I need a new drug


Well-Known Member
so here lately.. my life's gone to shit.. girl I was in love with left me a two line myspace message telling me she's joining the military and marrying this shit-head that doesnt even care about her... my truck broke down and somebody stole my plants... needless to say.. smoking pot just isn't doing it anymore..

I tried smoking dope.. ya know.. real dope... like ICE and meth.. that's ok.. but not really my thing.. I've been jonsing for a good fear and loathing type drug binge.. problem is... there isn't any good drugs around here..

I want some opium.. some LSD.. some raw etheir.. some X.. something to make me feel different... take me out of my mind and put me in another element for alittle while.. what do I do? I'm pretty fuckin desperate.. any ideas would be great


Active Member
Just one good toke out of some home made DMT is gonna put you right back to your place , go read on it , not only its gonna make you feel better, its gonna fix you.
Non like that Chemical Shit that just lasts the time it lasts...

Im sorry your going trough some shit times though


Well-Known Member
Isn't this exactly what excessive alcohol use is for?

Good luck. Hope things look up soon for ya.


Well-Known Member
I lost my job.. no car anymore... my ex screwed my best friend.. no jobs looking up for me in the future... no po tin 6 months.. were all going through bullshit and I have nothing... plus im addicted to those nasty cigs and no money to buy them.. taking other drugs will just makes thing better temporarily.. then things will get even worse then they where before...


Well-Known Member
Not a good idea. The only one on that list that I use is Acid, and I would NOT suggest trippin while depressed. It would only make it so much worse. That said all I can tell you is keep with pot. But you're not gonna listen though so be careful.


Well-Known Member
man, sorry to hear about your troubles.. just remember that fear and loathing was a fictional work and nobody can survive the type of binge that depp and del toro went on. if they somehow did, their mind would be irreparably damaged. let me be the first to say that drugs always always always cause more emotional and physical turmoil than the situation they are supposed to be fixing.
the first thing that comes to mind is finding some spiritual guidance. i am not talking about religion (although that is an option) but rather some heavenly enlightenment. (read a book called "be here now" by richard alpert. he proves that no drugs can provide what a spiritual connection does..) any drug such as acid, ecstacy, or opium only heightens what you are already feeling. if you are in a black hole, it will only dig you deeper. fuck the bitch, fuck the truck, fuck the plants. you have yourself and thats what counts. life is bigger than it all.


Well-Known Member
I've tripped while depressed before andit seems to make things clearer.. puts it all in perspective ya know.. I don;t know..

I just want a different experiance.. something to just change the way I feel for just alittle while.. so I can gather myself ya know..


New Member
I've tripped while depressed before andit seems to make things clearer.. puts it all in perspective ya know.. I don;t know..

I just want a different experiance.. something to just change the way I feel for just alittle while.. so I can gather myself ya know..
ive gotta go with big on this one. sobriety will work wonders


Well-Known Member
10mg of 2c-e and 3 hours of meditation while on it. Then all the pieces will fall into their right place.


Active Member
like i said , DMT all the way . Its a Short Buzz , And you dont need much.
But it change a life!
And beleived me i tried all of the drugs , and i spend sometimes months sober...

Top 44

Well-Known Member
Like Frank Sinatra said, the best revenge is success. Instead of fucking yourself up, start working out or do something else to improve yourself. That'll really piss her off. :-)


Well-Known Member
TOP has a point. You get all fucked up she'll looked at you like she made the right decision. Your best bet would be to get your shit together, and the next time she sees you she'll look like a douchebag.


New Member
TOP has a point. You get all fucked up she'll looked at you like she made the right decision. Your best bet would be to get your shit together, and the next time she sees you she'll look like a douchebag.
not only will it piss her off but you'll be straight too.

nothin like makin that paper

nothin like smokin that good weed.


Well-Known Member
i feel the same way as you about drug binges. most people say "oh dont do it it makes it worse" but i dont use drug binges to run from stuff. its kinda like weed. you just think of things differently when on a binge and at least for me it will put you in the right mind set to get better. i guess because you get worse then you will wanna change for the better. i dunno if that makes sense.

and heres a little verse from a song by catch 22 that always makes me feel better when im done and out.

"i got no cash, got no girl, got the world in the palm of my hand, and i dont care if you care or if you understand. cuz im a little kid and i got little problems and i dont give a shit if you dont, you dont understand. cuz i got me. i got me. thats all i need. thats all i need. and i live comfortably. and i sleep peacefully!"



Well-Known Member
like i said , DMT all the way . Its a Short Buzz , And you dont need much.
But it change a life!
And beleived me i tried all of the drugs , and i spend sometimes months sober...
DO NOT DO DMT!! it will fuck you up beyond repair if you are depressed. i did it in the same room with my roommate who i had just gotten in a fight with minutes earlier and i cannot to this day talk to her. she kept staring at me while i was tripping and i couldnt get over it. now i cant even stand to look at her. DMT is to be used as a spiritual drug by those in a meditative state. if you do it in your state, your life will spiral out of control.