Obama Response to Online Forum


New Member
I dont expect much from his first time around, But Im sure if 'change' is going to occure we will see it the second term, I mean really its a game he has to play to ensure it.
Your premise is incorrect. Erkle will be a one-term president. Americans are wising up to him ... and in four years, if he makes it that far, they will be screaming for his resignation.



New Member
Your premise is incorrect. Erkle will be a one-term president. Americans are wising up to him ... and in four years, if he makes it that far, they will be screaming for his resignation.

he is doing a great job Vi...and we will re-elect him...:fire:


Well-Known Member
I was initially annoyed by the President's response, but then I considered his perspective. He cannot address this issue seriously due to still-popular opinion in the U.S.

Most people are not willing to think outside the box regarding the economy, and are especially not willing to openly re-visit their moral stance on drugs. It was actually pretty smart (and diabolical) of the President to address the issue the way he did, although definitely disingenuous. If and when legalization happens, the White House will not likely demonstrate loud support and I can't really blame them for that.

But look at the bright side... I think most people would agree that marijuana's overall reputation has been improving for a while. The fact that our President even discusses marijuana openly and in a light-hearted fashion helps combat negative connotations.
Ding ding ding.....we have a winner.Well put man well put


New Member
I think it would be better for us to sneak in through the bathroom window, instead of busting the front door down.
someone in this thread said he could not wait to grow a plant in his front yard. If it was legalized now what makes anyone think we would be able to grow it?


Well-Known Member
I think it would be better for us to sneak in through the bathroom window, instead of busting the front door down.
someone in this thread said he could not wait to grow a plant in his front yard. If it was legalized now what makes anyone think we would be able to grow it?
They definitely would not let us grow it. The purpose of legalizing would be for the government to distribute the herb while taxing the crap out of it. If people are growing it, the government doesn't get any money from their plan. I suppose people would still go to shops to buy their buds but most would prefer to just grow it on their own.


New Member
Originally Posted by ViRedd
Your premise is incorrect. Erkle will be a one-term president. Americans are wising up to him..


Is that what Rush tells ya?

Nope. Unlike you, I am perfectly capable of thinking for myself. Now go watch Keith Olbermann, sonny.



New Member
What if we sneak into the white house and simply open all of the windows? Obama has already made the mistake of thinking a window was a door... :lol:

out. :blsmoke:


New Member
Jet lag my arse. He just didn't know..he was new to the place, it happens. Don't make my joke serious. Jet lag from where? Chi town? :lol:

out. :blsmoke: