dude, just honey? In water? No way. I missed something. lol.
try the can, no need for hydro stores. fish store. no chems needed. just help.
try rr or peat pellets. They sell all this at home depot or better lowes. You guys need to get out to the garden center, not the garden store or the hydro store, but the garden center at most big stores. Even sears and K-mart. I dont go to walmart. They have everyting you need to clone. Home depot has pure B1 in fact. They got clone domes, clone kits, starter soil, olivias and cloning powders which most say are better. All at any garden SECTION at any big store.
I never go to a hydro store. I hear they are all watched and even tho I am legal my tax dollars can be better spent. I got my lights on eBay. And I have mailed myself some dirt. lol.