This blows


Well-Known Member
Ok so I am giving my friend Jenny a ride back to her dorm when we pass by a smoking hot chick wearing tight shorts and a pink sports bra. Jenny catches me staring and says "yeah she does look pretty amazing in that..." Ok that isn't too out of the ordinary. Then I comment that last week I passed by at least 2 different girl's athletic teams gogging on either side of the road and just about crashed. She starts laughing and says "that is the funniest thing you have ever said!" So I ask what makes it so funny...

"Well you don't normally act like such a guy..."

Umm, wtf am I supposed to think about that?


Active Member
Grab her ass. That'll show her. I joke.

On a serious note, take it as a compliment. She likes being around you.


Well-Known Member
Hmm, sounds like a bad thing to me, seeing as youre a guy. So if you dont act like a guy, then you act like....a girl? Is that a good thing? I dont know, depends on the girl I guess.


Well-Known Member
No joke right?

She is just so complicated I don't know what to think. She cries when she laughs, she laughs when she should be crying.


Well-Known Member
Hmm...I could imagine it being a compliment if you were doing something considered "manly" that is disgusting or a turn off, but just looking at a hot girl doesnt come off that way to me. I mean, girls look at guys, in fact girls are always checking out other girls too. So I am going to have to go with natrone on this one lol.


Well-Known Member
Unless of course she does think just looking at a girl is disgusting or disrespectful or something, in which case she is just wierd.


Well-Known Member
I don't normally stare. I only noticed because well, its been a cold winter and she wasn't wearing much. She even agreed that she was looking mighty fine so I don't think she associates looking at chicks with being gross as much as just being a guy thing. I so confused.


Well-Known Member
It doesn't sound that complicated at all. You don't act as masculine as most guys she's around. She's just comparing you to a stereotypical idea of what a man should act like, confident, assertive, aggressive and so on...


Well-Known Member
I highly doubt she was trying to be insulting... but I dunno, I wasn't there.. .and I'm not her. I'd ask her about it if I were you.


Well-Known Member
Man this is eating at He's gunna bust into this girls dorm "WTF do you mean I'm not like other guys"

Being for real though Your gunna have to step your SWAG up. You don't want to be typecast as the guy "friend". I'm not saying you need to go out and start yelling at broads out your car window or anything but your going to have to step it up a little.