organic cloning?


Active Member
hey. i read an article about cloning and it said instead of the rooting hormone or rooting powder u could use honey. i dnt have access to any rooting powder or gel. so i was wondering how i could clone my female plant without the powder or gel.

anyone got any ideas?
and does honey actually work? :?
for some ppl the bubbler cloner works for some ppl the plant just start rotting... I just use cloning gel or powder, you cant get it at walmart...
yes it doesnt even have to be a buubler you can clone in a cup of water alone..... do a goole search avent got the info on hand but its around hope this helps....

Cloning is 2 steps above voodoo.

In college we used rootone and whatever was in the soil bin and clones magically grew in the greehouse. I've seen people use just a glass of tap water, others really like bubbles.

I make a wick cloner with cd spindle covers, vermiculite, tap water, and whatever rooting hormone I can find.
thanks for all the help. im gonna check wal mart for the rooting gel. i didnt think theyd have it. then again organic is always better. ill try both. where can i get earth juice at? online? i also might clone my smaller plant. ill use plain water. thanks again for all the help.
thanks "dont bogart"

that was probably the most helpful reply so far. it helped alot. im gonna try that today.
have aspirin?

crush an aspirin to powder then add a small amount of water (distilled, or somehow Ph balanced) and that makes a rooting ......paste.

i've used this for many things, including grafting a male lemon tree branch to a female tree, it works well.
I just cloned 100 percent successgul using this method. Take some cutting fresh from your plants. Slice off with a razor blade. Take and while holding under water recut at a 45degree angle to paranoically :) prevent air embolisms ( air getting trapped in stem) and then

take regular coffee can with plastic lid
poke holes in lid
place ro water up to limit
place lid one
place airstone in attached to pump

and then place cuttings into the coffee can. You should see roots in a few days. This one strain I have (I have two strains) took like 2 weeks though, weird but others took a few days. I have done this with nothing but ro water and done this with a few organic "helpers". liquid karma, etc. I did not even use cloning gel. Very easy. I am happier to use RR as they give a more stable clone but I am sure you have been told this already.

Take cut.
place in RR
use dome for 2 days
dont mist plants, just lid
wait. keep moist.

dont use any chems, it still works. I use liquid karma dip. 10 ml to a gallon of ro water. Also I dropped some bat guano in their as I hear P helps. I have 100 percent luck with this but it takes a little while longer than can with less success rate. Better clones tho. I will rip out a dwc clone in favor of a stronger RR clone.
Any hydroponics stores near you? Im lucky enough to have several in my area. I always thought there was only one in my area until I ran out of Olivias and my regular store is cloed on sunday, I did a search for Olivias in my city and more hydro stores popped up. Just search for a product you know is only sold in specialty stores.

BTW dirt, is this a method you just started using? I may try that sometime, I rarely lose a clone myself, but I wonder when I do if its because of an air bubble.
nah. no hrdro stores that i know of. does the asprin thing really work? or the honey thing? i tried plain water and it has new growth after 4 days.

anyway, i have a 26 inch plant in the flowering stage. its 2-1/2 weeks into flowering. no buds yet. just huge female flowers. should there be buds yet? or am i impatient...
anyway i wanna take cuttings and put them straight into flowering. i read this would work just fine. anyone ever try this?

anyway the cuttings im goin to take are about 5 inches long. any advice would be great. thanks.
i tried the honey. it didnt turn out too good. one clone died after 1 day. the other which was used with honey also, is living but it dosnt look too good.
dude, just honey? In water? No way. I missed something. lol.

try the can, no need for hydro stores. fish store. no chems needed. just help.

try rr or peat pellets. They sell all this at home depot or better lowes. You guys need to get out to the garden center, not the garden store or the hydro store, but the garden center at most big stores. Even sears and K-mart. I dont go to walmart. They have everyting you need to clone. Home depot has pure B1 in fact. They got clone domes, clone kits, starter soil, olivias and cloning powders which most say are better. All at any garden SECTION at any big store.

I never go to a hydro store. I hear they are all watched and even tho I am legal my tax dollars can be better spent. I got my lights on eBay. And I have mailed myself some dirt. lol.