The flavor and smell are going to depend on a few things. The medium, nutrients, whether or not you flush, and how long you cure are some of the important things that will influence the taste/smell. Soil IMO is the medium that yields the best flavor, and organic nutes will also make that flavor good. Make sure you read up on the drying/curing as well as flushing b/c those are the parts most people mess up on, leaving them with poor tasting smoke. After your first harvest you'll see what mistakes you made, and next time your skill will be so much better from this experience. Don't get your hopes too high for the flavor aspect, b/c a bad cure can ruin the flavor and there is plenty of trial and error to be had with that process. If it's a completly sensi harvest then your high should be great, and potency should be up there. At least better than the mid grade you got the seeds out of.