Second Grow Auroa IndiCa


Well-Known Member
Thank you for visiting my journal. This will be my second attempt/Grow/ first one was botched by being discoverd by prying freinds of freidns
This is what my grow is going to be I have a closet im using i will be doing a SCROG set up with a 1000w HPS
Im going to be growing Auroa Indica one mother plant and others from small clones from her. I have 15 taken and so far three have rooted through the pellet and aother 3 are starting to root. i will be vegging under 2 t8 6500k dalight 48'' flourecent tube and a homade light which is alos 48'' hood with mylar wraped around its itis made out of cardboard and oo ave l;ights punched though the top of it i have 6 6500k 26 w cfl then a few 2700k 23 w cfl to even out the specturm and this all covers most the area of closet i will piost picutres later on tonight


Well-Known Member
well it's been a while but everything is finaly started! all the clones have rooted and are healthy around 8inches tall now. after doing some homeowrk i downsized to 8 plants in my area. i have also added another flouro tube and as the plamts get bigger will be adding more as needed. but the setup is this i found a table on the side of the road so i took it home washed it and cut holes in the topjust smaller then the lip ofmy pots and i set the pots in the table so they are almost completly flush with the table. and then my screen is from 9-10 inches from top of the pots. the screen is some garden mesh from home depot i have to cut the whole thing to size 2x2 holes the dimensions are as floows 65 1/2 x47x45x49' toput up the screen i scred some wood in the walls andthen used small haning hooks which i scred into the wood ( reason from the wood is the hooks wouldn't stay in the drywall)
for thelights i riggede up something that keeps them all leveland together there is a 1x4 spanning the lenght of the table and there are three lights so where each light sits i put hooks in the wood and then attched the lights to them(hooks) then i hung the board from the ceeling and fromm another board that is holing up my fan. youll see in the pics. so if you ahve any questions please askand feedback + or - is cool happy viewingl



Well-Known Member
plants are about 3 weeks old im have some prblmes witht he leaves there geting somme weird spots oon them it dosnt look bad but im not sure hwat it is alo theres white spots that are showing up on my plants they dont look like mites as there on tiop leaves but when i blow on them it comes off so probly some left over dust or something


Well-Known Member
thats what im thinking but i cant seem to find any ive let a couple geckos go in there along with handle full of lady bugs but its still persiting


Well-Known Member
I'm no pro... but I wouldn't worry about it. Doesn't look too bad. I have no idea what it is, but my guess is it will go away and when it doesn't happen to any of the new leaves, you'll never think about it again.

If it gets worse... that's when to worry. Thanks what I think at least.

I had some strange stuff gong on with some of my leaves right at the beginning... I think it is just the girls getting used to their new world.

ive let a couple geckos go in there along with handle full of lady bugs
... do live in a rain forrest or something... where you pulling geckos and shit from, haha?


Well-Known Member
thanks jigg i hope so ive been watching the new growth closely but it seems after the leaves mature this problem shows up im planning on nuting a 1/4 strenght tomrow or the next day


Well-Known Member
a lot of the older leaves on my plant have those kinds of defects as well... and i know there aren't any bugs, so i have no idea what is causing it? only on old leaves tho, weird!


Well-Known Member
humm oh well im not to worried about it any more well see what happens but thank you jigg and kimmi for stopping by please keep any eye and enjoy it.


Well-Known Member
also thank you to everyone esle didnt mean to singleout;
Hey moose,

Lookin good. Nice solution with the table. You got everything good and level. Haha and do i see the glimmers of a clear plastic tarp down there for drainage ;)? Could be interesting to suspend containers of some sort under the pots to collect the water and allow it to suck back into the soil, but i doubt you'll need it, just a thought.



Well-Known Member
haha great thought actualy that's a second grow going under the table, a whole nother set of clones that will be going out doors when I flower my curent scrog. So there is a total of nine clones leftover so im still figuing oiut drainage but its pretty much solved im going to go with somehting suspended from the buckets, what do you think about the screen hight is it ok?... as for the spots on the leaves are they looking decent?.


Well-Known Member
also iw want to use co2 but im not sure of exactly how andive looked at the faqs but theres not much there. what type of yeild increase can i look at my area about 5x3 area plus a;ittle extra


Well-Known Member
oh totaly missed last part of your post jigg ya geckosare really common here raintforest close enough

the420 apprentice

Well-Known Member
hay whats up moose nice setup you got there. the aura indica is a strain im going to order next month really like to see how yours turn out. might try some 12-12 seed from some of them or from clone. ill be checking in good luck.


Well-Known Member
what do you think about the screen hight is it ok?
I think it look alright... as long as you can reach everything... I can't tell if you can get around that table or not from the pics.

I like the light hanger thing with the boards... simple yet perfectly effective. My favorite.

I am very much looking forward to your grow. It's awesome to think at the end is a ton of pot.


Well-Known Member
Whatever is bothering your leaves doesn't seem to be affecting them too much. Probably isn't much to worry about IMO, but make sure to double check that they're not whiteflies. Once they get in, they can be hell trying to get rid of. IMO, the only thing worse are fuckin thrips. They're like cockroaches. You may get most of them, but you'll never get rid of em all.

As far as your setup goes, it's clean. Great job. Can't wait to see the buds that come off those.