Are Feminized Seeds Worth It?

xclnt thread! i purchased feminized seed. 8 out of 10 germinated. 3 females, 5 hermies. checkout new pix of my girls. threw hermies away immediately.
my mate did fem seeds 'early girl' i think well the whole crop was full of seeds, maybe had he been magically able to pick out every single male flower from the buds then it would have been better. But from what i saw, you get hermies, and when you get hermies, you cant just castrate them to make girls caus theres too much male hidden throo the buds.
Maxyield asked me where I got all my female seeds and I told him the same I'll tell you here.

A friend of mine grows feminized plants His seeds ALWAYS hermie. He gives me his female hermied seeds. I grow them and because I use Reverse I dont have a problem with hermies. EVER. The stuff works. I'm sure that somewhere, somehow you can get your plant to hermie even using the Reverse but I have yet to see it happen.
Ive just about completed my first grow. I started with feminized seeds that I bought from a dispensary in San Fransisco. They said it was guaranteed 80% female~I got 20 seeds. So far planted 9 total and had 5 males. I can say Im not impressed.


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Wow Amy that SUCKS! I can honestly say that every female seed I ever bought or had given to me turned out female. Never had a male sneak in and I've grown a few.

Makes me wonder if perhaps you are a little quick on calling them males......are you seeing cluster of male pods together? I never toss my plants until I'm absolutely positive....there's one point where they are pretty impossible to tell apart.
Wow Amy that SUCKS! I can honestly say that every female seed I ever bought or had given to me turned out female. Never had a male sneak in and I've grown a few.

Makes me wonder if perhaps you are a little quick on calling them males......are you seeing cluster of male pods together? I never toss my plants until I'm absolutely positive....there's one point where they are pretty impossible to tell apart.

At first I wasnt sure. I let them go until I knew for damn sure, and having a couple people who know the difference also helped. One of the 5 I do believe was turned male due to stress but the rest were definate males.
I've almost always order my seed through HES. I've completed 2 indoor grows and working on a third as we speak. All of the strains/seeds I bought were Dutch Passion feminised,( the 5 seed packs). All 15 seeds germinated in less than 24 hours and each resulting plant was a female. Maybe I'm just lucky.

At first I wasnt sure. I let them go until I knew for damn sure, and having a couple people who know the difference also helped. One of the 5 I do believe was turned male due to stress but the rest were definate males.

Damn thats REALLY a shame.....that's a TERRIBLE percentage of females. Sounds like those seeds weren't feminized at all.....that's about the percentage you'd get from unsexed beans imo. I've always had very good results but perhaps like Spon I've been lucky too. Amy don't let that place turn you off feminized seeds.....but I sure wouldn't buy from them again either.
I like this article....It explains how "feminized" seeds are made, why the plants are more likely to turn males, and how to use normal seeds to get a large all-female crop.

The idea of “feminized” seeds is heralded as a new wave of breeding enabling you to grow only females, but in reality it is a less reliable and less effective method than simply cloning your favorite plant. Feminizing seeds is nothing new; in fact, it’s done from a process that used to be called “hermaphroditic breeding” or “Breeding with Herman”.
Even a leaf can root!

During the 1970s and ‘80s it was often the case that the seeds you grew came from a bag of good bud. The bud usually had a name, but it was often made up by the local dealer trying to make his stash sound more exotic. In truth, you knew nothing about the parentage of the seeds that your bag contained. Sure, the female was great smoke – but you knew nothing of her size, shape, yield or genetics. The male involved was a total mystery; there was no way you could guess what the genetics of the pollen donor was. These seeds generally resulted in a range of plant genetics, which made one believe that there were a variety of males around when the female was budding.

As is often the case when genetics are mixed, you get failures and successes. More than one great breed was founded on a bag of random seeds. You would plant a hundred or so of the seeds you had, wait to see what Mother Nature – and your local dealer – had handed you, keep your fingers crossed hoping for a super-breed, and watched as some of the seeds came up. A few of the seedlings were sickly and didn’t live long, while others were strong, vigorous, and grew like weeds (pun intended), so you culled the sickly, nourished the healthy, and picked your favorites.

Through this lengthy and detailed process you would end up with a number of healthy young marijuana plants, which would be transplanted into large containers and, after ten to fourteen days, introduced to a budding cycle of 12 hours light and 12 hours dark. This causes the plants to elongate and show their sex, so it was easy to quickly find and kill the males and wait patiently (or impatiently!) for the remaining females to develop buds and ripen. Doing this inside grow rooms and greenhouses was easy and effective, but the seed planting and selection Fucking incredible, three weeks into floweringprocedure had to be repeated every year, and crops varied from big and dense to small and weak. We also found that after all that trouble of removing males, we sometimes ended up with females that switched sexes when they were stressed, resulting in accidental cross breeding – female plants were pollinated by females that developed male sex organs (hermaphrodites). We decided to grow out those seeds and, to our joy, we discovered that the ratio of females to males was skewed to a greater number of females. This was our discovery of hermaphroditic breeding.

Around the same time we were re-introduced to the method of cloning – I say re-introduced because while it wasn’t a process we had been using, it was a simple gardening technique my grandmother had shown me years before as “making cuttings”. She would cut off a branch of a plant with a sharp knife and stick it into a hormone rooting solution, homemade from pieces of willow tree branches soaked in water. Growers these days buy rooting hormone, but the process is identical.

I had a crop of 20 young plants of various strain backgrounds. We took two clones from each of the plants, and then used the budding light cycle to force the sex to show. Once we identified the male plants (half of them) we killed them and their clones, which still left us with ten large budding females and their 20 clones.

Now we had ten different hybrid genetics in total with two clones from each to work with and choose from. Even though we were making great strides, we wanted a room full of the same breed with the same size and characteristics. Basically, we wanted many copies of one great female plant so made the decision to play “Breeding Hermans”. We took two clones from one female plant, stressed one of the clones until it developed male sex organs, and then bred it with the other female clone. To our delight it worked – we ended up with seeds that grew into females 85-90 percent of the time and were consistent with the original female plant’s characteristics. We could now plant around 30 to 40 seeds and end up with 30 female plants the same size with the same genetics. We were ecstatic. Placing clones in the soil

However, silver linings often have a cloud attached and it was true in this case. The female plants that developed from hermaphroditic seeds had the drawback of being far more likely than ordinary plants to develop male branches – turn “Herman” – when stressed. More than once, a power, pump or light failure caused enough stress to the plants that they easily went hermaphroditic. Outdoors we had even more trouble; in bad-weather years we could end up with a plant from a feminized seed developing male flowers and blowing pollen all over the other plants, ruining our dreams of a sinsemilla crop. We decided that feminized plants might have a place in our business’ industry, but it wouldn’t be in our gardens.

It was our dream to grow rooms full of females of consistent genetics, and we made our dream come true by going back to cloning. It was so simple that we couldn’t believe that we hadn’t thought of it before. We planted ten normal seeds and nourished them with love and care, but this time we took 25 clones from each plant instead of just two. Then we put the mothers into bud cycle and sexed them; within ten days we identified and killed off the male plants and their clones, and found that we had six large females in bud and around 150 female clones. We continued to bud the mothers as we began to grow our female clones, and finally decided there were two plants that stood out from the crowd – they were bigger, denser, and smelled the best, so we kept their clones and culled the others. We harvested all of the mothers then placed the 50 chosen young marijuana plants into two rooms and switched them to the budding cycle. We had developed a process that made our dream a reality: grow-rooms full of consistent female plants.
Rooted clone being transplanted

It doesn’t take a horticulturist to see that using cloning to procure a room full of female cannabis plants is far more economical than growing “feminized seeds” that easily go hermaphroditic. It is simple to grow numerous female plants with only a few seeds of known genetics. For example, if you get ten seeds from a world-class marijuana breeder/bank, such as Burmese from Vancouver Island Seed Company (VISC), those seeds should become ten seedlings. At three to four weeks, take ten cuttings from each of the plants, then flip the plants to the bud cycle. Kill males as they show their sex and get rid of their clones, and you should be left with about five large budding females (more or less) and 50 guaranteed female clones of the same pure genetics, without any hermaphroditic tendencies.

So, for the price of ten seeds you end up with dozens of pure female plants, instead of purchasing “feminized” seeds only to get an unstable and unpredictable hermaphroditic breed. You can use regular seeds to grow an all-female crop, and that’s why we don’t sell feminized seeds. VancouverSeed.Com - VISC - Vancouver Island Seed Company - Liberty Seeds - Your source for award winning Canadian marijuana genetics such as Gold, GSPOT, Lady Liberty and Burmese. Ranked among the worlds best cannabis.
can i cut all the buds off my skunk #1 and leave a couple on and let it flower another month to make it go hermie naturally? cause i would love to pollinate my purple kush clone and bubblegum clone and get some feminized bubbleskunk and purple skunk. then i could have a grip and save them and give a bunch to the club here. would that work?
and i bought 10 fem seeds from seedsman genetic .10/10 germinated .they are 20 days old now and they are growing very well.i hope they wont go hermie
Not all seeds online are feminised - they usually say if they are, and they're usually twice the price of standard seeds.

"I want to plant and forget"

If this is what you want to do, don't grow Cannabis.

I agree unless you are blessed with someone else looking after them for you.People who grow canna like to grow it otherwise there would be no point?.kiss-assFemmed seeds are the way forward for me out of 5 femmed seeds i know i will get at least 3 very good femmed plants.2 hermies is nothing just like having 2 hermies in a pack of regular wich does happen like myself.I have had hermies with REGULAR so whats the damn difference.(apart from the odd chromasone)You still get a shit hot smoke??.
Breeding yourself with hermies is not that strait forward.I also have tried this and ended up with mostley MALE HERMIES?.iTS TRICKY BUISINESS FOR ME i would leave it to the pros.Unless you do some REGULAR breeding wich is supposed to be straight forward only done it once and never got chance to out grow the seeds.
i always make fem seeds (since 2000) and never have a problem with a hermie because i use this thechnique to make em. peace


Here’s an easy, environmentally friendly method for breeding feminized seeds.

Wed, Jul 30, 2003 12:00 am
more: grow articles, soma, breeding, seed company, strains

Story by Soma

Creating feminized cannabis seeds is an art. Just like art, there are a few different methods of application. I have written about some of my different methods of making seeds in previous HIGH TIMES articles. I have used gibberellic acid, pH stress, light stress, and fertilizer stress to force my female plants to make seeds. All of these methods are harsh on the plants, and some, like the gibberellic acid, are not organic. In my search for cleaner, more earth-friendly ways of working with the cannabis plant, I have found a new way to make feminized seeds. Feminized seeds occur as a result of stress, rather than genetics. All cannabis plants can and will make male flowers under stress. Certain strains like a higher pH, some a lower one. Some like a lot of food, some like much less. There is quite a lot of variety in marijuana genetics, and you can’t treat every plant the same way.

It takes many harvests before you really get to know a particular strain. Just like getting to know human friends, it takes time. I have grown the same strains for close to a decade, and am truly getting to know every nuance the different plants exhibit. I can recognize them from a distance. I must say that I get a lot of help from my friends, both in making seeds and in learning new and better ways of working with this sacred plant.

I named this new method "Rodelization," after a friend who helped me realize and make use of this way of creating female seeds. After growing crop after crop of the same plants in the same conditions, I noticed that if I flowered the plants 10-14 days longer than usual, they would develop male "bananas." A male banana is a very slight male flower on a female marijuana plant that is formed because of stress. Usually they do not let out any pollen early enough to make seeds, but they sometimes do. They are a built-in safety factor so that in case of severe conditions, the plant can make sure the species is furthered.

To me, a male banana is quite a beautiful thing. It has the potential of making all female seeds. Many growers out there have male-banana phobia. They see one and have heart palpitations, they want to cut down the entire crop, or at the very least take tweezers and pluck the little yellow emergency devices out. I call them "emergency devices" because they emerge at times of stress.

In the Rodelization method, the male banana is very valuable. After growing your female plants 10-14 days longer than usual, hang them up to dry, then carefully take them off the drying lines and inspect for bananas. Each and every banana should be removed, and placed in a small bag labeled very accurately. These sealed bags can be placed in the fridge for one or two months and still remain potent.

For the next phase, you need to have a separate crop that’s already 2 1/2 weeks into flowering. Take your sealed bags of pollen out of the fridge, and proceed to impregnate your new crop of females. To do this, you must first match the female plant and the pollen from the same strain in the previous crop. Shut all the fans in the growroom down. Then take a very fine paintbrush, dip it in the bag of pollen, and paint it on the female flower. Do this to each different strain you have growing together. I have done it with up to 10 different kinds in the same room with great success.

I use the lower flowers to make seeds, leaving the top colas seedless for smoking. This method takes time (two crops), but is completely organic, and lets you have great-quality smoke at the same time you make your female seeds. If you’re one of those growers who’s never grown seeds for fear of not having something good to smoke, you will love this method.

You can also use this pollen to make new female crosses by cross-pollinating. The older females with the male bananas can be brought into the room with the younger, unpollinated females after they are three weeks into flowering. Turn all of the circulation fans on high, and the little bits of pollen will proceed to make it around the room. Do this for several days. Six to seven weeks later, you will have ripe 100% feminized seeds; not nearly as many as a male plant would make, but enough to start over somewhere else with the same genetics.

As a farmer who has been forced to move his genetics far away from where they started, I know very well the value of seeds. My friend Adam from ThSeeds in Amsterdam has a motto that I love to borrow these days: Drop seeds not bombs.