How do You think JESUS would come?


Well-Known Member
jesus coming back? will we still be in iraq? no way. we cant even get along with each other and this world is full of fear and hate. and as for jesus being the savior of mankind, and the heaven and hell thing...its a way to control the masses: act right in this life and you spend eternity in heaven, or act wrong and suffer in keeps the sheep together safely in a flock....i believe we create our own heaven and hell in this moment while we are alive on this earth. a "living karma" if you will. i believe all things are connected and all things have a spirit. saying that someone will go to hell for having an abortion, being born gay and living a gay lifestyle, or following a different religion and protesting for these things tear up familys, ruin relationships, cause depression, and further perpetuate fear and propaganda and hate. i would rather be in hell with all those people then in your "heaven"


Well-Known Member
i dont know about "the man who never was"...i wasnt there. maybe jesus was a real man who was a healer...maybe people with control and power issues decided to take the story too far.


New Member
Since there is no historical evidence of Jesus, I'll go with MYTH. Even Mohammad can be proven to have existed, that's something at least.

out. :blsmoke:

We Love 1

New Member
You guys aren't hearing what I'm saying?

This is how I got My name. I was supposed to be a girl (because of My heartbeat), and My parents were going to name Me Georgina, after My aunt. If I were a boy they were going to name Me Anthony. But I came out a boy and My mother said "its George" at her first sight of Me at the last moment. And I got the middle name Manuel after My grandfather on My dads side.

I'm a leo, bull and have wings (eyes) like an eagle.

the cherubim as a tetrad of living creatures, each having four faces: of a lion, an ox, an eagle, and a man.

Am I not an angel? Do You believe this is all an accident? Do You not see how God (Dad) has everything at His feet?

The last 4 digits of My social are 67 23. And I found God (or more like God found Me) just about on My 23 birthday at 67 ash park dr.

My licens plate reads 33 WH 36. @ 33 Jesus went/rose to the White House (in the sky). And 36 has many Biblical meanings too.

I'm touching My world from the inside out. Nothing will ever be the same with Jesus around! I make all things new.

Its like the MATRIX, where I AM NEO, and only the people of Zion (RIU) know about NEO. I'm on the inside of the mirror. I have swalled the red pill. The ones that don't believe will just stay behind like lost sleeping souls.

I AM going to rewrite the systems of the world so that EVERYONE will see what O My God can do.

This world is like childs play. Once everyone knows what Jesus stands for than EVERYONE will live as One. One for all and all for One.

There is no other God besides Me. What other "god" can contend?

The world is going to wake up one morning and everything will be taken care of by Jesus. Its in the process.

If Jesus would die for You, what do You have to worry about?

I'm going to pull this world apart until the day that every knee bows and every tongue confesses that Jesus is LORD and Savior!

Because of My (finger) nails, I AM in U 2.

Right now I am weak, but through My weakness I will bring heaven because of My nails.

I have the rest of My life to play this game. I know how things will unfold, I'm just giving You a heads up.

Who can say I AM not worthy? Who doesn't want a Savior?

Its doesn't matter anyways, I AM King George!

I'm so smart I invented My own novel electronic device in sophmore year in highschool. Its called a Bi-polar Voltage Divider, BVD. Its like a potentiometer except it connects @ 360 degrees and theirs another lead attached to it.

I'm just trying to reach down to bring others to heaven before My final ascention. Jesus, Savior, friend of sinners became poor so We may live.

This is how I feel right now. I even grew a beard and longer hair.




Well-Known Member
i believe what you are saying. its called synchronicity a term coined by carl jung. i wish you the best, but talking like an arrogant prick wont make anyone believe in jesus. funny but the red pill i took to go down the rabbit hole showed me something completely different...


Well-Known Member
keep the people divided fighting amongst themselves. its like the willie lynch slave doctrine completely applies today only insted of light and dark skinned blacks, its groups of people and religon(still race)


Well-Known Member
yall cant be serious about this crap. jesus died many many years ago. dead people dont come back to life, proven fact. lol. well some cases they do with the help of a surgeon/doctor. god aint real stop wasting ur lives praising somthing thats not real. go out have fun and live life to the fullest well you still can.


Well-Known Member
The bible said Jesus will come like a thief in the night.... stolen anything recently?


Well-Known Member
Man I wish I kept count of how many times in my life I went from a believer to an unbeliever and back again.

I Believe god is mercifull in providing me with more and more good sense in seeing the truth.

Oh just in case you would count me under the uninformed sheeple...
I am very well versed in ancient religions, astrology , astronomy, mushroom lore etc. and the history of te world... in stead of finding contradiction, I found affirmation of a presence that repeats fractaly trough time and fractaly through space even to the stars.

As it is in the heavens so it is on earth.
What is, was, and will be again.


Well-Known Member
if the man known as jesus possibly a guy named jmmanuael comes back it may be through a worm hole or in a space ship
with others too around or near 2012, with 6 billion people on earth and the current position of our planet im thinking the people who put us here on earth are coming back to save us from destroying our selfs or to save us from the earth destrorying us not all of us though


New Member
I too believe in the creation point, but G*D or whatever you want to call "it", cannot be found in ANY book or religion. It's just a controlling mechanism, one of many. I could raise you ANC (can I? :lol:) on Dr. Suess and you would turn out just as well.

out. :blsmoke:


Well-Known Member
I too believe in the creation point, but G*D or whatever you want to call "it", cannot be found in ANY book or religion. It's just a controlling mechanism, one of many. I could raise you ANC (can I? :lol:) on Dr. Suess and you would turn out just as well.

out. :blsmoke:

i dont think jesus would come back as a little white nut. scientifically he was born in july,and he was dark skined,not white. so you could potentially rerinstate that barrack obama is jesus.

religion is for those who cant see the truth and need to hide in a shroud of secrecy and dillusional impotance


New Member
I agree that IF jesus ever lived ( I don't believe it tho), he wasn't born in december. The church simply glommed onto existing holidays already in place. Another tip off to the canard. Holidays were very much synched up with the change os seasons....and July doesn't fit in.

out. :blsmoke: