changing from hydro to organic soil... first time! help appreciated!


Well-Known Member
the seedlings are under 4 24 watt ecolux fluoros.... if they are stretched, then i guess it is just going to have to be that way, as I can't fit much more lighting in the little veg side of the cabinet and still keep the temps down.

I have looked at the subcool threads, but I will check that particular one again. thanks!


Well-Known Member
Back the the "seedling stretching" just pointed out.

this is what my plants used to look like when they were placed in my dwc cloner in the BOTTOM of the veg chamber.

They were MORE stretched out... mostly due to their distance away from the lights.

Now they are much closer to the light.

If they ARE more stretched now... could it possibly be due to my lights having dimmed over time?

Do y'all change your fluoro bulbs before they burn out? what about your HPS?


Well-Known Member
Put your flouros closer to the plants. How many watts are they? They should be about 2-3 inches from the plant. Don't put HPS lights that close though, it'll burn them.


Well-Known Member
The lights about 8" from the plants, as they are under a dome... i will raise the plants up and remove the dome later this evening.


Well-Known Member
OK, here is another question.

What if I used a product like Big Bud with the BMO line? Would the Big Bud kill all of the micro-beasties and whatnot?

anyone ever supplement an otherwise "organic" grow with one or two non-organic amendments?




Well-Known Member
People claim it works, but I've never done it before and don't think that it would be a good idea. Micro-beasties don't live so well with chems.


Well-Known Member
People claim it works, but I've never done it before and don't think that it would be a good idea. Micro-beasties don't live so well with chems.
That would be my guess, too... but has anyone out there actually tried to use Big Bud with an otherwise organic grow before?


Well-Known Member
I am now at the start of week 6... and shit is starting to look really yummy. I should be harvesting in 1 week, I think.

Shit is looking mad good... I flushed the ladies in the tub with plain water really well 3 nights ago, and last night I gave them a hit of florakleen.

Should be no chem taste going on here!

Anyway.... on to the bud porn.


Well-Known Member
White Rhino x Critical Mass (reworked Big Bud)

They smell SO FUCKING GOOD. I can really tell a difference in the odor from organic to chem/hydro. The subtleties of the smells for strain to strain are more apparent at this point in the grow than I have experienced in the past....

or maybe it is just me drinking the bat guano kool-aid.



Well-Known Member
Yes....Organic Soil Growing.....seems to be serving you very well. All those plants look healthy & happy........
+ rep..... for the switch to soil.....
Keep it Real....Organic......


Well-Known Member
Yes....Organic Soil Growing.....seems to be serving you very well. All those plants look healthy & happy........
+ rep..... for the switch to soil.....
Keep it Real....Organic......
You were instrumental in me making the switch, so thanks!

I have also found that switch has helped my garden at home. They get treated waaaaaaay nicer than they ever did before.

I am really amazed at how growing my own medicine legally has led me to re-kindle my love affair with gardening. I think it will last, this time.


Well-Known Member
Those don't look 1 week away from being done, bro! They need ATLEAST another 2 weeks, I'd say just by looking at the pics. The majority of the hairs are still white. A good "rule of thumb" is 70% brown hairs, and you are good for harvest, but this is just a very primitive reading. When they are ready to harvest the majority of the hairs will be brown and die back, the calxyes will swell, and she will just look DONE. To truly tell you would have to look at the trichs though. I'd say atleast another 2 weeks. The worst thing to do would be to chop too soon, after you put all that time & effort into it. To chop now would greatly reduce your quality.