I have some experience with ozone..
First I wanted to say that there has been some journal quality articles posted recently about the long-term ill effects of ozone exposure past a threshold. This data is from a large-scale study looking at the effects of ozone exposure over long-term... which can cause respiratory problems. You definitely don't want to be breathing in large amounts of this stuff.
In California, for example, some industrial grade ozone generators have been taken off the market (for residential use) and are only available to people who use them for a living.
StinkBud you are right--ozone can and will kill mold spores. In fact, ozone kills just about everything--especially small stuff. Flood/restoration people use it to treat crawlspaces to elimintate actively growing mold.
That being sad--you would not want to use a large ozone generator in your flower room as it can damage your plants, and if any of you have seen pics I've posted--it will oxidize your mylar. The very best way is to vent/exhaust to a separate room that has the ozoneator running, then vent from that wherever (attic...)
Ok. Most Ozone generators are based on how much Ozone they produce per hour. That is the best way to judge how they will work--some are advertised that they will "clean such and such amount of square feet" well, doesn't really matter if they don't produce enough ozone...
CAP makes a couple of good units:
Cap Ozone Jr 200mg ozone/hr
Cap OZN-1 1000mg ozone/hr
I have both. You could get away with the Ozone-JR in your flower room. I've done it--plants aren't affected. I would recommend the OZN-1 as it is only like $50 more and way more powerful, but not for your flower room.
Finally, there are some good units on Ebay that use a solid state ceramic plate (the kind that produce TONS of ozone and are restricted in california) you can still buy them--they will run a few hundred and can produce amounts like 16,000mg/hr. I have an industrial one that I use occassionally for an hour or two when I am expecting company. Look for ozone blaster or maxblaster..
Between the Cap OZN-1 running continuously and the CAP carbon filter that exhausts during the off cycle I can't smell a thing!!
edit: let me know if any of this doesn't make sense--sometimes I leave out important things on accident