Hiding your harvest?

Dr Greene

Well-Known Member
YES! Y didn't I think of that to begin with? Duh.

Hey do u have a plane I can barter off you for a while???


Well-Known Member
You better stick to the ground my friend. I'm also lost, 5,000 miles ? Mexico to maine is only 3000 miles, South America on up thru the USA would be a crazy trip, might be worth doing once but still crazy and you could possibly get killed.

5000 miles is anchorage alaska to orlando florida. I'd say for 3 - 5 pounds you might as well go to you final destination and grow it there.


Well-Known Member
So who is the trusted carrier now a days? UPS, FedEx, DHL? What's best? Overnight? Regular Ground? Any input?


Active Member
Alright, here is what my friend used to do coming up from mexico:

Get some big speakers, hollow them out, fill with weed, seal them airtight with some expanding epoxy or something, drive around with speakers in your car! If you do it right its airtight and what cop is going to take apart your speakers to see whats inside?

Just make sure when you are packing you are very careful not to get ANY oil or particles on the speakers because dogs will hit on the smallest things



Well-Known Member
I watched a show on how they train the dogs. They rub a ball with marijuana and toss it around so the dog thinks he is looking for his ball all the time.

They showed all the tricks used by smugglers and the dog won every time. If you think about using chili pepper the dog is going to start sneezing which makes it look suspicious to the officer. They showed the dog finding a small bud in a coffee can wrapped and sealed air tight in a baggie. The dog found the right can out of 20 and the cans were sealed also. I saw the dog do some amazing things and like I said earlier you can't fool the dog you have to fool the officer.

The other thing you don't understand is the officer can give the dog a command so it looks like the dog found something when he didn't just so the officer can look in that area. It's sad but cops can pretty much do what they want. Anymore the cop can just let the dog out at a routine traffic stop and let him walk around your car and if he senses something they have probable cause and you are busted. That passed in the supreme court so you are screwed.

I know a lot of shows exaggerate some but there is no way I'd bet against the dog, he is going to find it everytime from what I watched. Sealed, unsealed, hidden, anything. I think they even put some weed in paint cans and different chemicals, the dog won everytime without a struggle. Please get the idea of fooling the dog out of your head, it ain't gonna happen.

Dr Greene

Well-Known Member
I watched a show on how they train the dogs. They rub a ball with marijuana and toss it around so the dog thinks he is looking for his ball all the time.

They showed all the tricks used by smugglers and the dog won every time. If you think about using chili pepper the dog is going to start sneezing which makes it look suspicious to the officer. They showed the dog finding a small bud in a coffee can wrapped and sealed air tight in a baggie. The dog found the right can out of 20 and the cans were sealed also. I saw the dog do some amazing things and like I said earlier you can't fool the dog you have to fool the officer.

The other thing you don't understand is the officer can give the dog a command so it looks like the dog found something when he didn't just so the officer can look in that area. It's sad but cops can pretty much do what they want. Anymore the cop can just let the dog out at a routine traffic stop and let him walk around your car and if he senses something they have probable cause and you are busted. That passed in the supreme court so you are screwed.

I know a lot of shows exaggerate some but there is no way I'd bet against the dog, he is going to find it everytime from what I watched. Sealed, unsealed, hidden, anything. I think they even put some weed in paint cans and different chemicals, the dog won everytime without a struggle. Please get the idea of fooling the dog out of your head, it ain't gonna happen.

You just gave me the best idea. All I have to do is get two big ass german shepherds and train them to EAT ALL COPS! That is how you fool the officer.


Well-Known Member
You just gave me the best idea. All I have to do is get two big ass german shepherds and train them to EAT ALL COPS! That is how you fool the officer.
You just gave me the best idea, get your own german shepard and shove the stash up his BUM and then when the other dog goes sniffing his butt it will all look normal........


Well-Known Member
I used to use a flip-up license plate, but now I just use an ejection seat - first sign of trouble - a cop looks at me sideways - and I blow the hatch and just fucking launch.

I just choked on my toke while reading this. *cough cough* you sure made my day bro! lol


Well-Known Member
I would say don't worry about it, but do have a back up plan. Think about it. No one knows that you are transporting the green goodness. Follow all rules of the road and do a complete checkup of your car to make sure the pigs don't have any reason to pull you over. Stash it in a safe place and roll.


Well-Known Member
You just gave me the best idea, get your own german shepard and shove the stash up his BUM and then when the other dog goes sniffing his butt it will all look normal........

haha your a genius, lol poor pup tho!

i suggest using a bigger dog lol, hmmmm get a great dane or a irish wold hound should do.


Well-Known Member
So everyone is saying how its not a good idea to drive with your stash, but no one is answering me about who the best carrier to send it through the mail is... hmmmmf?


Well-Known Member
Why not try dropshipping??? Your broker pays you for the weed and gives a list of buyers and their adresses. Ship an oz or whatever the order to the buyer. At least your not shipping large amounts or carrying them.

Dr Greene

Well-Known Member
So everyone is saying how its not a good idea to drive with your stash, but no one is answering me about who the best carrier to send it through the mail is... hmmmmf?
DHL, they are a private company and they do not check your shit, supposedly. I used to work at a gardening center and we used DHL for those purposes alone.


dont drivve 5000 miles in a car, mail ur weed to where ur gonna be and then go there and pick it up...where would u have to drive 5k to anyway in usa, its only 3k from ny to cali