4 Skunk 2 Bagseeds CFL GROW

Rick McNasty

Well-Known Member
more light = good

more light = heat = bad

so, you should have as much light as you possibly can while still keeping your temps at or below 82 degrees.
thats the thing cause right now the lights in there without the humidifiers create heat that would go higher than 82....


Well-Known Member
Get a small desktop fan at a local hardware store for 10 bucks. Have it blow over the plants eliminating heat, allows you to add more light if you are concerned about heat.
23 watts are good but a waste.. start getting 42 watts 45 watts or even a 36 watt cfl, they work really well, i used 4 cfls for one plant and my plant vegged beautiful.

I have 18 cfls over 7 foot high plants right now.. But if you do decide to buy a good amount of cfls just save the money and buy a 400 watt hps.. =]

I got my cfls for free so i didnt have to worry aboutt hat problem haha

Rick McNasty

Well-Known Member
well im a lil concern with the plants right now they look to be wrinkling up! I dont know what that means but its not looking to pretty to me, do you have and suggestions...i will post picturesonce my daylight hours come on.... I have a sodium light but no big fan to eliminate heat so i didntuse it yet, i was planning on flowering with them. the lights are happen to be 20 watt 6500 k lights so im guessing that i need more!

Rick McNasty

Well-Known Member
Still waiting on some advice but i took on myself to cut those brown leaves and to get another light in there so now i have 8 total (will get more soon), i also got a grow book....but still need help on this... So please dont be shy!!!


Well-Known Member
the first set of leaves always falls off, and when they get bigger youll notice the same happening to the very low fan leaves ;)


Well-Known Member
do you have a fan on them ? if not you should.... then they wouldnt need to be staked up.
it would be a good idea to put them in a gallon pot soon and bury that stem so they stand up better

Hash Lover

Well-Known Member
Well as you can see some of the leaves are turning brown i dont know if thats normal or not?
Looks to me like they are getting low on nutes maybe. Or over watering. What kind of soil mix do you have them in? Does it have any nutes in it. If you could keep your lights closer you should not need to tie them up. At there age they should not need to be tied up. And the fan would help also.

Rick McNasty

Well-Known Member
do you have a fan on them ? if not you should.... then they wouldnt need to be staked up.
it would be a good idea to put them in a gallon pot soon and bury that stem so they stand up better

yes i have a fan on them right now, i only have 2 gallon bags so i will be going to those next any advice on soil i should use????

Rick McNasty

Well-Known Member
Looks to me like they are getting low on nutes maybe. Or over watering. What kind of soil mix do you have them in? Does it have any nutes in it. If you could keep your lights closer you should not need to tie them up. At there age they should not need to be tied up. And the fan would help also.
The are in maricle grow potting mix the seed starting type of soil, i dont know if that is good but thats all i had availible to me.....any suggestions?? fan is in there and lights are almost touching them....i tied them because when i watered them they would shift and what not.....but imma keep it going and see what happens....

Rick McNasty

Well-Known Member
I am so glad that ppl are helping thank you to everyone that offers advice, once again thank you! make it legal!


Well-Known Member
yea man i poked my head in the other day and saw you were getting good advice so didnt say much... transplant and only water when its dry when you poke your finger in up to the second knuckle other than that your plant is gonna survive good job just keep on truckin homie

Hash Lover

Well-Known Member
If you can get it and want to buy some really good premixed soil I would definitely go with Foxfarm Ocean Forest.

Hash Lover

Well-Known Member
A good way also to check for watering is to get used to the weight of the pot. Lift it right after you water to see how heavy it is and keep checking until it feels much lighter. That's time to water. Only takes a little to get used to it. But of course if it's drooping you waited to long. But that will also teach you as to the weight.