Angry people on roll it up read this


New Member
It was in the politics section. When you post in politics you are inviting political discussions. :bigjoint:

Nobody argued about who is the best president ever, the discussion was more about where the blame for the situation should lie. :wall:

it is funny how people are though

: i start a thread about pirates. dudes come in and start arguing about who is/was the best president ever. i ask them to stay on subject. they ignore me and keep right on with the president nonsense. i edit some posts out. they ignore me. i lock the thread for a day and reopen it to try to get back on track. they ignore me then start arguing about it when i call them on it. now i'm being called an angry asshole. fuckin' tools. :rolls:


New Member
Dude...don't poke the bear...reminds me of the dudes in Golden Gate Park Zoo...what did they think was gonna happen...oh wait...that was tigers...bears are pretty cool...Dude don't poke the tiger...

And thats the point im trying to make. You have a guy that does alot of things he tells everyone else not to do, then does it himself.

If im the sacrificial lamb, so be it.

FDD cannot win this arguement because he is wrong period. The guy has been a prick (Im guessing lately because his older stuff I have read is fuggin awesome.), and someone needs to stand up and say, fine your a MOD but damn dude, mellow out.

I'm sure that there are quite a few people that agree with me but would rather not confront FDD. He is constantly falling back on his grow journals and stuff to say no, im a good guy even tho I will treat a certain percentage of you like shit when I feel like it. Meh..


Well-Known Member
blah balh ablah. you all love me. :)

once again, why in the world would i be angry?

you guys kill me. you just make it what you want so you can be right. politics at it's finest. shine. :)

and if i want to be an asshole, so what. fuck off. i'll be whatever the fuck i want. i never denied being an asshole. i even admitted to doing it for fun. but nobody reads that part.


New Member
It was in the politics section. When you post in politics you are inviting political discussions. :bigjoint:

Nobody argued about who is the best president ever, the discussion was more about where the blame for the situation should lie. :wall:

Dude, this point has been hammered into FDD and he still does not get it. Remember, WE are the ones that are the stupid.....


Well-Known Member
And thats the point im trying to make. You have a guy that does alot of things he tells everyone else not to do, then does it himself.

If im the sacrificial lamb, so be it.

FDD cannot win this arguement because he is wrong period. The guy has been a prick (Im guessing lately because his older stuff I have read is fuggin awesome.), and someone needs to stand up and say, fine your a MOD but damn dude, mellow out.

I'm sure that there are quite a few people that agree with me but would rather not confront FDD. He is constantly falling back on his grow journals and stuff to say no, im a good guy even tho I will treat a certain percentage of you like shit when I feel like it. Meh..
wtf is the argument? you can't get off my dick? stfu and walk away. jesus, i just left for an hour and come back to all this. who is it? :bigjoint::bigjoint::bigjoint:

smoking cheese today. got clam strips and potatoes in the oven. wtf is angry?



Well-Known Member
It was in the politics section. When you post in politics you are inviting political discussions. :bigjoint:

Nobody argued about who is the best president ever, the discussion was more about where the blame for the situation should lie. :wall:
so just because it's in politics you can show no respect? even after i ask several times politely to just start a new thread? and then i get marked as an asshole? funny stuff. why not just start a new thread. must you always be right. ego issues or what.

funny the thread is all about pirates now. :bigjoint:


Well-Known Member
But your such the big man, hey, want to get together later and slap our cocks together?

Classy :D

I'm so OK with it you would be amazed :mrgreen:
Well now I do not care who or what anyone chooses to love, and I support ones inalienable right to marry, goat, sheep, man, gerbil or does not bother me. If you can convince 15 inbred girls to marry you and raise your spawn thinking you are the key to their eternal can have Utah, I am totally reasonable...we just get visitation rights. If you want to smoke crack on top of meth while a prostitute shoots smack in your nut sack in a city long as it is not near the's cool with me...break into my house or touch my daughter and I will shoot you dead before calling the pigs (just so nobody thinks I ain't got principles:-P)

But I was just thinking this might not be the place to meet new friends:bigjoint:



New Member
blah balh ablah. you all love me. :)

once again, why in the world would i be angry?

you guys kill me. you just make it what you want so you can be right. politics at it's finest. shine. :)

and if i want to be an asshole, so what. fuck off. i'll be whatever the fuck i want. i never denied being an asshole. i even admitted to doing it for fun. but nobody reads that part.
I read it loud and clear, and understand.

remember tho, if you choose to be an asshole and pick on someone, they are going to fight back, as I have done. I would pick your battles a little wiser next time...

And FDD your right I do love you. With out your info things would have been alot harder. Huge thanks for that.



Well-Known Member
Dude, this point has been hammered into FDD and he still does not get it. Remember, WE are the ones that are the stupid.....

you sure are. i said "can you post a post without saying "president". what did you do? :dunce:

it was a test. i laughed sooooo hard. and i'm caught up in it and need to chill. funny again. :bigjoint::bigjoint::bigjoint::bigjoint:


Medical Marijuana (MOD)
if a president can smoke pot and still say its not legual the FDD can say and do what he wishes also. HE IS A MOD
hell we all get a bit crazy on here from time to time.


Well-Known Member
I read it loud and clear, and understand.

remember tho, if you choose to be an asshole and pick on someone, they are going to fight back, as I have done. I would pick your battles a little wiser next time...

And FDD your right I do love you. With out your info things would have been alot harder. Huge thanks for that.

so you fought back. why would i pick a better battle. 'cause you got rep? you won? what did you win, my friend? seriously. go outside. :weed::-P:-P


Well-Known Member
Dude...don't poke the bear...reminds me of the dudes in Golden Gate Park Zoo...what did they think was gonna happen...oh wait...that was tigers...bears are pretty cool...Dude don't poke the tiger...

pfsst, hardly worth opening a new window. i'm a big boy. he can call me whatever the fuck he wants, my wife does all day. :-P:-P


New Member
FDD its been fun, seriously. Would have been more fun if you could just argue and not name call but hey, we don't all have a backbone!

Untill next time!


Well-Known Member
ya sticks and stones ain't shit after being married more then 10 years. the wife can be brutal as hell.LOL :clap:
what they don't get is how rude they were. after all i do around here they can't respect my thread. i admit to being an asshole but they hide behind the "it's politics" as an excuse to totally disrespecting me. but whatever. i'll take all the blame. like i said, i'm a big boy. :bigjoint:

clams are ready and MY WIFE is doing the dishes. :-P


Well-Known Member
FDD its been fun, seriously. Would have been more fun if you could just argue and not name call but hey, we don't all have a backbone!

Untill next time!
you would have won if you would have simply posted "damn pirates". nope you said "president" like 500 times. :roll: you've already declared yourself the winner. so that makes ME THE LOSER. i go cry now. :bigjoint:


New Member
I never called you an asshole. So stop acting like I did. You did your crybaby thing and closed the thread. You got your way, why do you have to go on and on about it? Now you have to take the whiny act to a completely different thread and cry some more?

So no one can disagree with you? Everone is supposed to kiss your ass? I don't play that shit.

so just because it's in politics you can show no respect? even after i ask several times politely to just start a new thread? and then i get marked as an asshole? funny stuff. why not just start a new thread. must you always be right. ego issues or what.

funny the thread is all about pirates now. :bigjoint:

Yup, it sure is......

they could realisticly divide somalia up. give half to kenya and half to djibouti.
the djibouti army is trained by US marines. I would wager they can TCB.


Well-Known Member
if a president can smoke pot and still say its not legual the FDD can say and do what he wishes also. HE IS A MOD
hell we all get a bit crazy on here from time to time.

Kinda funny...I was a little high...but when FDD brought up the pirate thread and people jacking the thread and talking about the best prez...I was thinking swashbuckling pirates with parrots and peg legs....and wow that is kinda strange, dude is into pirates so much he started a thread about them...then I remembered...Somali pirates...and I remember the thread...

I remember saying screw this I'm not going to waste anymore time reading all this bickering...someone was all pissed at the prez for stumbleing when asked about the pirates...what was he supposed to say...we are going to drop seals out of the sky who will simultaneously snipe the pirates from the stern of a ship? These are the same people who get pissed off when they lose playing monopoly.



Well-Known Member
I never called you an asshole. So stop acting like I did. You did your crybaby thing and closed the thread. You got your way, why do you have to go on and on about it? Now you have to take the whiny act to a completely different thread and cry some more?

So no one can disagree with you? Everone is supposed to kiss your ass? I don't play that shit.

Yup, it sure is......

dude, the thread is open. :dunce:

see, still can't admit fault. even when someone says they felt offended.

i could give 2 shits about the thread, it's the true colors of those posting in it that is killing me.


Well-Known Member
This is seriously the best non-growing realated thread i've read in a long while.

I'm just gonna sit back with a nice fat bowl and take it all in.