Harvest a Pound Every Three Weeks!

Yeah...I said in my post that it is a "free" site I posted it on, so only one person get's to d/l at a time. Have patience and you'll get it in time.

I got it too, no problem. Almost 40 MB's worth of data total, but still narrows things down in this massive thread quite a bit, lol.

Thanks again for taking the time Shrike.
I've been following this thread almost from the beginning (and now we just passed 500 pages!), and mostly all I have been able to contribute is questions asked. So...to offer something more substantial, I have created a PDF of the first 500 pages of this thread. Of course it comes out to substantially more pages in PDF format! This was a labor of love as it takes forever to remove all the extraneous info that shows up as you copy each page. I will update the pdf every 100 pages that are added to this great thread and let you know when I do it.

Below is the URL to go to for the pdf. It is just a tad under 40 megs, so I hope most of you have a high speed connection. It is a free site so click on the appropriate links to get to the download page. And only one person can d/l at a time, so have patience.:lol:

The neatest thing about having the whole thread in PDF format is that it is easy to search for anything by word association. This should be helpful especially for newbies to this thread, but hopefully the oldtimers find it useful, too.

Here is the link:

<a href="http://www.filefactory.com/file/aga80e3/n/Harvest_a_LB_every_3_weeks_pdf">Download Harvest a LB every 3 weeks.pdf from FileFactory.com</a>

Thanks so much!! I can't imagine anyone having to start from the beginning of this thread. 500+ pages is fucking crazy!

I need to write a book. I still have a lot of info to teach. Not to mention I'm always experimenting and changing things.

I'm doing another article for High Times on my 6 hole unit. It works so good I'm tempted on running 6-6 hole units instead of 3-12 hole units.
I can't imagine anyone having to start from the beginning of this thread. 500+ pages is fucking crazy!

I've tried in the past to snake the thread for off line browsing
and then edit it, an impossible mission
i quit before page 50 i think


Hey evvery body. Here is an update on things. Dub is not well at all and is expecting to not be around us much longer. He remains in high spirits and was happy to receive the newest issue of High Times with stinkbuds article in it. He still seems positive.

Here are some pictures of the current state of his garden.

The house goes on the market soon so most of these plants will not reach maturity.

Also there is no rockwool in the garden anymore.



I need to write a book. I still have a lot of info to teach.

You're posts in this thread read almost like a book. Each of your posts is very informative and come with a strong authority on the subject.

I'm sure if you just strung all your posts together and edited it, a book would nearly write itself.:peace:

SOG has taken the initiative to combine alot technical info of his setup in a very easy to read thread. Thanks guys.
You're welcome, Stink. It was "fun" putting it all together.:roll:

Hey, if you went to six 6 hole units, wouldn't that allow you to split out the different plants some more and allow you to run at the best ppm's for each instead of doing an average. Not that you really need for your plants to grow any better than they do already!

Thanks so much!! I can't imagine anyone having to start from the beginning of this thread. 500+ pages is fucking crazy!

I need to write a book. I still have a lot of info to teach. Not to mention I'm always experimenting and changing things.

I'm doing another article for High Times on my 6 hole unit. It works so good I'm tempted on running 6-6 hole units instead of 3-12 hole units.
great shit man! this is being burned and put away in a safe place in case this site ever goes down... or gets moved over to stinks own site. (which i think u will need soon) this high times article will bring a HUGE influx of new stinkbuddies.


Great! Glad you like. And you are the first one to tell me I'm nuts (on this website), but you're right, I have been called off my rocker in the past.:lol::lol::lol:
seems more likely to confuse with PPM's too! Note 1000uS = 700PPM (unless calibrated otherwise)

I'll go back to the drawing board :wall:
There has to be a good continuous monitoring meter that can go to higher PPM ranges. I'd also like it to have temps too since summer is coming...

I really appreciate your help Lion, Thanks! :clap:
Hey Stink Bud Im still confused on the sprayers you are using... Are they 360 sprayers or 180? I managed to get some 360 sprayers from Lowes but it looks like they actualy spin... I dont think they will work cause the roots will tangle them up...

Could you find me a link to the ones you buy?
Hey Stink Bud Im still confused on the sprayers you are using... Are they 360 sprayers or 180? I managed to get some 360 sprayers from Lowes but it looks like they actualy spin... I dont think they will work cause the roots will tangle them up...

Could you find me a link to the ones you buy?

Try here though I bet you can find them waaaayyyyy cheaper elsewhere. The spinning ones at Lowes will get gunked by roots. Don't use them.

(At least I'm pretty sure these are the proper ones, lol.)

Hey Stink Bud Im still confused on the sprayers you are using... Are they 360 sprayers or 180? I managed to get some 360 sprayers from Lowes but it looks like they actualy spin... I dont think they will work cause the roots will tangle them up...

Could you find me a link to the ones you buy?

they are ezclone nozzles. it is mentioned quite a few times in this thread.


if you find them at a local hydro shop they are generally about .75-$1.00ea. kinda pricey. hydroponics.net has them for .50. I'm sure you can find them cheaper possibly but here is the link anyways: http://www.hydroponics.net/i/133005
stinkbud, did i see somewhere that u were giving directions on making hash in this thread, or did any1 else see that and maybe remember what page it was on im sick of looking, or if anyone knows a good place to get directions with some pictures even, it would be greatly appreciated, i know i should just google it, but id like to know the source knows somewhat what they are talking about

google has some goode videos on making hash
ez clone misters are only TECHNICALLY 360 degrees. when placed fully vertically and using high preassure they are probably perfect. But, any sort of angle, or anything around 40 gph/mister will result in a double fan spray that really only covers like 70% of the circle, leaving portions open at 90 degrees to the portions fully covered. You can help to solve this by adding more, or by overlapping the sprays. You can't really place these upsidedown with the same effectiveness, as they are designed to be vertically mounted. when designing your system make sure your not relying on one mister to cover a whole circle of res area.
stink (or any one else who knows more than me), i know you clean everything every three weeks, maybe i missed this but once you have a flower unit going do you let it go the whole 9 weeks before you clean it? obviously you dont clean the posts since the roots are all grown together but do you clean the rez at all or is it good for the whole flower cycle?

ps, got my issue of high times in the mail yesterday, good job bro. i wanna be like stinkbud when i grow up lmao! im currently on a waiting list at the local plastic surgeon to have my hands surgically altered to look exactly like yours.