Could having a male plant nearby increase female flowering?


Active Member
I have grown outdoors (guerrilla) before and it didn't come out very successful (partially because the were found). I'm now growing my first time indoors (3 plants from bag seeds). I'm curious if I had a female plant sitting near a male plant indoors, would the female grow faster or produce more yield? When a female begins to flower it is trying to attract the pollen from the male. Would the pheromone from the male plant increase flowering on a female?
the female plant flowering is based on photoperiod (length of day) and not pheromones. female plants dont care if a male is nearby, as pollen can travel a mile or more in the air or get carried by animals. having a nearby male plant will only increase your chance of accidental pollination, and mj doesnt have a morning after pill. you're gonna end up with lotsa seeds and not much bud. remove and kill the male plants asap.
LOL your asking if plants get aroused in the presence of the opposite sex :hump:

I think if you give them a few drinks they might start having sex