Humboldt County Nutrients

Skunk Baxter

Well-Known Member
Does anyone here have any experience using Humboldt County Nutrients? My grow shop is really raving them up, and I'm thinking of switching. They look like a pretty good product, but I've never heard of them before. Anyone have anything to say about 'em one way or the other?
I just picked some of these up, growing some Hibiscus Cannabinus with them, will let you guys know how they are. The dudes at the shop said he had some very good results with them. He also said that Humboldt Nutrients have the same chemist as Advanced Nutrients, but they are 1/3 the price of AN.
I have been using Humbolt Nutrients for a few waterings now and am quite impressed with them. I use their Oneness System which includes Oneness, SeaCal, and SeaMag. I am going to start flowering tonight and will be adding their Ginormous product to my waterings. When i bought the System, the guy at the grow shop gave me their soil schedule and I have been following it exactly. On their website they have schedules for 7-10 weeks of flowering. Pretty Cool..! I would recommend this product. Im curious to see how their Organic line is..
Thanks for the responses, guys. Yeah, I've been using the Master A, Master B, and Verde in veg for about a week now, and the only problem I can see so far is that you need to be very quick when you use it - because if you don't jump back the instant you add it to the rockwool, the plant will knock you over. It's only been a week and a half or so, but I'm very impressed thus far.
I personally think Humboldt County is 'House & Garden Van De Zwann' rebranded and reprinted in English. House & Garden is some good shit, Ive been using there nutrients for a year or so now. The only supplier of House & Garden is Humboldt Supplies..... Go figure.
so humboldt nutes suck. they are making my plants grow way too fast. i think i am going to run out of room.. haha
they are the best if you want organic...ive been using them since ive been into the hobby
dubrules im an orgc grwer and the product is the fuckin shit when you team it up with fox farm soil...humbodlt grow+humbodlt honey+humbodltbloom +root success fgs and fox farm=:weed: in my opinon thats all you need ive had amazin results
word. im going to get that organic line. i am using their oneness line with foxfarm ocean forest soil. youre right, its the shit.
I used Gravity for my last grow and that shite is hot bro!! Be careful and follow the directions. Dont use more than 1/2 recommended dosage. Even 1/2 seems like NOTHING!! I used 1ml per gal and my plants exploded
I used Gravity for my last grow and that shite is hot bro!! Be careful and follow the directions. Dont use more than 1/2 recommended dosage. Even 1/2 seems like NOTHING!! I used 1ml per gal and my plants exploded
i made the same mistake the first time I used that shit too...I guess you're supposed to drop nute strength to a 1/3 dose
I mix my nutes up in gallon jugs and 1ml is like a tear drop. Totally felt like giving it a good squirt. Even at that miniscule dosage, it slightly burned my girls.
i use Humboldts full line. i use their 3 part formula. sea cal/mag. verde. myco madness. humboldt roots. mayan mycozyme. flavorful. honey es. only thing is i use atami bloombastic instead of ginormous.

my plants are ridiculous.

i also sometimes use Humboldt bushmaster if im growing sativas to keep the nodes smaller.
I was told today by the hydro store employee that humboldt is owned by one of the founders of advanced. Dont know if thats what he heard or if its truth.
i use humboldt co products(bushmaster, purple maxx, and gravity) they are good products, they run a lil hot tho, so use low doses.
Brother I saw in another post, u seem like u think Humboldt Nutrients is the same company as Humboldt County' Own. They're 2 different companies. Some of the readers are getting the wrong info, so sorry I had to correct. Humboldt Nutrients(which ARE supposedly the a couple of scientist from Advanced Nutrients) is what this thread is about. NOW Gravity, Purple Maxx, and Bushmaster are made by Humboldt County's Own. A COMPLETELY DIFFERENT COMPANY! Emerald Triangle Humboldt County's Own is actually a dude(Doc) who owns a Hydro store in Cali called Eels River Hydroponics. Just to set the record straight. I know this is an old post as is the other one I posted in. But i feel that the people reading need to know the facts. Peace!
they are the shit i started flowering at 3ft and ended up at 6.5 ft workks good with big bud ,piranha,tarantula,bud candyfrom advance nutes.
Ok people humboldt county's own is not connected to advanced nutrients I have talked to thier chemist and growers. If using other nutes or multiple humbolt nutes cut in 1/3 dosage. I have seen side by side comparisons of this stuff done by me and I'll tell you what it produces profound effects! If anyone has questions about this stuff write me.