues and her not letting me borrow the camera, all have to steal it and get them. Also my sweet dreams is looking fucking incredible, its not dark green but a light lime green, stays nice and short with very little internodal distances. Already smells like a lemon covered in hash then sqwished, Cant wait to see this babby when its huge.



Well-Known Member
o pots size is 5.5"x5.5"x7.5" square, cant fit 20 within my 2'x4' ebb and flow table with 80gallon resevour (that to big?). Doing SoG style flowering them at 8-10inches and with one cola each mabey tw see how they grow. After this im implementing a screen to so i can scrog them and totally fill the cabniet. Gunna see which one produced more bud:P