Wake n Bake, Nothing Better!


Well-Known Member
Hi Ph03nix. nice to have you around a bit more......;-)
Thanks Twisty... it's nice to be back. :hug: bongsmilie

Got to watch which you buy.. some candy is pretty grim.. not like the old day stuff...... :bigjoint:
Always buy good chocolate Twisty. Always!!

And She is off.. her brothers wife forgot her purse here yesterday ( how can you forget something you take everywhere ) So China is meeting her brother 1/2 way ( a good hr away) BUT right where they are meeting is a HUGE mall. So I expect here to come home with the Subaru stuffed to the gills ..(the girl loves to shop) Oh well I'll be right here waiting for her to help carry the bags ..

Cheers , Bong rips of Hijack
You're such a cutie, Vette. She's got you well trained all right. ;-)

And on that note... I have to go to bed. It's after midnight now and I have to be up early in the morning. So 'night all. :hug:bongsmiliebongsmiliebongsmilie:eyesmoke::sleep:


Well-Known Member
LOL... Ziggy Marley is playing at the White House Easter egg hunt.............
Ganja eggs kiddies....??? Ya mon......


New Member
What does everyone think? Done?......Not?......

I keep looking at it with my jewelers loupe but I can't see the trich color all that well.

I keep thinking I'll cut, then I think I'll wait. IDK....... any opinions? (only look at the 2 big main buds, those smaller buds in the back ground are a different plant which is no where near ready)

CNN showbiz tonight is going to talk about Snoop Dog's "wake and bake special" I guess he was toking a joint and broadcasting it. I've got to see this. :mrgreen:.....bongsmilie......:eyesmoke:



New Member
I never cared about Snoop Dog one way or the other, but now I'm a fan.

A.J. hammer was intrigued by the name "wake and bake". Where the hell has he been, I've been calling it wake and bake for 20 years.

I'm gonna have to check out this twitter thing now, scribe to wake and bake.


New Member
I just got back.. I clipped about 1/2 of them ..Pics in a few ..
im excited to see

Miss - they look nice aswell! i hate giving advice on when to clip though so i have to keep my lips buttoned...whenever i do it i just go with the gut feeling i have as soon as i get my fiskars around the stem


Well-Known Member
FUCK....!!! I just dropped a pail of spidermite infested dirt all over my apt... stupid handle broke.... Just great....!! :(:(


New Member
I took Twisty's advice about the white paper and it is easier to see the amber that way. It's looking like about 30% amber.

I hate deciding, I think I'm going to let it go a few more days. Maybe I'll flush a couple more times. It's about out of fan leaves, they've all yellowed and come off from flushing.

I can't wait to see Vette's pics !!!


New Member
Those look great Vette. I love the closed ups, so frosty.

They look very similar to mine, maybe I should go ahead and cut them. Argh, decisions, decisions.........