Is Oprah the Anti-Crist?


Well-Known Member
No but Oprah is a very much a part of the false messiah's agenda. Which is to promote a new religion. The religion that you are God.

Isn't it funny how the abrahamic faiths (monotheistic) the religions that say there is only ONE God are attacked incessantly.

But the polytheistic and other new age religions are left alone?

The Messiah has already been here and his name was not JESUS.

That is a deception.

Just wondering, have you studied any of the prophecy about the antichrist? The antichrist's purpose is to deceive believers of God into thinking that he is the messiah.


Well-Known Member
You will know the AntiChrist when you see him. He will rule from the Holy Land or Israel.

Look at what is going on in the world. Look at all the US bases being built in the middle east, what are they for? They are to protect Israel.

". . .I know the blasphemy of those who say they are Jews and are not, but are a synagogue of Satan." Revelations 2:9

There are people in this world today that call themselves "Jews" but are not. These are the Zionists. They are the synagogue of Satan which is why they are killing innocent men, women, and children of Palestine right now. They are EVIL but they are fulfilling prophecy.

The Anti-Christ will rule from Israel. If you can't see that the United States is in such a huge debt that it is impossible for us to have the same status as world power then you will hopefully see the transition of power that will take place.


Well-Known Member
it was when the pontiac G6 came out...she gave one to everyone in her audience...
Damn I need to go on Oprah

Rumor has it that she checked everyone's party affiliation and bled the brake lines down on the repub's.

Rumor has it... :mrgreen:

out. :blsmoke:
Hmmmm so that was her evil plan . . . . .

No but Oprah is a very much a part of the false messiah's agenda. Which is to promote a new religion. The religion that you are God.

Isn't it funny how the abrahamic faiths (monotheistic) the religions that say there is only ONE God are attacked incessantly.

But the polytheistic and other new age religions are left alone?

The Messiah has already been here and his name was not JESUS.

That is a deception.

Just wondering, have you studied any of the prophecy about the antichrist? The antichrist's purpose is to deceive believers of God into thinking that he is the messiah.
So what is the true religion Bob? Who is the real messiah? And would he please stand up? bongsmilie


Well-Known Member
I'm not going to say what is true and what is not true. If you seek Truth you will find it. You are obviously on the path. There are as many paths as there are seekers but they all lead to One God, the One and Only True creator.

Don't believe that you know everything ever because then you will stop seeking. You will know the Truth when you find it.

Stoney you are not God. If you are God then why is it that you spend almost all of your time on this website? I can tell by your massive post count that you internet id is deeply attached to your ego. So wtf are you gonna do when the internet is shut down? lol

I drink from the cup of Life that is God. The Kingdom of God is at hand and all of you unbelievers will fall to the ground and worship. Seek Truth and righteousness and you will be set free.


Well-Known Member
I'm not going to say what is true and what is not true. If you seek Truth you will find it. You are obviously on the path. There are as many paths as there are seekers but they all lead to One God, the One and Only True creator.

Don't believe that you know everything ever because then you will stop seeking. You will know the Truth when you find it.
never seeked god in my life.. however.. i have searched for the "pot" at the end of the rainbow... damn rainbow goes away b4 i can find it :wall:


Well-Known Member
The Messiah will come only after all of the prophecized have passed. I already said that entire point of the antiChrist is to deceived people into believe he is the Messiah. Once that is done then the True Messiah will come.

Idk who he is but I know his name is not Jesus. The Roman Catholic church changed his real name and named him after Zeus.

So all the people that worship Jesus and not worshipping the true savior. That means that are worshipping satan lol

The main thing is to have LOVE in your heart and to treat EVERYONE with love. Even the people that are manipulating everyone else, and those that clearly don't have love or understanding in their heart but are ravaged with ego and sin.

Stoney McFried

Well-Known Member
Gee, bob, I didn't say I was god, I said I was my own god.And my post count can be attributed to back and forth banter,as I chat in the forums.You don't know shit about me.I'm the same in real life as I am on here. If I were to look at your posts, I'd say you were trying to be some sort of wise, all knowing guru,which you are clearly not.You drink from the cup of bull, and you spew it out incessantly.So, piss me off and insult me some more, would ya? You get to die just like the rest of us.The problem is, you need people to believe the way you do for it to be right in your mind.If you were so secure in your beliefs, you wouldn't try to tell everyone how wrong they were all the time.
I'm not going to say what is true and what is not true. If you seek Truth you will find it. You are obviously on the path. There are as many paths as there are seekers but they all lead to One God, the One and Only True creator.

Don't believe that you know everything ever because then you will stop seeking. You will know the Truth when you find it.

Stoney you are not God. If you are God then why is it that you spend almost all of your time on this website? I can tell by your massive post count that you internet id is deeply attached to your ego. So wtf are you gonna do when the internet is shut down? lol

I drink from the cup of Life that is God. The Kingdom of God is at hand and all of you unbelievers will fall to the ground and worship. Seek Truth and righteousness and you will be set free.


Well-Known Member
Nope I'm not a wise all knowing guru...I just said to seek Truth. Not to believe what I say or type on here.

You said you were your own God. How is that not saying your are God?

Yes you have free will to choose whatever you want but you did not give yourself that. God gave you that when he created all of this.

Im sorry Stoney I really am I'm a douche.


Well-Known Member
I don't need anyone to believe the way I do what are you talking about? I'm encouraging others to seek Truth in the midst of all of this deception. And I'm pretty sure I said there was more than ONE path....but they all lead to One God. Most religions and philosophies are dead ends and not paths. When one road ends you have to find another way or you won't get to the Kingdom.


Well-Known Member
Also Stoney I'm not secure in my beliefs. I adapt to new information and an ever changing world. Its called evolution.

I don't understand where you get the idea that I'm forcing my opinion on everyone? I guess I'll say it again: SEEK TRUTH and LOVE EVERYONE. That is the only thing I believe in that won't ever change.