The SuperCloset


Well-Known Member
Most of the trichs have ambered at the tops
and the buds are getting dense...on most of the
colas. Some haven't filled in quite as well, but I
should get a decend harvest soon in week or so.

PPM's have been high, but now it's straight Ph'd
water for the last week...

Ive been feeding my clones 3/4 solution...they are
responding well but still haven't outgrown the bottom
yet. I think I'm timing this well...

Girls at day one of week 9...

She's coming down first...very soon...

The end is near...


Well-Known Member
We should have a online harvest party! I think i'll be done very soon here myself. :0 I think somewhere in the next 3-4 days. wanna ? lol.


Well-Known Member
That's a little early for my girls, but my biggest may
be ready by then...well see in a few days...sounds good


Well-Known Member
Well I just went to check on them today! Looks like they are going today! woo hoo! 47 days. Trics are cloudy/amber. I don't like a huge body/couch lock so there good to me.


Well-Known Member
Some of my more developed girls have summoned me and
decided to be chopped...I harvested the main colas on my
biggest Blueberry girls and am now drying them in my herb

Here is one of my main colas...

Another one...

Chopping away...




Global Mod, Stoner Chic
WTG Johnny! Good looking buds, they look nice and sweet. Bet ya can't wait to fire one of those bad boys up eh? :peace:


Well-Known Member
Like you couldn't imagine chiceh...

Wet weight for the two biggest colas
was 57 grams each...

I'll get a total when I chop the rest later
today...then again I can only fit so much
in my dryer...


Well-Known Member
Nice work!! the next test of patience is the cure:mrgreen: too bad we couldn't have our harvest party, but i'm sure we will be smoking our bud together while flippin thru the pages of rollitup. Peace.:joint:


Well-Known Member
Thanks Mexi, Im not done yet though...that
was only 2 of my girls...still got 6 more...
Don't know where Im going to put them...


Well-Known Member
I'm guessing your clones are to flower? I just thought if not, you could go a little longer so all 6 are done. then turn off light and hang them all in the box?


Well-Known Member
Thanks dudes...

Yeah Mexi, as soon as I cut the rest my clones will
be coming up...they are overdue so I'm going to try
and fit it all in the dryer...well see how that works

Quick shot, trimmed a little better.
There was actually mold on one of them...

The rest coming tonight, or tommorow...


Well-Known Member
yeah you could use something like the plastic thing in a pizza box, coffe cups etc. use a bunch of em and make another level with cardboard full of holes or something for the air. just an:joint: idea.


Global Mod, Stoner Chic
Hey Johnny,
Cab you dry the buds in your cabinet? Never mind, you have your clones in there right? I dried mine in the cabinet with all the fans going. It was dry within 3 days.


Well-Known Member
I will def. maximize my space in my dryer mexi...
I still have much to harvest though so Chiceh; you
may be onto something. I could afford to leave my
clones in veg. for a few more days so I will probably
setup some trellis and hang the rest on it...

Pics coming in a few hours...when they wake up...


Well-Known Member
I got busy last night so def. tonight some more buds are coming
down. I can finally see some of the buds in the back and they
are sticky and glistening...very nice...

Picked up some jars, I can be hopeful right...

This was crystal...she's pertty aint she...

Sampled a smaller dry bud...a little harsh but an uplifting high...very stony.
