Is my plant going to die?

How does it look for a first time grow and at a week and a half

  • Its Good for a first time grower

    Votes: 3 13.6%
  • Its alright, could use some assistance

    Votes: 10 45.5%
  • Its an average job

    Votes: 1 4.5%
  • Terrible, waiste of a seed haha

    Votes: 8 36.4%

  • Total voters


Active Member
my plant hasbeen growing for about a week and a half. It is bout 3 1/2 inches tall. and it is bending over. It has two leaves with two smaller leaves. is there something wrong with it? should i tie a stick to it?



Well-Known Member
it's fine. add a little more soil, prop it with a pen or stick, and give it more light.


Active Member
my plant hasbeen growing for about a week and a half. It is bout 3 1/2 inches tall. and it is bending over. It has two leaves with two smaller leaves. is there something wrong with it? should i tie a stick to it?
I think your plant is stretching too much for the light.

It needs more light and possibly a higher temp.

Tying it to a stick may help, but ultimately its going to just stretch and stretch and get thinner and weaker until it either dies or reaches more light/heat.


Active Member
i just tied it to a gardening stick. but i have it inside. and it sits in a big window all day. i water it once in the morning. i fill a waterbottle cap about 7 times and put that in. is that enough water and sun?


Well-Known Member
it looks great. its stretching bcuz the light intensity is weak where its at. moove the light closer to reduce stretching


Active Member
Im not sure how much water it technically requires, but I use spray mist bottle and I just water whenever the soil is dry an inch below the surface. Just stick your finger in the soil and whenever it feels dry, give it some love.


Active Member
alright thanks man. and also ive done like a lot of research on growing and stuff. and it says that it takes like 4 months for the plant to grow. but i was wondering if like there was a way that i cld cause the plant to grow buds at an earlier stage. like when it is a foot tall or something. because i dont have the storage to hold a plant that is really tall.


Well-Known Member
you shouldnt water every morning. . give it a good watering, let the soil dry up, not completely though then water again. . are you planning to put this plant outside? if not, what type of lighting will you use for flowering?


Well-Known Member
you can flower plants any time you want. . i doubt you will get any results with it just sitting in the window though. . you need HID lighting. . and it doesnt take four months for a plant to veg. . on average i would say indoor growers tend to veg for about a month (unless topped). . then flower for two. . depending on the strain. .


Active Member
I wasnt planing on putting the plant outside cuz i dnt want it to get affected by bugs. and the woods in my area is heavily populated by deer and the weather has been very unpredictable as well. So your saying i should get an indoor light? and where could i get the light? like at any planting store?


Active Member
theres many different lights you can get, depends on how much you wanna spend on them, you have a set price you wanna stick to?


Active Member
i mean. i dont want to get a shitty one but i dont need to get like the top of the line. I just need one that will get the job done well and in good time. but i can spend up to like $40


Active Member
all that your little guy is doing, is looking its leaves out the window to collect all the sunlight it can. bending is ok, but overhead light will allow your plant to grow out (fan leaves) and up if the light is plentiful.


Well-Known Member
i dont want to sound like a dick man, but did you do any research at all before you planted your seed? im assuming your not set up for HID lighting if you are. . you can get them online or at a hydro shop. . the cheapest way is using cfl's.. you should be able to find those anywhere. . like walmart.. you can try to grow your pot next to the window ive never done it. . but that sounds like it will be more of a headache and a waste of time. .


Active Member
yea man i did do research. and i just figured that i am using the same light that an outdoor plant would be getting so wats the problem with growing it in a window?


Active Member
i mean. i can definetly spend more than $40. i dont know where the price starts for the lights tho. and wat is the problem with me using natural light by putting the plant in a window