WC OG Kush & Bubba Kush GROW


Well-Known Member
That guide answers pretty much any question you could have prior to growing, once you start, if you run into problems or have specific questions about your grow (assuming you have a journal started) theres a handful of people that would be willing to help you out. There are enough resources in the AG guide thread to get you started.


Well-Known Member
Yea lets just hope for females, will update after they show, have no clue when that is, tomorrow will be exactly 2 weeks int flowering


Well-Known Member
[quote="SICC";2367895]Yea lets just hope for females, will update after they show, have no clue when that is, tomorrow will be exactly 2 weeks int flowering[/quote]

the last 2 prob are girls

JoCk HoRrOr09

Active Member
hay sicc i am 1 week into folwering and one of mine are male i might cut in down tho but thay look good your outher two should be female couse the males always show first if the outher two havent showed signs of being males then thay are prob females


Well-Known Member
[quote="SICC";2367895]Yea lets just hope for females, will update after they show, have no clue when that is, tomorrow will be exactly 2 weeks int flowering[/quote]
Hey man, you got a couple ladies on your hands dog. There's gonna be some smooth smokin' bud from these bitches.


Well-Known Member
haha well, its all over homies, the last two are fucin males! the BK's HAD to have influenced them makes no damn sense, but im over it, didnt really think they were female anyway, will post up my next grow info later today after i get off work, sorry for letting yall down for the what, 3rd time? haha


Well-Known Member
[quote="SICC";2369459]haha well, its all over homies, the last two are fucin males! the BK's HAD to have influenced them makes no damn sense, but im over it, didnt really think they were female anyway, will post up my next grow info later today after i get off work, sorry for letting yall down for the what, 3rd time? haha[/quote]

Jesus bro...you just can't catch a break! Might be time to start looking at feminized seeds or starting from clones. Gotta be getting pretty annoyed by now.


Well-Known Member
haha yea it is annoying, but i jus love growing so much, it makes it all worth while, its all good tho, round 4 here i come!


Well-Known Member
haha i kno i kno, jus a bitch to have to go out and find them first, get good prices, 4 plants, idk if you have noticed but im a cheap bastard haha, plus i got all these seeds so its kinda like why not grow them for free instead of paying 25 for GOOD clones, not no 15 dollar half a node shit haha, plus im lazy as hell, have to go into LA or into the Valley, gas blah blah ha ha, im going all Bubba this time, still got like 14 or so seeds


Well-Known Member
[quote="SICC";2369550]haha i kno i kno, jus a bitch to have to go out and find them first, get good prices, 4 plants, idk if you have noticed but im a cheap bastard haha, plus i got all these seeds so its kinda like why not grow them for free instead of paying 25 for GOOD clones, not no 15 dollar half a node shit haha, plus im lazy as hell, have to go into LA or into the Valley, gas blah blah ha ha, im going all Bubba this time, still got like 14 or so seeds[/quote]

i had horribly bad luck with non -fem seeds, when i first started with 16 plants vegged for a month..... 14 MALE :roll:

whats a bigger bitch...... growing for a month just to throw them out ?
or spending a day and a few bucks lookin for some clones that will have some buds grown in a month :mrgreen:


Well-Known Member
yea haha thats true, ima try these seeds one more time, then if i dont get any female, i'll buy some clones, i just like the whole germnating and planting your self feel, i wanna be the person who took care of the plant, not buy a peice of some one elses work and finish it ;)

LAX Skunky BwS

Well-Known Member
[quote="SICC";2369459]haha well, its all over homies, the last two are fucin males! the BK's HAD to have influenced them makes no damn sense, but im over it, didnt really think they were female anyway, will post up my next grow info later today after i get off work, sorry for letting yall down for the what, 3rd time? haha[/quote]

damn Cuh...as Jim Carey would say in Bruce almighty "thats jus the way The cookie crumbles" i forgot yo ass in L.A. get some clones or fem seeds..stop being a lil wuzz...ahaha All Love My nigga.. Keep growing


Well-Known Member
DAMN SICC sorry i hear bout the males!u know i know all adout that shit! keep me posted on next grow


Well-Known Member
yea i hope i get some fems this time.i know the one i moved in from outside is fem but its small and i think i will only get a couple of grams off it


Well-Known Member
Just look at it this way, when you do get some fems, you're gonna have so much experience, they gonna end up hella nice! HAHA! Yeah, I can see it now, 1lb per plant, lol.


Well-Known Member
Damn dude really sorry to hear that, when you finally had a solution for the falling lights problem you got 4 males.. those are some pretty crazy odds you played out.. lol

I know what you mean about the clones, its nice to grow something from seed, you should try picking up some fem seeds.

On the brighter side, this fourth grow you will DEFINITELY have your shit down! lol its just a shame you don't have any bud from the previous grows.