Wheres all the self-righteous ANTI war Hypocrates these days??

Big P

Well-Known Member
well??? is it true?? you are all a bunch of hypocrates huh?

dont worry I always new you guys were:bigjoint::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol:

White House Won't Rule Out Troops for Pakistan War

By Noah Shachtman March 27, 2009 | 2:08:00 PMCategories: Agony of A-Stan, Perils of Pakistan

President Obama has just laid out his new war strategy. And he's made it clear that the fight is both in Afghanistan and Pakistan. So I asked Dennis McDonough, with the National Security Council: Does that mean U.S. ground forces in Pakistan? Or more drone attacks? "I'm not going to comment on the notions you laid out there," he answered, during a White House conference call with bloggers.

But during a separate press conference, Bruce Reidel, who recently completed a strategy review of the region for the White House, offered some hints. "Thus far, our policy sees Afghanistan and Pakistan as two countries, but one theater of operations for our diplomacy, and one challenge for our overall policy," he said. "We have very concrete proposals for increasing economic assistance to Pakistan, proposals that have already been put forward by the Congress. We're also looking at what we can do on the military side."

Michele Flournoy, Undersecretary of Defense for Policy, added, "I certainly believe we are going to be increasing our intelligence focus in this theater, and as opportunities arise that may increase the pace of operations, as well."

Richard Holbrooke, the administration special enoy to the region said of Pakistan: "of all the dilemmas, problems and challenges we face, that's going to be the most daunting, because it's a sovereign country and there is a red line. And the red line is unambiguous and stated publicly by the Pakistani government over and over again: No foreign troops on our soil." Yet I haven't seen anyone in the administration state unambiguously yet that U.S. troops won't go to Pakistan. If anything, they've side-stepped the question.

Draw your own conclusions. But to me, they're saying: Yes, there will be more troops (both human and robotic). We'd just rather not talk about them.

Later in the blogger conference call, Spencer Ackerman asked McDonough about what the President really means by "disrupting" and "defeating" alQaeda. His answers were... well, a little unexpected.

McDonough defined "disrupting" as making sure Osama's pals couldn't carry out attacks in Europe or America any more. The terror cell or cells could still be intact - just impotent. Which is different from how I've imagined a "disrupted " al Qaeda before.
But the really interesting answer was about "defeating" the Osama-ites. Sure, there's a harcorde element that "has to be met by force alone." But for the most part, it's not necessarily about turning them into Predator flambe. Instead, it's about making sure the "the violent, hopeless future offered by Al Qaeda is outshone by different opportunities" in Afghanistan and Pakistan.

As Ackerman points out, "Notice that 'defeat' here is has an ideological meaning, and its primary measurement comes from the perceptions of Afghans and Pakistanis themselves."
[Photo: U.S. Army]
I'm right here, and believe me, I don't agree with Obamas Afghanistan plan at all. I'm hoping he'll come to his senses sooner than later, but the Afghanistan thing is just wrong.
Obama is just .... meh. Too much double talk, not enough virtue.
Absolutely disagree. He has 100 time the virtue of his predecessor. He is just getting the feel of this thing. I see great things coming out of his administration as long as some looney doesn't take him out.
well you can call me a hypocrite all day long and frankly i don't give a shit. we didn't need to go to war. its just something bush wanted, possibly to gain control of foreign oil. and it seems obama is backing some of bush's policies. i don't pretend to know the real reason that we are in a war but i can bet it was stupid.:peace:
Absolutely disagree. He has 100 time the virtue of his predecessor. He is just getting the feel of this thing. I see great things coming out of his administration as long as some looney doesn't take him out.

He said this 'war' was going to be over. He lied. He said he'd "withdraw troops immediately". He sent more troops instead!

As a humanist I find war unacceptable. And I disapprove of his actions. I find his lack of intellectual response to the number one question posed to him(on his own website) unacceptable.

Life is too precious to kill and to die for such petty reasons.

Perhaps I don't recall exactly where he planned to withdraw and where he planned to penetrate by force. That's what war is. Rape of a country, men, women, and children. We expect others to respect our sovereignty without mutually giving it.

The only thing worth fighting for is freedom. :peace:
I remember hearing we were going into Afganistan. I was at work in a prison and heard it on the radio, my growned "not Afganistan." My fellow officers looked at me like I was crazy. They were like we are gonna kick their ass's. I just shook my head Afganistan's never been beat. Its where empires go to die.
what im wondering is why did G.W. drop the ball on this one

i think if obama says we need to hit the ungoverned parts of pakistan possibly to get the people who we were supposed to get in the first place, I think he is for real and there must be active enemies in this area

so im sitting here wondering wtf was wrong with bush all this time just pussyfootin around and lettin them live and plot?

would u sit by while you knew somone was plotting against you and the people you are responsible for?

somthin screwy
Good God these are tribel people they hate us because we are over there. Leave those poor bastareds alone. Oh n0o their ploting from a mud hut in pushtun land who gives a fuck. We either Send in troops and kill every single one of them and sell their land to pay for it or STFU. Man up and realizes we ain't the boss of everyone. We should treat people how we would like to be treated or Kill them all. Those are your options.
Watch for the draft to be reinstated within two years.

Why within two years? Because the elections are in two years and the Democrats will be thrown out on their "progressive" asses ... and they know it.

the soldiers of reagan are amassing at the borders

give me liberty and death, but dont ever give me a bill for kobe steak:bigjoint:

The man literally just took office. I love watching people bitch and moan about how he lied or has failed to do something. Do you know how stupid you sound? Seriously.... lol

"End war, legalize pot, and fulfill "X amount" of promises within two months, which I know is simply impossible, or else I shall cry and bitch like a freaking retard!"

People like this need to SERIOUSLY die in a fire. I'll be more than happy to supply the match.

whos the retard? he told you he would pull out troops but instead hes adding them? and u say give him more time? for what? him to change his mind?

im glad hes adding them anyway, im just outing all the hypocrats who cry bloody murder and then r no where to be found when thier horse is doin the same shitty things, just shows exactly the kind of personalities we have in here, complete lieing hypocrates who are mostly ill informed and mildy slow

like you :bigjoint:

this guy has already sepnt more money in his 2 or 3 months than bush did during 8 years, while fighting 2 wars with half his brain tied behind his back

its clear to me you have no idea what is goin on in the world and are just a party wagon person who doesnt even know whats goin on

do you know how stupid you look being so uninformed ab out what obama is doing?
do you smoke or do you know any smokers?
ask them what they think of the new obama cig tax.
ask a real estate agent what they think of obama doing away with interest deductions on tax. ( ive heard it has devalued property by 25% across the board.
ask anyone who pays tax's what the democrats letting the bush tax cut expire has done to their income.
ask anyone who knows about the constitution about making ex post facto laws.
ask any christian or church what obamas doing away with tax deductions for large charitable contributions is going to do to their church's , food banks, hospitals,
this fucking guy . along with the democrats and federal reserve have un constitutionly spent 11 trillon dollars with another almost 4 trillion on the way to being spent. and just one more bail out for AIG and the auto makers>
just what kind of chance are we supposed to give this stupid fucker?
as of right now.in less than 3 months he is one of the most hated people in american politics.
exept of course by the bankers and welfare reciepeints ..they will even learn to hate him when their welfare check wont buy food or pay their rent anymore because of the ignorant inflation that is going tobe caused by them printing money.
why dont you get a clue