McDonald's shooting victim wants workers compensation


Well-Known Member
good points
me i would love to die a hero then someone that spent their life watching it flashing by
and making no impact
man up and make an impact


Well-Known Member
If workers comp does not pay for this i vow to NEVER eat at Mcdonalds again. They make like a billion trillion dollars each year for god sakes.


Well-Known Member
What kills me is not the insurance it is the medical bill itself.

$300,000 to fix three bullet holes? Tell me how that breaks down. There is no way that the actual cost was anywhere near $300,000.


Well-Known Member
What kills me is not the insurance it is the medical bill itself.

$300,000 to fix three bullet holes? Tell me how that breaks down. There is no way that the actual cost was anywhere near $300,000.
youve obviously never been to the ER and seen the bill. 5 stitches costs a grand.

and its 3 bullet wounds, not a fucking paper cut. surgery is involved, vital organs could have been damaged.

if it was a robbery, Mcd would have paid. but it was an incident that had nothing to do with Mcd's....its not thier responsibility.

i think it would be a good show to pay the bill, but it is definetly NOT thier responsibily.


Well-Known Member
The insurance most definitely should pay out. IF they don't then fry boy should sue the hell out of McDonalds, which is exactly what would have happened to them if the woman had continued to keep getting beaten in their store except she would have sue them instead.

I for one don't believe in standing by and watching. I also don't enter into situations where this could happen to me. I carry my .45 with my everywhere I legally can and I purposefully avoid situations where I might need to draw it.

I witnessed a fight at McD's about a year and a half ago, two idiot rednecks going at it, apparently because one of them was rude to the counter girl. Once the first punch was thrown I told the girl to call the cops and started to back away. One of the guys pulled a knife out from his pocket and flipped it open. In less than a second I had my .45 pulled and targeted on the guys head. I yelled as loud as possible, "Use that knife and you will die instantly." He looked up and froze so did second guy. I ordered that the guy drop the knife and that neither of them move until the cops got there.

In about 3 minutes the cops were there, I was held in a car until the McD's staff explained that I likely just saved one maybe two lives and that I was not an agressor. The cops thanked me for my quick thinking and my retraint as I never pulled the trigger. They gave my my gun back arrested the two rednecks and sent me on my way. As the guy who had the knife was being put in the cop car he said something along the lines of, 'You should have let me stab the fker.' The cops looked at me and I just walked away but I whispered to one of the cops, 'I should have shot them both to keep them from breeding.' That got laughter from the cops.

Like DudeLebowski I've lost faith in society. People everywhere are dumb, easily lead sheep who would gladly march to their slaghter.



Well-Known Member
youve obviously never been to the ER and seen the bill. 5 stitches costs a grand.

and its 3 bullet wounds, not a fucking paper cut. surgery is involved, vital organs could have been damaged.

if it was a robbery, Mcd would have paid. but it was an incident that had nothing to do with Mcd's....its not thier responsibility.

i think it would be a good show to pay the bill, but it is definetly NOT thier responsibily.
I can almost promise that I have been to a hospital more than you.

Tell me what about 5 stiches cost a grand?

Tell me what about 3 bullets cost $300,000?

You do realize that medical care in the US is a FOR PROFIT?


Well-Known Member
I can almost promise that I have been to a hospital more than you.

Tell me what about 5 stiches cost a grand?

Tell me what about 3 bullets cost $300,000?

You do realize that medical care in the US is a FOR PROFIT?
the medical industry shouldnt turn a profit? all the researchers and doctors working so hard to make your life more comfortable dont deserve a living?

i dont care how many times youve been to the hospital. the bottom line is that it was none of this guys business to get involved. if the guy was robbing McD's it would be taken care of, but he blatently disregarded the rules stated in the employee handbook and took matters into his own hands instead of calling the he is fucked.


Well-Known Member
the medical industry shouldnt turn a profit? all the researchers and doctors working so hard to make your life more comfortable dont deserve a living?

i dont care how many times youve been to the hospital. the bottom line is that it was none of this guys business to get involved. if the guy was robbing McD's it would be taken care of, but he blatently disregarded the rules stated in the employee handbook and took matters into his own hands instead of calling the he is fucked.
You do realize that Non-profits pay heafty salaries? Profit is what you have in excess of ALL of your expenses including salaries.

To answer your question. NO I do not believe that hospital emergancy rooms should deserve to take advantage of someone in dire need to turn a profit. Without their services the person dies, and with it they become endentured servants. It is blood sucking and opportunistic at its very ugliest.

Nothing that the ambulance / hospital / doctor did that day cost $300,000 nor do the "deserve" to profit that much.


New Member
The insurance most definitely should pay out. IF they don't then fry boy should sue the hell out of McDonalds, which is exactly what would have happened to them if the woman had continued to keep getting beaten in their store except she would have sue them instead.

I for one don't believe in standing by and watching. I also don't enter into situations where this could happen to me. I carry my .45 with my everywhere I legally can and I purposefully avoid situations where I might need to draw it.

I witnessed a fight at McD's about a year and a half ago, two idiot rednecks going at it, apparently because one of them was rude to the counter girl. Once the first punch was thrown I told the girl to call the cops and started to back away. One of the guys pulled a knife out from his pocket and flipped it open. In less than a second I had my .45 pulled and targeted on the guys head. I yelled as loud as possible, "Use that knife and you will die instantly." He looked up and froze so did second guy. I ordered that the guy drop the knife and that neither of them move until the cops got there.

In about 3 minutes the cops were there, I was held in a car until the McD's staff explained that I likely just saved one maybe two lives and that I was not an agressor. The cops thanked me for my quick thinking and my retraint as I never pulled the trigger. They gave my my gun back arrested the two rednecks and sent me on my way. As the guy who had the knife was being put in the cop car he said something along the lines of, 'You should have let me stab the fker.' The cops looked at me and I just walked away but I whispered to one of the cops, 'I should have shot them both to keep them from breeding.' That got laughter from the cops.

Like DudeLebowski I've lost faith in society. People everywhere are dumb, easily lead sheep who would gladly march to their slaghter.

wow u sound like one of those true "wannabe cops".. Just join the gd force and get it over with.. I dont really care for ppl like you.. Cant wait for an excuse to pull ur gun or stick ur nose where it doesnt belong.. Even worse than a snitch imho.


Well-Known Member
wow u sound like one of those true "wannabe cops".. Just join the gd force and get it over with.. I dont really care for ppl like you.. Cant wait for an excuse to pull ur gun or stick ur nose where it doesnt belong.. Even worse than a snitch imho.
Lol you really shouldn't run your mouth like that before you even start to get to know someone.

RT is in NO WAY a wanna be cop.
I do not know him that well or at all really but from the posts I have seen he is an intelligent reasonable person.

That is what any REASONABLE person would have done.
A punk teenager would just stand there too scared to stop two fucking rednecks from fighting and possibly killing eachother in a PUBLIC area.
They had no business with that shit.

and I commend RT for his actions.
It takes a real man to stand up and do the right thing devoid of personal emotion


New Member
IDC how much you "commend" him or anyone else..hahaha u both suck. Hell you cant even MYOFB enough not to reply even though I was talking to/about him... Ur just a wannabe . admit it,accept it and move on. How would you feel if some neighbor of yours decides its his buisness that you are growing weed so he calls the cops on you? Its the same thing whether you admit it or not.. LOL @ "im not a cop, but I play one in real life"



Well-Known Member
you're ridiculous
I didn't attack you and I'd appreciate it if you'd grow up a little bit.

Do you notice that I capitalized the word PUBLIC
By those people pulling a knife in a public area they were taking it too far.
You're telling me you would let two rednecks stab eachother to death just because its not your business?

What a great human being......

Grow up wanna-be gangster


Well-Known Member
wow u sound like one of those true "wannabe cops".. Just join the gd force and get it over with.. I dont really care for ppl like you.. Cant wait for an excuse to pull ur gun or stick ur nose where it doesnt belong.. Even worse than a snitch imho.
You may think as you wish ... you're very wrong. First I carry because I work in incredibly dangerous areas of town where murders and violent muggings are so common the cops are immune to it. Second I carry to protect my employer, I travel with over $3m of computer equipment and could very easily become the victim of a car jacking at any moment.

I've pulled my gun once in 5 years and that was to keep one guy from stabbing another. Under the state law I've had at least 7 more opportunities to pull and use my gun. I didn't because I didn't feel that the actions that happened were worth the reaction of pulling a gun. In those instances no one got hurt at all, despite the fact that they were 'forcible felonies' under the state law.

I chose to stop at least 1 person if not two from getting killed. IMO they both were complete a$$e$ and I'm glad they BOTH got punished for their violence. I am also glad that no one had to be mopped up because of a stabbing. I personally don't like most cops, I think they're power hungry assholes with a Napoleon complex. You may interpret as you wish but I certainly hope that if you had an opportunity to keep someone from dying that you'd take it. I do not regret my action and I didn't seek it out. I was seeking a Bacon, Egg and Cheese biscuit. If I wanted to find 'crime' to fight I know exactly where to go, but that's not my job. This McD's was in upper class suburbia, not exactly the place you expect fights to break out.

If you carried you'd understand that while the second amendment is a right that the exercising of that right carries with it a grave responsibility. That responsibility is to my family first, my self second, and the community at large third. I only pulled at the presentation of a deadly weapon that was intended to be used as a deadly weapon in a situation that did not call for it. I reacted for the preservation of life.. It saved the life of someone who for all I know could be a father or husband of someone who cares deeply. Their behavior was one that put the public in danger, wildly swinging a knife in a crowded fast food joint isn't exactly safe to the bystanders. In the end no one was hurt. How would you feel about me if I walked out the door and let the guys kill each other? Then I'd be a heartless a$$hole IMO.



New Member
Grow up wanna-be gangster
lmao.. im a middle aged disabled white man.. My opinions on this are clear and will not change.. I dont care for ppl that stick there noses into other ppls buisness.. Period.. Whether it be 2 rednecks fighting or w/e.. There are situtations that I would do something similiar, but I def wouldnt get in between 2 men fighting over something that doesnt even concern me or my family etc.. Thats what cops get paid to do and LOVE to do.. Ill leave it to them.


Well-Known Member
so what you're saying is you would let someone get stabbed and killed while it was completely within your power to stop it?

If so you are a disgusting embarrassment to mankind.
If you really are middle aged then you REALLY have some growing up to do.


New Member
lol.. first of all, I didnt get to be as old as I am by not MYOFB.. Second of all, I am not a super hero placed here to stop crimes. Third, Who says someone was gonna get stabbed/killed? Fourth, why the hell do you care what I think so much? No one was even talking to you.( Again, MYOFB! ) Fifth, There are 2 sides to every story.. Who knows what the fight was about or how it was gonna end.. If 2 rednecks wanna fight then its not my place/job to jump in and stop them..Period. Its not like someone took a classroom full of kids hostage and the guy sprang into action and saved 20 toddlers from a deranged drug addict kidnapper.. It was 2 dudes fighting at Micky D's for God's sake.. Get over it. AND MYOFB


New Member
im a fool? screw you sonny.. How about you put on your underoo's and a towel for a cape and go out and fight crime tonight.. Your city NEEDS YOU!