Tatan´s First Grow, White Widow and Bagseed


Well-Known Member
Hi all. For the past few weeks, I have been reading tons of grow journals, learned a lot in the process and finally decided to share my grow as well.:bigjoint:

How my first grow came about :
I had a couple of bag seeds and decided what the heck, might as well put them in pots and let them grow, lol... I had no idea what kind of lighting the plants needed, I had them next to a window with a 150 watt incandescent bulb 24/7 on the bigger one lol... but i didnt care.
About 6 weeks ago, I decided to take it seriously and ordered some white widow seeds and opted to keep my 2 light-deprived, emaciated female bag seed plants and give them proper lighting, while my widow seeds germinated and vegged.

So... I arrived at this setup (I will be posting plenty of pics):

Veg closet: 6 x 26w CFL ... 6500k

Flower closet: 11 x 42w CFL ... 2700k, with an extra aquarium light on the side lol.
The closet is 3 foot wide by 6 foot long, but only about 6 to 9 (3x2 or 3x3) square feet will be used.
That gives me around 500 watts for 9 square feet max, and since those 500 watts are spread over more bulbs, I can get the light closer to the individual plants.

Current situation:
2 female bag seed plants that have been flowering since Feb 5, I will be posting pics of their progress from then til now. This to me is kind of interesting, cause most grows start with the right lighting. Here, I didnt know what would happen the 2 plants were about 17 inches tall when they went in... but they were just a stick and some leaves. Pics coming soon.

2 white widow, 1 mazar x afghan cross and 1 mystery seed. None of these seeds are feminized... so I´m really scared right now. If I get any combination of 2 females out of those I will be happy, but I really want at least 1 white widow so I can clone and keep this going.

The 2 white widow and mazar cross came out of the soil Feb 19, the mystery seed was born earlier on Feb 7.

Ok, too much bla bla...pics coming soon.;-), If anybody has any comments or suggestions please feel free to post.

PS. Im new to posting in forumns... One of the grows I really enjoyed on this forum was Fyfe´s grow. Does anybody know Londoner and Mr West ? I spent so many hours reading that grow I feel like I know those guys.


Well-Known Member
Ok here is the First Pic it shows the flowering closet right before i got the rest of the gear together, you can see scrawny plants to the left, 2 of them turned out to be females, to the far right you can see part of a much bigger male plant that got tossed. I will be posting the progress and the white widow and mazar pics next.



Well-Known Member
Lol.. sorry im new to this .. just figured out to post the first pic... now going for multiple ones..

Here are 2 pics of the progress of my mystery seed... which came out of the soil Feb 7. It´s coming out nice, lol nothing like the bag seed plants when I first started them... this plant from the get go has looked good:lol:.


Mr. Bitti

Well-Known Member
they look great cause they are enjoying an ideal environment hehe they reward you when you treat em right, specially in the seedling stage. the mystery seed looks great man. looking at you cab it looks like a pretty big room, id suggest getting a hps in there man. not that the cfls arent good but the hps will be more effective in lumens per watt, i just finished a whole grow with cfls and am now growing under a 150 hps ans 52 w of 65k cfl's. i also have a mazar-i-sharif girl and she has shown sex as female and im really exited!! i tossed 2 mazars earlier becuase they seemed to be developing like males (long and tight nodes) and the one i kept turned out female and a real beauty. already almost too big for my cab as it stretched a lot when i flipped to 12/12 ill post a pic of her she is very faat and nice and green, you should swing by my grow journal in my link its a micro sog in a cab that is like 30" wide 14" deep and about 36" tall. heres a pic of my mazar taken about a week ago, enjoy



Well-Known Member
Here are more pics on the 2 bag seed females and their progress...

The first pic was taken a few days after flowering... you can see more lights around the 2 plants... They still look really bad due to the bad lighting conditions among other things. The bigger plant had been topped, but the lamp from up top fell and broke part of the plant... so I put the stick up to help hold it, cause it would not stand up on its own lol....

The second pic is a days later .. and this close up of the bigger plant shows how its starting to grow.. now that it has decent lighting..

The third pic is a a couple of days ago... To me its inctedible the change in the bigger plant (the smaller plant was much more retarded than the bigger one when they went to flowering... and the bigger one got more light as they were getting sexed.

Next.. i´ll be showing pics of the progress of 2 the white widows and mazar cross plus the mystery seed.



Well-Known Member
Wow Mr Biti, those leaves are looking nice ! nice big and fat.
Anyway, sorry I´m noob to forumns, i tried to go and see your grow, i clicked on your name, got to your page but saw no link to your grow. Also I clicked on your name and hit the see all posts by this user or something .. and got nothing... Ill keep trying.
About the Cfls.. yeah... I know I should have gone with HPS, but this was my first grow.. and I didnt want to order a ballast and all that. I checked my local hardware store and they didnt have anything but CFL.. so I went with it.
My sistter and split the seeds we bought. A few months ago she found a guy selling the HPS for $5 lol... Both her and I started our white widows at the same time... I´m sure she will have much better results... but oh well maybe I´ll get an HPS for my next grow.

Mr. Bitti

Well-Known Member
if you go to econolights they have one for 32 bucks shipped. in the vapor lamps section its a 150 hps(the one im using) you might wanna look into it and use the cfl's for side lighting. but you can go all cfls it doesnt really matter. i think keeping your plants in real good health is the most important thing for quality.

Mr. Bitti

Well-Known Member
oh and the link to my journal is that http address down at the bottom of my post after this little line that divides it from the text


Well-Known Member
Ok, these pictures show the progress up until today for the 2 white widows, the mazar cross and the mystery seed.

The first 2 pics show the bigger mystery seed and the smaller white widows and mazar babies.

The last pictures show 2 of the new plants have been repotted, I´ll get to the last one tommorow. In the later pics, the mazar is the one in the orange pot, the big plant is the mystery seed and the 2 green ones are the 2 white widows.

Next I´ll post the current pics of the bagseed plants.


Mr. Bitti

Well-Known Member
have you fed the mystery girl yet? she looks like she might be a bit deficient in potassium which is essential in veg phase as well as flower. anyway post up with what nutes you have and ill try to help you to figure out the dosage. do not use the full dose recommended on label always start at 1/4-1/2 strength of what the label says then bring it up. good luck bro happy growing


Well-Known Member
have you fed the mystery girl yet? she looks like she might be a bit deficient in potassium which is essential in veg phase as well as flower. anyway post up with what nutes you have and ill try to help you to figure out the dosage. do not use the full dose recommended on label always start at 1/4-1/2 strength of what the label says then bring it up. good luck bro happy growing
No I havent fed her... I noticed that some of the early nodes had some yellow spots... but the last nodes havent shown any yellow.
I was a little worried about feeding and burning them, cause they are on miracle grow soil.. which releases nutes for 3 months it says.

For my 2 females in 12/12, I´m using something that is 9-14-8... the instructions say to use every time you water the flowers instead of feeding once or twice a month. It says 7 drops per quart of water, but ive been doing about 3-4...
Also says that if you plan on feeding once or twice a month 14 drops should be used instead of the 7.

Im going to post some pics of the 2 bagseed females now, the big one has really picked up, the buds are starting to form, its really exciting :blsmoke:. It´s nice to see such a scrawny plant making a comeback under decent lighting...and its shooting pistils from so many different places... lol im really excited.


Well-Known Member
Ok, now here are the up to date pics of the 2 bagseed plants , on their 26th day of 12/12. One of the pics shows all the lights i have around them. Speaking of which, Mr. Bitty, yeah... I think i will be switching to HPS for my second grow...

My sister got the rest of the white widow seeds, she has 4 of them under her 400 watt HPS, only about 1 day behind my plants, so I plan on checking out her grow and seeing what kind of difference the HPS makes over my CFLs


Mr. Bitti

Well-Known Member
wow man your flowering bagseed looks really good man. i had some ph problems using miracle grow. the peat in it decomposes and becomes acidic and starts to lockout some nutrients. that might be the case you are having an acidic medium. but it might also be nute burn since you said the newer leaves seem most affected. so you should check the ph of your runoff and if its under 5.0 then you might wanna flush with lime or some other technique to bring soil ph up. if you find your runoff ph is over 5.0 then its probably the nute burn or deficiency

mr west

Well-Known Member
Looks nice, my first grow i grew 3 bag seeds, have u taken any clones while u was in veg jus incase its a knockout smoke?


Well-Known Member
wow man your flowering bagseed looks really good man. i had some ph problems using miracle grow. the peat in it decomposes and becomes acidic and starts to lockout some nutrients. that might be the case you are having an acidic medium. but it might also be nute burn since you said the newer leaves seem most affected. so you should check the ph of your runoff and if its under 5.0 then you might wanna flush with lime or some other technique to bring soil ph up. if you find your runoff ph is over 5.0 then its probably the nute burn or deficiency
Yeah, abou the bagseed flowering, I´m looking forward to seeing if a plant can really recovover if it has proper lighting in the flowering stage eventhough it didnt get it on the veg state.

About the mystery seed, I dont know, cause the yellowing isnt showing on the new leaves. I guess I have been lucky so far, none of the othe plants seem to be showing any bad signs due to soil. But you are right, I´m going to test th ph. Better safe than sorry. Especially since I only have 4 plants vegging... really hoping to get 2 females... and the mystery seed plant is looking awesome other those few yellow spots, dont want to risk losing her lol


Well-Known Member
Looks nice, my first grow i grew 3 bag seeds, have u taken any clones while u was in veg jus incase its a knockout smoke?
Great to see you stop by Mr. West !

Yeah I did, but only 6 days ago from the bloom closet, not while it was in veg, at the time my bagseed plants looked so pathetic due to lack of lighting that it almost didnt seem worth flowering them, but... I was surprised the bigger bagseed plant was growing so vigorously compared to the smaller one after they were put on 12/12, and it has so many pistils everywhere that I took 3 clones and put them in the veg closet. They are extra insurance in case I get all males from my good seeds. They are tiny growings that came from the bottom of the stalk that started growing from the bare stalk.They still alive and eventhough they are in 24 hours lighting one of them stated to flower lol.. i guess it carried over from when it was still in the bloom closet.


Well-Known Member
Speaking of clones, I took a clone from mystery plant 5 days ago and put it in the bloom room. This coming Monday it will be 30 days since mystery seed broke the soil and I thought I would put a clone in flower room so maybe I could sex it before the mother goes into 12/12.. nothing yet.

Anyway, I think Ill put mystery plant to 12/12 Monday anyway unless somebody has another suggestion.

Im crossing my fingers that Ill get 2 females out of the 2 white widows, the mazar and the mystery seed. I guess ill know soon enough.


Well-Known Member
Here is a closeup of the bigger bagseed plant, its at 28 inches in height now and 27th day in 12/12. I´m excited about its future, cause its got pistils forming everywhere. This plant has changed so much, I hope the trend continues, if not I´ll have nothing to smoke lol.

Later I´ll post some updates pics of the white widows and the mazar cross. What is weird is that one white widows is a lot stockier and shorter than the other,.. they both germed at the same time etc.. but they look so different.

